Tag: trial resource
[Library Trial] Cuban Periodicals: Cultural Magazines Published by Casa de las Américas, 1960–2009
The Library has set up a thirty-day trial of Brill’s database of Cuban Periodicals. It might be accessed after authenticating here: http://ucberk.li/cubanperiodicals
Cuban Periodicals: Cultural Magazines Published by Casa de las Américas, 1960–2009

Trial: Classic Brazilian Cinema Online (Brill) ends on June 6, 2020
Classic Brazilian Cinema Online
If you now go to https://primarysources.brillonline.com/browse/classic-brazilian-cinema-online you will find you have complete access to the resource. Brazilian cinema gained international acclaim through the Cinema Novo of Glauber Rocha, Nelson Pereira dos Santos and other directors in the 1960s. Yet Brazil produced numerous films throughout its various regions since as early as 1896. Until now, a proper appreciation of early Brazilian cinema has been hampered by the loss of a significant number of the films, as well as a lack of available printed sources pertaining to Brazil’s movie industry.”
The trial will go on through June 6, 2020
Sources from the Cinemateca do Museu de Arte Moderna (MAM) in Rio de Janeiro; New York University Libraries; and four private collectors in Brazil
• Unique access to more than 60 magazines • Fan magazines, trade magazines, Cinema Novo magazines
• Covering the period 1913–1974 • Ca. 75,000 full-color images • Full-text search functionality
Fair Academic Use Only.
These images may be protected by the U. S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C).
Trial: Fold3 database
Until October 21, 2019, the Library has trial access to Fold3, which provides access to military records from the Revolutionary War to recent operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, sourced from the National Archives and institutions across the country. The resource also includes non-military records relating to the Holocaust, Black History, Native Americans, the Great Depression, and more.
Fold3 can be accessed from on campus only. Please send any feedback you have to dorner@berkeley.edu.
Trial: Fire Insurance Maps Online
The Library has a trial for Fire Insurance Maps Online (FIMo) through February 28. The trial is set up for access on campus but not via EZProxy so you will need to be on campus or use the VPN to access the resource.
Fire insurance maps were originally created to assist fire insurance companies with assessing their liability in urban areas. They contain detailed information about properties and individual buildings.
Go to https://fims.historicalinfo.com Use the interactive map search or search by place name. During the trial you can search and view historical map coverage throughout the U.S., but will not be able to download full resolution imagery.