Tag: e-resources
LAUC-B Resolution on the Importance of Diversity in Collections

Last month, the Executive Committee of the Librarians Association of the University of California, Berkeley (LAUC-B) unanimously endorsed a resolution written by its Committee on Diversity stressing the importance of the continued acquisition of print materials during the pandemic and beyond. The statement reflected on temporary changes to the UC Berkeley Library’s collection development policies and the lasting impact they might have. LAUC-B chair Ramona Collins wrote in an email, “[. . .] the focus on acquiring more digital and fewer print resources can lead to further suppression of already underrepresented voices, topics and geographical areas.”
Faced with the prevalence of print publications from the Global South, East Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, as well as Eurasia, the spectrum of viewpoints collected and preserved by academic libraries risks becoming impoverished. “Strong and diverse collections like Berkeley’s inspire and allow researchers to immerse themselves in cutting-edge discovery and teaching,” reads the statement, “but what happens when the acquisition of diverse resources becomes vulnerable to reduced funding or reprioritization?”
Aligned with the Library’s efforts to build and provide access to collections that help scholars work against racism and discrimination, the resolution was also inspired by statements issued in the past year by library organizations such as the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials (SALALM), Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) and others across the academic library community.
New Publication by Art History Faculty Imogen Hart, Editor.
Check out this new publication edited by Art History Faculty member Imogen Hart, available as an e-resource through the online catalog.
From Bloomsbury:
“By foregrounding the overlaps between sculpture and the decorative, this volume of essays offers a model for a more integrated form of art history writing. Through distinct case studies, from a seventeenth-century Danish altarpiece to contemporary British ceramics, it brings to centre stage makers, objects, concepts and spaces that have been marginalized by the enforcement of boundaries within art and design discourse. These essays challenge the classed, raced and gendered categories that have structured the histories and languages of art and its making. Sculpture and the Decorative in Britain and Europe is essential reading for anyone interested in the history and practice of sculpture and the decorative arts and the methodologies of art history.”
Six essential Library resources during the pandemic
Millions of ebooks are accessible through the Library and Open Access initiatives such as OpenEdition, and new titles are added daily. The way easiest to find them is by searching OskiCat or Start Your Search from the Library home page.
Featured work: Burningham, Bruce R, editor. Millennial Cervantes : New Currents in Cervantes Studies. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2020.
2) HathiTrust Emergency Temporary Access Service
Also known as UC’s emergency ebook service, it provides access to digital versions of millions of the physical volumes held by libraries across the 10-campus University of California system — plus UC’s two expansive off-site library storage facilities.
Featured work: La peste by Albert Camus. Paris: Gallimard, c1947, 2008.
3) Oski Xpress contactless pickup
The Library now provides a contactless pickup service at Moffitt Library for all borrowers who have current Cal 1 or UC Berkeley Library cards. Fourteen libraries are participating in Oski Xpress: Anthropology, Bioscience, Chemistry, Earth Sciences & Map, East Asian, Engineering, Environmental Design, Institute for Governmental Studies, Main (Gardner) Stacks, Mathematics Statistics, Morrison, Music, Physics-Astronomy, and Social Research. Only materials available from the circulating collections of these libraries are available at this time.
Featured work: Intorno a boccaccio/boccaccio e dintorni 2018 : atti del seminario internazionale di studi (certaldo alta, casa di giovanni boccaccio, 6-7 settembre 2018). S. Zamponi, Ed. Ser. Studi e saggi, 205. Firenze: Firenze University Press, 2020.
Due to COVID-19 service disruptions, the Library is not accepting print or other physical materials (such as DVDs) for course reserves for the remainder of 2021. However, the Library is helping instructors identify digital options for their course readings to ensure they remain accessible to all students — whether they are on campus or learning remotely.
Featured work: Bondanella, Peter, and Federico Pacchioni. A History of Italian Cinema. 2nd ed. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, c2009, 2017.
5) In-person research appointments at The Bancroft Library
The Bancroft Library, home to many extraordinary special collections, is one of two libraries on campus that offers limited research appointments for UC Berkeley faculty and students this spring. Access can be provided to Bancroft Library materials that are housed on-site and that are not available online. Please note that access to Bancroft Library collections housed at the Northern Regional Library Facility (NRLF) is expected this semester but those collections are unavailable at this time.
The newspaper/microfilm collections, housed in Doe Library, can also be accessed through the Moffitt Library by special request.
Featured work: Colette. Chéri. Paris: Arthème Fayard & Cie, 1929.
6) Online research consultations
Although the UCB libraries will be physically closed this semester, we are all working remotely and happy to help you with your research needs. You can schedule a Zoom appointment with subject librarians like myself, email the general library research help line, or chat with a librarian or library specialist 24/7.
See also:
25 days left to check out RetroNews!
Il s’appelle Pierre Loutrel mais on le connaît sous le nom de « Pierrot-le-fou ». Ce criminel violent, passé de la « Gestapo française » à la Résistance, restera dans les mémoires comme le chef d’un redoutable gang français de l’après-Seconde Guerre, les Tractions Avant.
