Tag: preservation
DH+Lib: Building and Preserving Collections for Digital Humanities Research

Wednesday, April 17th, 9:30 – 11:00 AM
Doe 180
This session will feature panelists building collections and tools for local digital humanities projects. Kathryn Stine, manager for digital content development and strategy at the California Digital Library, will talk about building web archive collections through collaboration, preparing these collections for discovery and use, and tapping the research potential of the resulting captured content and data. Mary Elings, Head of Technical Services for The Bancroft Library, will talk about the role libraries can play in developing research-ready digital collections to facilitate emerging research methods. And Gisèle Tanasse, Film & Media Services Librarian at the Library, will discuss her role in Shakespeare’s Staging, a DH project to help digitize, preserve, and make accessible Shakespeare performances from UC Berkeley students.
DH Fair 2019
2019 DH Fair Library Committee
Stacy Reardon, Chair
Lynn Cunningham
Mary Elings
Jeremy Ott
Liladhar Pendse
Claude Potts
Digital Humanities for Tomorrow
Opening the Conversation About DH Project Preservation
By Rachael G. Samberg & Stacy Reardon

Digital Object Maker. Sayf, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
After intensive research, hard work, and maybe even fundraising, you launch your digital humanities (DH) project into the world. Researchers anywhere have instant access to your web app, digital archive, data set, or project website. But what will happen to your scholarly output in five years? In twenty-five? What happens if you change institutions, or institutional priorities shift? Will your digital project be updated or forced to close up shop? Who should ensure that your project remains available to researchers? Which departments should guide long-term sustainability of your research? Continue reading “Digital Humanities for Tomorrow”
Collection Services Annual Report fy 2013
The Collection Services Annual Report 2013 is now available.
From the Introduction
Fiscal year 2012-13 was a busy and productive year for Berkeley collections, made possible by the hard work of the the staff and librarians in CS units, Acquisitions, Cataloging, Licensing, Preservation, and by the Collection Services Council, the Collections Budget Group, the Scholarly Communication Advisory Group, and the Cataloging and Metadata Council.
We’d also like to thank the Library Applications & Programming staff, without whom many projects and proposals could not be realized; the Subject Councils for responding to requests for feedback on a wide variety of complicated and important issues; and to library selectors for managing their funds wisely, for timely responses to requests for information in support of licensing negotiations, and for their dedication to building the best collections possible for the UC Berkeley community.
Be sure to follow you particular curiosities in Appendix 1: Acquisitions, Appendix 2: Cataloging, Appendix 3: Preservation, Appendix 4: Collection Development & Scholarly Communication, and Appendix 5: CSC participation on groups outside CSC.
UC Participation in HathiTrust
I posted a blog on November 9, 2011 to highlight selected results from the HathiTrust Constitutional Convention. The statement below from the Council of University Librarians (CoUL) puts my post into perspective and explains why we are participating in the HathiTrust. I trust you will find the CoUL statement interesting and useful.
Best regards, Bernie
To: Diane Bisom, Chair, SOPAG, for distribution to the ACGs and campus libraries
From: Ginny Steel, Chair, CoUL
Re: UC Participation in HathiTrust
As you may know, the University of California Libraries, a founding member of the HathiTrust Digital Library, recently participated as a delegation to the HathiTrust Constitutional Convention in Washington DC, along with 63 other partner institutions. The purpose of the Constitutional Convention was to formalize the governance structure for HathiTrust now that it has a sizeable membership and has established itself as a trusted digital repository. A review of the Constitutional Convention and the outcomes of the ballot initiatives presented and deliberated are available at:
and the official notes from the Constitutional Convention are at:
The HathiTrust Digital Library is an inter-institutional digital preservation repository of primarily mass-digitized books made accessible through a highly functional access platform. It provides long-term preservation and, as appropriate, access services for public domain and in- copyright content from a variety of sources, including Google, the Internet Archive, Microsoft, and in-house partner institution initiatives. The Council of University Librarians (CoUL) has identified participation in the HathiTrust Digital Library as a major collaborative strategic initiative of the ten University of California Libraries and the California Digital Library (CDL). Through membership in HathiTrust, the UC libraries will be able to maximize long-term access to digital content, a key element in our quest to capitalize on technological opportunities to accelerate the transition to a primarily digital environment. CDL and UC Libraries staff are participating in the strategic development, technology architecture development, and governance of the HathiTrust.
Membership in the HathiTrust provides the following significant benefits to the UC Libraries:
· Unification of our UC content digitized by Google and the Internet Archive (IA). Books digitized by Google (including more than 1.4 million volumes from UC) form the backbone of the repository, but Internet Archive-digitized volumes and locally-digitized books from the University of Michigan are also included. UC will contribute all of its mass digitization materials (currently almost 3 million volumes). The HathiTrust is also committed to including public domain content from non-Google partners.
• Greater service to users through combined content and access to materials digitized by other institutions. This includes content from partner libraries found nowhere else on the web or specifically opened (in the case of copyright-restricted materials) by copyright holders for access to users in HathiTrust.
• Opportunity to provide deeper support for scholarly access to mass digitized materials, including the abilities to retrieve content in different formats (e.g. plain text, PDF, and page image), browse and facet search results, define full-text searches across selected bodies of content, and save items to targeted collections.
· Reduced costs resulting from sharing access and preservation services with multiple partners.
