Vendor Visit: Harrassowitz

Berkeley’s Harrassowitz representative Kasia Stasik will be visiting campus on Thursday November 14th.  A presentation on Harrassowitz’s online selection tool OttoEditions will take place from 1pm to 3pm in 303 Doe.  Time will also be reserved for selector questions related to their current profiles and other services Harrasssowitz offers.

For more information, contact Jason Schultz.

Jan Carter, our new Fund Coordinator for Arts & Humanities

I’m very pleased to announce that Jan Carter agreed in August to join the Collections Budget Group as the Fund Coordinator for the Arts & Humanities Group.  I also want to thank Jan for attending the July CBG meeting on an ad hoc basis as the A & H representative.

Jan is the selector and liaison for Philosophy, Religious Studies, Rhetoric and Graduate Services, and active member of the Arts & Humanities Council. Jan is also the CDL Resource Liaison for several philosophy and religion resources and participates in the UC Bibliographers Group for Philosophy and Religious Studies.

In addition to evaluating collections in her areas of selection, Jan has provided leadership in managing broader Doe and Moffitt NRLF projects, and recently served on the Large-Scale Collection Reviews Working Group.  She was also a member of the Role of the Librarian Team in the Library’s Re-Envisioning process.  Jan’s ability to take a library-wide perspective and her deep understanding of collection development and management issues make her an excellent addition to CBG.

–Jean McKenzie

Collection Services Annual Report fy 2013

The Collection Services Annual Report 2013 is now available.

From the Introduction

Fiscal year 2012-13 was a busy and productive year for Berkeley collections, made possible by the hard work of the the staff and librarians in CS units, Acquisitions, Cataloging, Licensing, Preservation, and by the Collection Services Council, the Collections Budget Group, the Scholarly Communication Advisory Group, and the Cataloging and Metadata Council.

We’d also like to thank the Library Applications & Programming staff, without whom many projects and proposals could not be realized; the Subject Councils for responding to requests for feedback on a wide variety of complicated and important issues; and to library selectors for managing their funds wisely, for timely responses to requests for information in support of licensing negotiations, and for their dedication to building the best collections possible for the UC Berkeley community.

Be sure to follow you particular curiosities in Appendix 1: Acquisitions, Appendix 2: Cataloging, Appendix 3: Preservation, Appendix 4: Collection Development & Scholarly Communication, and Appendix 5: CSC participation on groups outside CSC.

Licensing digital resources: Tiers 1-2-3.

In response to a request by the Collection Services Council, Margaret Phillips has created an overview of UC’s tiered approach to licensing digital resources including some useful links.

This great information is available directly at Or if you want to follow the breadcrumbs

  • start at the /CS home page
  • select “UC Tiers 1-2-3 and Shared Print”
  • select “Licensing digital resources : Tiers 1-2-3”


Collection Services – Easier to find help and to make requests

Over the last few months, several projects have been sponsored by Collection Services Council, and I’m happy to announce that all the pieces have come together. The goal has been, as always, to make it as easy as possible for selectors to find information they need and to know who to contact for specific requests. Here’s what’s new:

  • A process has been established to get freely available and open access material cataloged; this is for those items that do not fill the criteria set for cataloging by SCP (CDL’s shared cataloging program)
  • Three forms have been merged into one: e-order, Materials Acquired Digitally (MAD), and request for cataloging of freely available/open access items (new feature).
  • Communications between selectors and staff in Acquisitions and Cataloging often involves transmitting the right pieces of data; a new “decision tree” has been devised that walks a selector to the right questions/answers for the case in hand. (Note: the e-problem form has also been redesigned and will become available soon.)
  • The Collection Services staff-side website has been reorganized to take full advantage of the decision tree, allowing for a better organization of other documents that selectors have/will find useful.

In addition to the above, the Scholarly Communication Advisory Group also encouraged the development of a new set of pages designed to capture baseline information about scholarly communication that selectors should know.

A lot of people have been involved on working and implementation groups for these initiatives, including Bette Anton, Jim Church, Myrtis Cochran, Gail Ford, Kathleen Gallagher, Lynne Grigsby, Jianye He, Steve La Follette, Jean McKenzie, Sue Miller, Gary Mills, Nga Ong, Margaret Phillips, Claude Potts, Jane Rosario, Lisa Rowlison de Ortiz, Lisa Weber, and Susan Xue. My thanks to them all.

START AT the new website: CS/

  • See the decision tree: (click on : “Make a Request/get help”)
  • For the new forms: follow the decision tree for mono-electronic, serial- electronic, or database
  • For the new Scholarly Comm site, pick Scholarly Communication

This was a lot to bring online simultaneously, so please be patient, and be sure to let us know what needs doing. Send comments, “can’t find it”, and other concerns to Gail who will find an expert and track the change.


