New Instagram feed for Romance Language Collections

 UC Berkeley Romance Language Collections

The new Romance Language Collections Instagram feed brings forth little known and new resources and services in the UC Berkeley Library. Once you start following you’ll instantly receive early notices of new books, e-resources, exhibits, readings and more through your smartphone.

New Resources in Literature

three quarter image of doe library
Three quarter view of the East and North facades.” Daniel L. Lu, CC BY-SA 4.0

by Taylor Follett

Fall semester is always a time of fresh beginnings — new classes, new faces, and most excitingly for those of us at the library, access to new resources. We hope that the following new databases, books, journals, and much more will be of value to those studying literature. Here are some highlights for undergraduates, graduate students, and professors alike.

Continue reading “New Resources in Literature”

New: Early European Books Online


Early European Books Online (EEB) is a collection of digitized European books printed in the early modern period (1450s-1700). With strong representation in Danish, Dutch, French, Italian, and Latin among many other languages, this collection will be of interest to scholars in literature, philosophy, history, and religion. Works include those by Tycho Brahe, Michelangelo Buonarrotie the Younger (nephew of the painter Michelangelo), Nostradamus, Blaise Pascal, Rene Descartes, John Calvin, and many more.

The collection is drawn from the Danish Royal Library, the National Central Library in Florence, the National Library of France, the National Library of the Netherlands, the Wellcome Library in London, and others. It complements Berkeley’s access to Early English Books Online.

Search by country of publication, language, page features (illustration, musical notation), and source library. You may include historical and linguistic variants in your search. Books can be browsed in an online Flash-based viewer or downloaded as JPEGs or PDFs. Scans are of the entire physical object and pages, including marginalia and binding. Early European Books is moving to a new platform this year, so look forward to improved speed and usability.

Please contact a reference librarian or subject librarian if you have any questions.

August New Books in Art History / Classics Library

You can find these and other new art history acquisitions on the New Books shelf in the Art History / Classics Library.

Ilya and Emilia Kabakov                              Cranach natürlich                                     O.R. Schatzzeichnis

Mockva / Sandra Ratkovic                                       Double Vision                                      1001 faces of Orientalism

The museum of lost art                               New China eye witness                               Art and war in the Pacific world

Graphic Novels from Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal and Spain

Jacques Prévert n'est pas un poète
Jacques Prévert n’est pas un poète by Bourhis Cailleaux. Marcinelle : Dupuis, 2017.

Here’s a fairly complete list of most of the graphic novels acquired by the Library in the romance languages from southern Europe over the past two years. Some are critical or reference works, and a few English translations have been included as well.

List continues on the library research guide for European Comics & Graphic Novels—>

Fun by Paolo Bacilieri
Fun by Paolo Bacilieri. Bologna : Coconino Press, 2014.

August New Books

You can find these and other new art history acquisitions on the New Books shelf in the Art History / Classics Library.

Ed Pien: luminous shadows                                            Sea Change                                                     Inadvertent Images


Denn was innen, das ist aussentti           Plains Indian art of the early reservation era       Haus Mödrath Räume für Kunst


Instant Stories                                                        Parallel Wings                                                   La France vie d’ici

New Publication By Professor Julia Bryan-Wilson: Trevor Paglen at the Limit

Be sure to read Professor Julia Bryan-Wilson’s survey essay, Trevor Paglen at the Limit,  in the new monograph, Trevor Paglen by Phaidon press.

Trevor Paglen by Phaidon Press

“Julia Bryan Wilson, in her Survey text, offers a chronological analysis of Paglen’s oeuvre, using geometric terms such as ‘voids’ and ‘lines’ as entry points into the work and to highlight both the multi-dimensionality and formal rigour of Paglen’s practice. ”

“Trevor Paglen’s art gives visual geography to hidden forces, relentlessly pursuing what he calls the ‘unseeable and undocumentable’ in contemporary society. Blending photography, installation, investigative journalism, and science, Paglen explores the clandestine activity of government and intelligence agencies, using high-grade equipment to document their movements and reveal their hidden inner workings. This book presents over three decades of Paglen’s groundbreaking work, making visible the structures and technologies that impact our lives.” -Phaidon

New Publication from Professor Lauren Kroiz

The recent publication Cultivating Citizens: the Regional Work of Art in the New Deal Era by Lauren Kroiz, Associate Professor of Art History,  is now available from U.C. Press.

Cultivating Citizens by Lauren Kroiz

From the U.C. Press website:

“A model of stylistic clarity and scholarly research, Lauren Kroiz’s book is an in-depth, riveting analysis of the intersection of art, pedagogy, and the careers of Thomas Hart Benton, John Steuart Curry, and Grant Wood. The new information and fresh perspectives she provides make her book a required text for any serious student of Regionalism.”— Barbara Haskell, curator, Whitney Museum of American Art

Cultivating Citizens focuses on Regionalists and their critics as they worked with and against universities, museums, and the burgeoning field of sociology. Lauren Kroiz shifts the terms of an ongoing debate over subject matter and style, producing the first study of Regionalist art education programs and concepts of artistic labor.”




May New Books in Art History

You can find these and other new art history acquisitions on the New Books shelf in the Art History / Classics Library.

Rubens : the power of transformation
Rubens : the power of transformation


Drachenlandung : ein Hildesheimer Drachen-Aquamanile des 12. Jahrhunderts
Drachenlandung : ein Hildesheimer Drachen-Aquamanile des 12. Jahrhunderts


Culturescapes Greece : archaeology of the future
Culturescapes Greece : archaeology of the future


Complementary contrasts : the glass and steel structures of Albert Paley
Complementary contrasts : the glass and steel structures of Albert Paley


Chiharu Shiota : under the skin
Chiharu Shiota : under the skin