The Council of University Librarians views the HathiTrust Digital Library as a significant tool in the development and support of the UC Libraries’ digital collections and as a resource for expanding access to and delivery of UC’s remarkable collections.
Additional information about the HathiTrust is available at: http://www.hathitrust.org/home and at: http://www.cdlib.org/services/hathi/faq.html
Library binding update
Hi all,
I hope you heard the good news from Bernie at the August 11th Collections Early Bird that the Library is able to provide a one-time supplement of $150,000 to the binding budget for FY11/12. With the supplement, the Preservation Department will be able to bind nearly as many volumes this year as last (80- 85% of last year).
July’s report of use of allocations, unit by unit, as well as the additional allocations from the one-time supplement, is located at http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/Staff/CS/pdfs/binding_july2011new.pdf. The report will be updated each month by the Binding Preparation Division (BPD) so you can reconcile your counts agains BPD counts. If you have questions about your allocation, or BPD’s reports of its use, please call Tom Perry-Houts in BPD at 2.8140.
Thanks much for your essential work to help ensure the collections remain in serviceable condition and accessible to our users!
WEST has an expanded website
CDL has just announced that the WEST Regional Storage Trust website has been expanded to pull together much of the descriptive materials that previously were spread over several documents.
Powerpoint slides (much like those Emily Stambaugh shared at our Feburary Early Bird) are also available. Go to the About page and select West Orientation (PDF) from the right-hand sidebar.
Of particular interest to us, is this teaser “We are also developing a wiki which will contain working documents and project information for WEST members. We will send a separate message with information about accessing the wiki once it is available.”
Springer Joins LOCKSS – Berkeley Will Benefit
The LOCKSS Program is pleased to announce Springer’s participation in the Global LOCKSS Network.
Springer has committed for LOCKSS preservation nearly 42,000 e-books; more than 2000 e-journals, 174 eReference works, and 22,000 Protocols. By implementing a library ownership model, Springer is enabling libraries to fulfill a core library mission – to build and preserve digital library collections.
The LOCKSS Program balances the needs of libraries and publishers to access and preserve important scholarly materials over time. LOCKSS libraries have perpetual access to content preserved in their institution’s LOCKSS Box. Note, the Library maintains a LOCKSS box and will have preservation access to all content that Springer commits.
Springer Science+Business Media is a leading global scientific publisher, publishing around 2,000 journals and more than 6,500 new books a year. It has the largest STM eBook Collection worldwide, and the largest business-to-business publisher in the German language.
The LOCKSS Program is a unit of the Stanford University Libraries. Founded in 1998 libraries are building and preserving general collections in the Global LOCKSS Network. Approximately 450 publishers have committed their content for LOCKSS preservation. Libraries are using Private LOCKSS Network to preserve government documents (Digital Federal Depository Library Program), data sets, and special collections materials. See www.lockss.org
UC’s mass digitization project — milestone
UC’s mass digitization project has hit an impressive milestone by digitizing the 3 millionth book!
To celebrate this event, the University Librarians each chose a book to highlight from the digitized collections:
Congratulations to all across UC who have participated in this extraordinary effort.
Especially to our NRLF Google book digitization team who provided a very substantial number of these books for digitization!
Download PDFs and Build Collections in Hathi Trust
UC Berkeley campus IT and Hathi Trust have successfully enabled CalNet ID-authorization for the UC Berkeley community. This opens options at Hathi Trust available only to member institutions:
- you can now print and download pdfs of materials in the public domain, and
- you can build, save and share personal collections.
For more information, see Hathi Help.
UC Berkeley Space Planning for Library Materials
Available space for UC Berkeley Library books and journals is shrinking fast. Given the current budgetary crisis, there is little prospect of obtaining additional space in the foreseeable future. The Library needs to begin planning for a time when we have to withdraw one print item for every new print item we acquire. When this will happen is difficult to estimate, but our best guess is that we will be in a “one-in, one-out” mode in four to five years.
The pressures on available space are many. In about a year, the Southern Regional Library Facility (SRLF) will be filled for the most common sizes of materials. The Phase 3 addition to the SRLF has been put on permanent hold because of the State fiscal crisis. The RLFs are University-wide facilities, so once the SRLF is full, the materials that would have gone there will be stored in the Northern Regional Library Facility (NRLF). This means that the NRLF will fill up in approximately half the time than originally planned. In addition, UC campuses are increasingly moving books and journals to the RLFs to free up on-campus space for other library and non-library uses. There are many examples of this on the Berkeley campus.
The UC University Librarians have instituted a number of polices and initiatives to make the best use of the space we have remaining. They have implemented a no-duplication policy between the NRLF and SRLF. That is, if an item is already stored in one RLF, a duplicate cannot be sent to the other for storage.
UC Libraries have also joined the Western Storage Trust (WEST) initiative. See: http://blogs.lib.berkeley.edu/Collections.php/2010/09/08/west-the-western-regional-storage-trust. This effort will coordinate member deposits, with a goal of reducing the duplication of titles across these member libraries, thereby freeing up space to ensure preservation and access to other unique materials.
The UC Berkeley Library has created a policy that asks selectors to carefully consider forgoing the purchase of print journals when online is available and long-time preservation is assured. This policy does recognize that there are cases when a print journal should be purchased in addition to electronic access. This policy serves two purposes: to preserve available space for materials that are only available in print and to free funding (i.e., the cost of the print) for the purchase of more unique content. See:
Regards, Bernie