Tag: New Books
New Resources in Literature

by Taylor Follett
Fall semester is always a time of fresh beginnings — new classes, new faces, and most excitingly for those of us at the library, access to new resources. We hope that the following new databases, books, journals, and much more will be of value to those studying literature. Here are some highlights for undergraduates, graduate students, and professors alike.
New Books!
Here are some new titles available online from the National Academies Press of the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
1. The Safety and Quality of Abortion Care in the United States 2018.
2. Review of the Draft Fourth National Climate Assessment 2018.
3. Review of the Draft Second State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR2) 2018.
4. A Smarter National Surveillance System for Occupational Safety and Health in the 21st Century 2018.
Please note that these books are only a small selection of what is available. If you are interested in checking out any book(s), submit a request by May 24th using our online form and we will mail the book(s) to you.
You may also log into your web portal account to request book(s). Book requests will end May 24th.
Through May 7th, if you do not currently possess a UC Berkeley library card, you can apply for one. You need to do this before we can check out a book to you.
Collecting from Catalonia
Despite shrinking budgets, the Library continues to acquire materials in more than 60 languages in support of research and teaching on campus. After Portuguese, Catalan remains one of the most popular less commonly taught European romance languages and has benefited in recent years from the Department of Education’s Title VI funding administered through the Institute of European Studies. This blog post hopes to call attention to a talk of interest in the Berkeley Language Center (BLC) next week and to a few newly acquired books in Catalan or related to Catalonia:
Conjugating Catalonia: Language Learning in Turbulent Times
Greta Vollmer Professor Emerita, English & Applied Linguistics Sonoma State University
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
B4 Dwinelle Hall
The talk is sponsored by the Found in Translation (FIT) Working Group – a growing group of U.C. Berkeley community members interested in language, culture and cross-cultural communication.
15 recently acquired books:
- Catalunya i futur. Barcelona: Institut d’Estudis Catalans, 2017.
- Dos estados: España y Cataluña: por qué dos estados democráticos, eficientes y colaborativos serán mejor que uno / Ferran Mascarell. Barcelona: Arpa Editores, 2017.
- El conflicte social en el teatre català del tombant de segle (1890-1909): identitat de classe, moral social i debat polític /J. Grimalt and T. Martínez. Barcelona: Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, 2016.
- Escrits sobre llengua /Josep Murgades. Lleida: Pagès, 2016.
- Els verbs conjugats: la conjugació dels més de 8800 verbs inclosos en el DIEC / Joan B. Xuriguera. Barcelona: Claret, 2017.
- La rebel-lió catalana: cinc veus sobre el procés i el futur d’Europa / Lluc Salellas Vilar. Lleida: Pagès, 2017.
- Jaume Massó i Torrents: la cançó provençal en la literatura catalana cent anys després / Simó Meritxell. Firenze: Edizioni del Galluzzo per la Fondazione Ezio Franceschini, 2012.
- Lecciones españolas: siete lecciones políticas de la secesión catalana y la crisis de la España constitucional (2012-2016) / Lluís Bassets. Barcelona: EDLibros, 2017.
- Nacionalisme espanyol i catalanitat (1789-1859): cap a una revisió de la renaixença / Joan-Lluís Marfany. Barcelona: Edicions 62, 2017.
- Naixement de la mació catalana: orígens i expansió: segles ix-xiv / direcció, Josep M. Salrach i Marès ; autors, Vicent Baydal i Sala [and thirteen others]. Barcelona: Enciclopèdia Catalana, 2017.
- El proceso separatista en Cataluña: análisis de un pasado reciente (2006-2017) / Steven Forti, Arnau Gonzàlez i Vilalta, Enric Ucelay-Da Cal (eds.).Granada: Editorial Comares, S.L., 2017.
- The Rise of Catalan Independence: Spain’s Territorial Crisis / Andrew Dowling. London: Routledge, 2018.
- The Struggle for Catalonia: Rebel Politics in Spain / Raphael Minder. London: Hurst & Company, 2017.
- Traducció i franquisme / Montserrat Bacardí and Pilar Godayol. Lleida: Punctum, 2017.
- Uns i altres: literatura i traducció / Joaquim Mallafrè. Reus : Edicions del Centre de Lectura: Tarragona: Arola Editors: Publicacions URV, 2016.
Click here for a longer list of recent library acquisitions from Spain and Portugal.
