Tag: New Acquisitions
October’s New Art Books
Check out these new materials in Art History, located in the Main Stacks of Doe Library. Click the titles to view their catalog records.
Communist Visual Cultures Under the Skin Anatomica
Going There Truth Bomb James Prosek
Consuming Painting Arthur Jeffress Dead or Alive!
New Books in Art History for October
Check out these new materials in Art History, located in the Main Stacks of Doe Library. Click the titles to view their catalog records.
Making Strange The Art of Sculpture in 15th Century Italy Ithell Colquhoun
The Mobility of People and Things… Printing the Revolution Invitadas
Dematerialization Embodying Relation La Storia dell’arte dopo l’autocoscienza
June: New eBooks in Art History
Check out these new e-resources for Art History in the library collections. Click the title links for more information.
Soviet Salvage Curating Islamic Art Worldwide Conditions of Visibility
Body Space and Place… The Art Museum Redefined Addressing the Other Woman
Landscape Painting in Revolutionary France Landscapes into Eco Art Toward Fewer Images
Histórias das mulheres, histórias feministas.
Check out this new catalogue with curation by UC Berkeley Art History faculty Julia Bryan-Wilson.
From Oskicat:
“The book brings together the catalogs of two exhibitions organized in a complementary, parallel and articulated way in MASP: “Histórias das mulheres: artistas até 1900” (Stories of women: artists until 1900), curated by Julia Bryan -Wilson, Lilia Moritz Schwarcz and Mariana Leme, and “Histórias feministas: artistas depois de 2000″ (Feminist Stories: artists after 2000), curated by Isabella Rjeille. The juxtaposition of two shows with distinct scopes in a single publication allows us to establish dialogues between productions of distant times, and to understand how the unfolding of these productions from one temporal arc to another occurs. In recent years, MASP has been undertaking a pioneering effort to include women’s works both in its collection and in its programming, a path also trodden by other institutions around the world. The museum’s program during 2019 is dedicated to women artists, and this publication, alongside the anthology of accompanying texts, is the culmination of this effort.”
New Publication by Art History Faculty Imogen Hart, Editor.
Check out this new publication edited by Art History Faculty member Imogen Hart, available as an e-resource through the online catalog.
From Bloomsbury:
“By foregrounding the overlaps between sculpture and the decorative, this volume of essays offers a model for a more integrated form of art history writing. Through distinct case studies, from a seventeenth-century Danish altarpiece to contemporary British ceramics, it brings to centre stage makers, objects, concepts and spaces that have been marginalized by the enforcement of boundaries within art and design discourse. These essays challenge the classed, raced and gendered categories that have structured the histories and languages of art and its making. Sculpture and the Decorative in Britain and Europe is essential reading for anyone interested in the history and practice of sculpture and the decorative arts and the methodologies of art history.”
New Publication by Art History Faculty Anneka Lenssen
Check out the new publication by Anneka Lenssen, UC Berkeley Associate Professor of Global Modern Art, with UC Berkeley’s Oski Express.
From University of California Press:
“In modern Syria, a contested territory at the intersection of differing regimes of political representation, artists ventured to develop strikingly new kinds of painting to link their images to life forces and agitated energies. Examining the works of artists Kahlil Gibran, Adham Ismail, and Fateh al-Moudarres, Beautiful Agitation explores how painters in Syria activated the mutability of form to rethink relationships of figure to ground, outward appearance to inner presence, and self to world. Drawing on archival materials in Syria and beyond, Anneka Lenssen reveals new trajectories of painterly practice in a twentieth century defined by shifting media technologies, moving populations, and the imposition of violently enforced nation-state borders. The result is a study of Arab modernism that foregrounds rather than occludes efforts to agitate against imposed identities and intersubjective relations.”
New E-Resources for February: Black History Month
February is Black History Month! Be sure to check out new Art History e-resources available through Oskicat. Click on the links below the images to view them in the library catalog.
African American Arts Art for People’s Sake Beauford Delaney and James Baldwin
Building the Black Arts Movement Elizabeth Catlett The Image of the Black in Western Art
The Romare Bearden Reader The Roots of the Black Chicago Renaissance To Describe a Life
December’s New E-Resources in Art History
Here is a sampling of new titles for Art History available as ebooks through the UC Berkeley Library. Click the links to their Oskicat records and check them out.
Plastic Capitalism The Politics of Taste Afterimages
Popularisation and Populism… Asking the Audience Aesthetics of the Familiar
October’s New Art History E-Books
Here is a sampling of new titles for Art History available as ebooks through the UC Berkeley Library. Click the links to their Oskicat records and check them out.
Transcendence Vanished Smile The Place of Many Moods
Yumeji Modern Art and Myth of the Ancient Maya Technologies of Critique
Cosmos and Community… Enduring Truths Contemporary Art and Unforgetting…
New eBooks in Art History for October
Here is a sampling of new titles for Art History available as ebooks through the UC Berkeley Library. Click the links to their Oskicat records and check them out.
Photographic Returns Visualizing Equality Performance/ Media/ Art/ Culture
Documenting Trauma… Dynamic Form Visualities 2