Tag: ebooks
Workshop reminder — Publish Digital Books & Open Educational Resources with Pressbooks
Date/Time: Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 11:00am–12:00pm
Location: Zoom. RSVP.
If you’re looking to self-publish work of any length and want an easy-to-use tool that offers a high degree of customization, allows flexibility with publishing formats (EPUB, PDF), and provides web-hosting options, Pressbooks may be great for you. Pressbooks is often the tool of choice for academics creating digital books, open textbooks, and open educational resources, since you can license your materials for reuse however you desire. Learn why and how to use Pressbooks for publishing your original books or course materials. You’ll leave the workshop with a project already under way.
Curious about how UC Berkeley faculty, students, and staff have used Pressbooks? Check out some of the Berkeley-created digital books and resources below, or browse over 8,000 open access books on the Pressbooks Directory.
Workshop Reminder — Publish Digital Books & Open Educational Resources with Pressbooks
Date/Time: Tuesday, April 9, 2024, 11:00am–12:30pm
Location: Online. Register via LibCal and you’ll receive the Zoom link for the event.
If you’re looking to self-publish work of any length and want an easy-to-use tool that offers a high degree of customization, allows flexibility with publishing formats (EPUB, PDF), and provides web-hosting options, Pressbooks may be great for you. Pressbooks is often the tool of choice for academics creating digital books, open textbooks, and open educational resources, since you can license your materials for reuse however you desire. Learn why and how to use Pressbooks for publishing your original books or course materials. You’ll leave the workshop with a project already under way.
Curious about how UC Berkeley faculty, students, and staff have used Pressbooks? Check out some of the Berkeley-created digital books and resources below, or browse over 6,400 open access books on the Pressbooks Directory.
New Publication by Art History Faculty Henrike Lange
You can view Art History Professor Henrike Lange’s new book Eclipse and Revelation: Total Solar Eclipses in Science, History, Literature and the Arts, online.
From the Oxford University Press website:
“A total solar eclipse is a spectacle without equal. Henrike Christiane Lange and Tom McLeish study the human and cultural impact of totality. Every human culture has a mythology about solar eclipses. These stories should be told and this book is an excellent survey of many cultures across the continents and throughout the centuries. I especially enjoyed the excerpts from Tom McLeish’s travel diary from August 2017 which capture the thrill of the chase and the allure of the corona in the co-authored Introduction. Chapter 2 by my late friend Jay Pasachoff on the solar corona is a masterclass in science communication. I highly recommend Eclipse & Revelation to anyone interested in solar eclipses and their many interactions with humanity.” — Michael Zeiler, Cartographer and Eclipse Chaser
“Genius! Truly marvelous and relevant work, beautifully illustrated and delivered: an utterly brilliant new take on interdisciplinary collaborations between the arts, humanities, and sciences exploring a gripping natural phenomenon across human history. Unlike any other, this book includes fascinating perspectives and early science from ancient Asia, Assyria, Babylonia, India, China, Greece and Rome, the scientific revolution to the present… – all topped off with the latest meteorological methods and a conclusion that creates a poetic awareness of the entire cosmos… Lange and McLeish deliver a passionate defense of the liberal arts and a delightful account of the perpetual curiosity, excitement, joy, and enduring love of wisdom at the core of the scientific and scholarly life.” — Andrew Stewart, Professor emeritus, History of Art and Classics at the University of California, Berkeley
Native American Heritage Month Art Resources
November is National Native American Heritage Month. Check out these online resources about Native American Art. Come see additional titles on display in the Art History/ Classics Library.
The Sweet Smell of Home Unsettling Native Art Histories… Women and Ledger Art
Shifting Grounds Mapping Modernisms Making History
Indigenuity Art for an Undivided Earth Art for a New Understanding
Ebook collection: Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment ONLINE
Oxford University Studies in the Englightenment Online is made up of two monograph series: Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century (SVEC) (first published in 1955) and Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment (955-2016). The collection of 572 volumes provides a broad overview of a variety of subjects relating to the Enlightenment including: history, cultural studies, literature, biography, religious studies, philosophy, and gender studies.
Primary sources: Russian language historical ebook collections
This post highlights some of the Library’s acquisitions of Russian-language historical ebook collections that may have escaped your notice.
Soviet Anti-Religious Propaganda ebook collection
East View has digitized a collection of 280 e-books that are most emblematic of Soviet anti-religious fervor. They were published mainly in the 1920s and 1930s on a variety of atheist or anti-religious topics, with titles including Christianity versus Communism, Church versus Democracy, and The Trial of God.
Another collection from East View of 116 ebooks, originally published from 1928 to 1948, relating to the golden age of Soviet Cinema.
An ebook collection of 778 works from Brill Online. It represents works of all Russian literary avant-garde schools, most published betwen 1910-1940. According to the publisher, “the strength of this collection is in its sheer range. It contains many rare and intriguingly obscure books, as well as well-known and critically acclaimed texts, almanacs, periodicals, literary manifests. This makes it a gold mine for art historians and literary scholars alike. Represented in it are more than 30 literary groups without which the history of twentieth-century Russian literature would have been very different. Among the groups included are the Ego-Futurists and Cubo-Futurists, the Imaginists, the Constructivists, the Biocosmists, and the infamous nichevoki – who, in their most radical manifestoes, professed complete abstinence from literary creation.”
Celebrate Earth Week with Art/Ecology Texts Online
Here are some featured e-Resources from the Art & Architecture ePortal. Click the titles below to view them on the portal.
Celebrating Women’s History Month in Art History
Check out these online resources available through UC Library Search. Click on the titles to view them in the catalog, or visit the Art History/ Classics Library to view new publications of women artists on display.
A time of one’s own : histories of feminism in contemporary art
Counterpractice : psychoanalysis, politics and the art of French feminism
Black Matrilineage, Photography, and Representation: Another Way of Knowing
The Art of Being Dangerous Exploring Women and Danger through Creative Expression
Women artists in the early modern courts of Europe (c. 1450-1700)
Women art workers and the Arts and Crafts movement
Griot Potters of the Folona : the History of an African Ceramic Tradition
Feminist visual activism and the body
Picturing political power : images in the women’s suffrage movement
Upcoming Workshop: Publish Digital Books and Open Educational Resources with Pressbooks
Workshop Date/Time: Wednesday, February 8, 2023, 11:00am–12:30pm
Register to receive Zoom link
If you’re looking to self-publish work of any length and want an easy-to-use tool that offers a high degree of customization, allows flexibility with publishing formats (EPUB, PDF), and provides web-hosting options, Pressbooks may be great for you. Pressbooks is often the tool of choice for academics creating digital books, open textbooks, and open educational resources, since you can license your materials for reuse however you desire. Learn why and how to use Pressbooks for publishing your original books or course materials. You’ll leave the workshop with a project already under way! Signup at the link above and the Zoom login details will be emailed to you.
Please sign up today and join us online on February 8.
Primary Sources: Books of Modern China & Picture Gallery of Chinese Modern Literature
The Library has recently acquired Books of Modern China (1840-1949), 中国近代图书全文数据库, a collection of more than 120,000 Chinese books published in Mainland China. Many of them are unique titles and are only available through this digital collection from the Shanghai Library.
The Picture Gallery of Chinese Modern Literature (1833-1949), 图述百年—中国近代文献图库 contains more than one million images that have been collected from books, periodicals, newspapers, and old photos held by the Shanghai Library.
These resources have been added to the History: Asia guide.