New Books in Literature
April showers bring May flowers, but April acquisitions may just lead you to your new favorite read! The books we recently received have something for everyone—whether you’re looking for poetry, prose, or criticism.
Toni Morrison
Maggie O’Farrell
Edited by Wai-Chee Dimock
Laurie Ellinghausen
Matt Haig
Nurul Izzati Haji Mohammed Jamil
Check out the rest of the new acquisitions!
Want a book that we don’t have in the library? Request it here.
New Books!
Here are some new titles available online from the National Academies Press of the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
3. Community-Based Health Literacy Interventions: Proceedings of a Workshop (2018).
4. Aging and Disability: Beyond Stereotypes to Inclusion: Proceedings of a Workshop (2018).
Please note that these books are only a small selection of what is newly available. If you are interested in checking out any book(s), submit a request using our online form and we will mail the book(s) to you.
You may also log into your web portal account to request book(s).
If you do not currently possess a UC Berkeley library card, you will need to apply for one before we can check out a book to you.
New Books in Literature
With every new month comes new books being published—and added to our library collection! This month’s haul includes criticism, poetry, prose, and much more:
Michael Healey
David Simmons
Jacqueline Saphra
Sheila McMullin
David Chariandy
Alexandra Silber
See the full list of new acquisitions here, and keep an eye on the English Library Guide for more featured new books.
Want to see a book that we don’t have? Request it here!
New Books!
The Public Health Library has the following new books available in print:
1. Landesman’s public health management of disasters: the practice guide. By Linda Young Landesman and Rita V. Burke. Washington, DC: American Public Health Association, 2017.
Call number: RA645.9 .L36 2017
See the table of contents at the publisher’s website.
2. Public health preparedness: case studies in policy and management. Edited by Arnold Howitt, Herman Leonard and David Giles. Washington, DC: American
Public Health Association, 2017.
Call number: RA645.9 .P83 2017
Read a Q & A with the editors at Public Health Newswire.
and here are some new titles available online from the National Academies Press of the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
3. Examining Challenges and Possible Strategies to Strengthen U.S. Health Security, 2018.
4. Environmental Chemicals, the Human Microbiome, and Health Risk, 2018.
5. Integrating Social and Behavioral Sciences Within the Weather Enterprise, 2018.
6. Strategies to Limit Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption in Young Children, 2017.
Please note that these books are only a small selection of what is newly available. If you are interested in checking out any book(s), submit a request using our online form and we will mail the book(s) to you.
You may also log into your web portal account to request book(s).
If you do not currently possess a UC Berkeley library card, you will need to apply for one before we can check out a book to you.
New Books!
Here are some new titles available online from the National Academies Press of the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
1. Public Health Consequences of E-Cigarettes, 2018.
2. A Smarter National Surveillance System for Occupational Safety and Health in the 21st Century, 2018.
3. Getting to Zero Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities A Comprehensive Approach to a Persistent Problem, 2018.
New Books!
The Public Health Library has the following new books available in print:
1. Public health nutrition. Edited by Judith Buttriss, Ailsa Welch, John Kearney, Susan Lanham-New. Chichester, W. Sussex: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2018.
Call number: RA645.N87 P83 2018
See the table of contents and preview the first pages at amazon.com.
2. Health inequality: an introduction to concepts, theories and methods. By Mel Bartley. Cambridge, UK; Malden, MA, USA: Polity, 2017.
Call number: RA418 .B37 2016
View the table of contents as well as a brief description at the publisher’s website.
3. Health communication for health care professionals: an applied approach. By Michael Pagano; With chapters on risk management and medical malpractice by Canera Pagano. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, LLC, 2017.
Call number: RA427.8 .P34 2017
Read the table of contents and a sample chapter publisher’s website.
and here are some new titles available online from the National Academies Press of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
4. Guiding Principles for Developing Dietary Reference Intakes Based on Chronic Disease (2017).
6. Making Medicines Affordable: A National Imperative (2017).
Please note that these books are only a small selection of what is newly available. If you are interested in checking out any book(s), submit a request using our online form and we will mail the book(s) to you.
You may also log into your web portal account to request book(s).
If you do not currently possess a UC Berkeley library card, you will need to apply for one before we can check out a book to you.
2017 National Book Award Winners Announced
Looking for the latest and greatest award-winning works in American literature?
Continue reading “2017 National Book Award Winners Announced”