What Berkeley Borrowed 2011-12 (Corrected)

We’re slowly building an archive of reports to help selectors assess their collections. In the past, seeing a list of what Berkeley patrons borrowed has been helpful in identifying collection gaps.

Thanks to help from Interlibrary Services, a list of titles Berkeley borrowed fy 2011-12 is now available in an Excel file, This is a big file, so click on the link “VDX-Berkeley” and then wait for a bit (plus a bit more, since you’ll think it isn’t doing anything.)

This list includes items borrowed from other UC’s and from other OCLC libraries, and therefore accounts for the majority of what we borrow. We have asked Stanford to send us titles that Berkeley borrowed via RLCP online, and we’ll let you know via blog when that data becomes available. We have learned that no data is kept on titles we borrow direct from NRLF. What we borrow from University of Texas and through ALA forms, etc. constitute only a handful of transactions that don’t benefit us enough to do the work to get and compile.

As you look at this list, please remember that per UC policy, Interlibrary Borrowing does borrow some items that Berkeley owns, in cases where Berkeley’s copy is unavailable at the time of the request. So please recheck our holdings on any possible candidates for purchase.

If you have any questions or comments on this data, please email me at


WEST Update – Archiving Cycle 1 complete

The Western Regional Storage Trust reports that the first archiving cycle has come to a close, with twelve archive holders promising to retain for 25 years  “6,100 journal titles …[representing] over 160,000 volumes. These totals include almost 5,100 Bronze titles (archived in place, no validation), over 500 Silver titles (validated at the volume level), and over 500 Gold titles (validated at the issue level).”

There are two more archiving cycles planned. Each cycle includes a collection analysis that “prioritizes materials for archiving based on risk and duplication, [and] identifies potential Archive Holders/Builders for those materials…” We’ll likely be hearing two more rounds of requests to volunteer some of our holdings for select titles.

One driver for creating WEST was member institutions’ shared concern that all can foresee a time when local shelving will be full. WEST is being built, at least in part, in the hope of mediating this problem by identifying protected print copies held communally and accessible through Interlibrary Loan. Now that WEST is becoming real, I’ll be initiating conversations to discuss how we will integrate the WEST archives into our collections policies.


Hathi Trust Update

Hathi Trust’s June newsletter has some items you might find interesting:

Lynne Grigsby reports that Systems has successfully loaded ~1.5 million bib records to OskiCat for titles in Hathi that are in the public domain.


Kathleen Gallagher to serve on Collections Budget Group

I’m very pleased to announce that beginning July 1, Kathleen Gallagher has agreed to join the Collections Budget Group as the Fund Coordinator for the Arts & Humanities Group.

Kathleen’s experience and flexibility in helping the Library address new challenges and opportunities make her an excellent candidate for CBG.  Her work on CSC, the consortial PDA position paper, the CDC journal evaluation project, and the Library Services Model self-study team have demonstrated Kathleen’s broad and deep understanding of collection development issues and her ability to take a library-wide perspective.

Claude Potts, who has served as the A&H Fund Coordinator, will take over from Jim Spohrer, to become the Fund Coordinator for International and Area Studies.

 I welcome Kathleen to CBG and thank Claude for his willingness to take on a new Fund Coordinator role.

Best, Bernie

Who uses what libraries?

Lynne Grigsby and Susan Edwards conceived (as part of the Library Service Model re-envisioning look at access) of a set of reports that show
* how many items are in circulation at the moment of snapshot
* what libraries checked out these items
* whether the items are checked out to faculty, graduate students or undergrads
* what academic department a faculty or student borrower is affiliated with. (Note: this is determined by the campus address for faculty, and declared major for graduate and undergraduate students).

Every other month, Dave Rez in Systems will run  3 reports (items in circulation, at the moment of snapshot, to faculty, grads, undergrads) and post them to .  Pilot reports were run for faculty and grad students based on a day in March; these reports were then refined for the May run and include undergrad information. A link to these reports has been included in /CS on the Budget/Metrics page.

I’ve already found these statistics to be fascinating: we now have a metric to help quantify our anecdotal understanding that “research is highly interdisciplinary” and that “each of our libraries services users from a myriad of academic departments.” It will be very interesting to see if the patterns in March/May continue as we are looking at longer stretches of time.

Gail is working with the May statistics and we’ll release some findings in the next month or so. From here on, any of you will be able to access and consider this data for your libraries.

Thanks to Susan and Lynne for this great idea, and to Dave Rez for making this happen!
