Curating Literature @UC Berkeley’s Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Curating Literature

Monday, May 6
12 pm California / 2 pm Bogotá / 4 pm Brasília / 4 pm Buenos Aires / 8 pm London
This online event on curating literary festivals will feature: Milena Britto, curadora literaria independiente; Natalia Brizuela, curadora y editora independiente; Cristina Fuentes La Roche, Directora, Hay Festival; Mauro Munhoz, Co-fundador y Director FLIP, Festa Literária Internacional de Paraty; Jamille Pinheiro Dias, curadora independente; Amalia Sanz, Directora FILBA, Festival Internacional de Literatura de Buenos Aires.This event will be in Spanish and Portuguese, with simultaneous interpretation into English
Curating Literature

This online event on curating literary festivals will feature: Milena Britto, curadora literaria independiente; Natalia Brizuela, curadora y editora independiente; Cristina Fuentes La Roche, Directora, Hay Festival; Mauro Munhoz, Co-fundador y Director FLIP, Festa Literária Internacional de Paraty; Jamille Pinheiro Dias, curadora independente; Amalia Sanz, Directora FILBA, Festival Internacional de Literatura de Buenos Aires.

This event will be in Spanish and Portuguese, with simultaneous interpretation into English

New book by Estelle Tarica

[book cover]

Holocaust Consciousness and Cold War Violence in Latin America proposes the existence of a recognizably distinct Holocaust consciousness in Latin America since the 1970s. Community leaders, intellectuals, writers, and political activists facing state repression have seen themselves reflected in Holocaust histories and have used Holocaust terms to describe human rights atrocities in their own countries. In so doing, they have developed a unique, controversial approach to the memory of the Holocaust that is little known outside the region. Estelle Tarica deepens our understanding of Holocaust awareness in a global context by examining diverse Jewish and non-Jewish voices, focusing on Argentina, Mexico, and Guatemala. What happens, she asks, when we find the Holocaust invoked in unexpected places and in relation to other events, such as the Argentine “Dirty War” or the Mayan genocide in Guatemala? The book draws on meticulous research in two areas that have rarely been brought into contact—Holocaust Studies and Latin American Studies—and aims to illuminate the topic for readers who may be new to the fields.

[from publisher’s site]

Estelle Tarica is Professor of Latin American Literature and Culture and former Chair of the Latin American Studies Program at UC Berkeley. She is incoming Chair of the Department of Spanish & Portuguese. Her previous book The Inner Life of Mestizo Nationalism concers the discourse of indigenismo and mestizaje in Mexico, Peru and Bolivia focusing on the work of José María Arguedas, Rosario Castellanos and Jesús Lara. Her articles have appeared in edited volumes and in the journals Chasqui, Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana, Latin American Literary Review, Journal of Latin American Studies, Política Común and Yale French Studies, among others.

She discussed her latest book with Alejandra Decker (Hispanic Languages and Literatures, UCB) and Robert Kaufman (Comparative Literature, UCB) on April 7 through the Center for Latin American Studies.


Holocaust Consciousness and Cold War Violence in Latin America.
Albany: State University of New York Press, 2022.


LA PROTESTA (Argentina) Digitized along OA model

In a 2012 issue of European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies / Revista Europea de
Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, No. 92 (April 2012), we see the descriptions of  La Protesta- Argentina’s important historical anarchist newspaper as follows, “The Argentinean newspaper La Protesta was founded in 1897. After some years, it became the most important anarchistic newspaper in the country. It had close ties with the Regional Workers Federation (FORA) that was established in 1901. The history of La Protesta gives a good overview on the themes concerning the Latin American realities in the first decades of the twentieth centuries (pg. 2).”

Argentina’s “AMÉRICALEE,” portal dedicated to the Latin American Periodicals of the 20th century, declared that one could freely access the issues of La Protesta Online.

The project is a part of CeDInCI. Centro de Documentación e Investigación de la Cultura de Izquierdas digitization efforts.

La Protesta Humana (1897-1903)
La Protesta (1903-1906)

One can download issues in their PDF format here. Several other left-leaning titles have been digitized, and the researchers can access these OA titles.

See the rest of the issues of La Protesta through 2015, by clicking on the image below and then scrolling down.

In memoriam: Diego Armando Maradona (1960-2020)

Diego Maradona is dead! One of the greatest players of football (not to be confused with our American football), Diego Armando Maradona or El Pibe de Oro (the Golden Child) rose to fame and much has been written about the trajectory of his life. Instead of repeating the information about the life of this Argentine player, I leave you with some books about him and football from our collection.

In order to search for books about Maradona, please see some relevant tips below.

Subject term = Maradona, Diego, 1960-2020.

Here is another book about him below,

I leave you with this clip that will perhaps make one wonder about the “Hand of God incident.”

On another sad note, Mexican Singer and Actress “Flor Silvestre” also died at the age of 90. RIP, Maradona and Flor Silvestre.