Écho de Presse le 19/05/2020 par Michele Pedinielli
Since April 15, the UC Berkeley academic community has had access to a 60-day trial of RetroNews. While much of this historical French language news collection is freely available through Gallica, the advanced functionality and added content is only available to subscribers. An initiative of BnF-Partenariats, which is a subsidiary of the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF), RetroNews aims to increase the digitization of its paper press collections which are increasingly at risk of serious damage over time. To explore all of its features, it is necessary to create an account (s’inscrire) after authenticating with your CalNet ID.
RetroNews, a unique digital resource for research and education
RetroNews, which is the French national library’s platform dedicated to historical printed press, offers a vast online archive of French and francophone periodicals. The collection features over 600 newspapers, journals, magazines and reviews, published between 1631 and 1950: the most important titles of the daily press (Le Petit Parisien, Le Journal, Le Matin) but also periodicals of the political spectrum, regional publications and satirical magazines.
Please create a free account, experiment with the resource and send your feedback and comments before June 15, 2020 to Claude Potts [cpotts AT berkeley DOT edu].
New e-resources for the Romance Languages
Digital resources are regularly added to the Library’s holdings. Here are some noteworthy ones acquired in and/or related to the Romance languages this past year:
Beckett Digital Manuscript Project – Digitized collection of Irish author Samuel Beckett’s original manuscripts, as well as a digitized collection of his personal library with his annotations.
BiGLI Online – Online version of the fundamental print bibliography and discovery tool for Italian language and literature. Includes texts, critical and historical surveys, philogical and linguistic notes, essays, monographs, bibliographic reviews, etc. (1981-present).
Brill’s Medieval Reference Library (MRLO) – Contains over 4,000 entries and 200 plus illustrations covering pre-modern European history and culture. The database includes complete coverage of four medieval studies encyclopedias: Encyclopedia of Medieval Chronicle, Encyclopedia of Medieval Dress and Textiles of the British Isles c. 450-1450, Encyclopedia of Medieval Pilgrimage, and Brill’s Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages. Searches can be performed across encyclopedias or limited to one title.
Cuban Culture and Cultural Relations, 1959- Primary-source collection of ca. 45,000 fully-searchable documents from the Casa de las Américas in Havana, documenting the culture and cultural relations of Revolutionary Cuba and countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Includes articles, newspaper clippings, cable messages, interviews, conference memorabilia, etc. This collection is Part 1: Casa y Cultura” of the so-called Archivo Vertical held in the library of the Casa de las Américas. (Brill) [1959 to present]
Encyclopedia of Semiotics – Encyclopedia and guide to concepts in semiotics, sign theory, and cultural studies such as theories, theorists, schools of thought, issues in communications, cognition, and cultural theory. (Oxford University Press)
International Directory of Medievalists – A directory listing names and addresses of approximately 15,000 medievalists and scholars in fields relating to the Middle Ages in 70 countries. This online title continues the print edition.
Italian Reformation Online – Collection of primary texts from the Italian Reformation digitized from the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze. Selection of more than 100 rare works offers a synopsis and theological profile of the diversity of the printed manifestations of the Protestant Reformation in the Italian states. (Brill) [15th-17th centuries]
Latin American Anarchist and Labour Periodicals Online – This collection contains the periodicals that have been accumulated by the Austrian anarchist, historian and collector Max Nettlau (1865-1944), together with a number of later additions, held at the International Institute of Social History (IISH) in Amsterdam. The collection of 971 titles provides a richness of documentation pertaining explicitly to the formative anarchist and anarcho-syndicalist episode in the history of Latin American labor movements. The collection contains numerous rare, and in many cases, unique titles that are also discoverable individually through OskiCat. Included, among many others, are the Argentine periodicals La Protesta, La Vanguardia and Acción Obrera; the Brazilian O Exempio, Jornal do Povo and Battaglia; the Chilean Voz del Mar; and the Mexican Ariete, Redención Obrera, Revolución Social and El Sindicalista. (Brill) [1890-1920]
Routledge Encylopedia of Modernism – The REM is a cross-disciplinary resource for students and researchers covering several subject areas: literature, architecture, visual arts, music, dance, theatre, film and intellectual currents. Over 1,000 articles and over 100 images are included. Browsing by subject, movement and place is available to find information across fields and topics.
All new databases are listed on the Library’s A-Z Databases page.
Extreme Heat Events and Health: A New Website from the National Library of Medicine
To learn best practices for preparing and responding to dangerously hot summer weather, visit the new Extreme Heat Events and Health page from the National Library of Medicine. This resource page includes links to information from the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Environmental Protection Agency, Army Medical Department, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and many more. Some multi-language links are included to materials in Spanish,
French, and Russian.
Topics covered on this page include:
Health issues and extreme heat
Preparedness and response
Worker and responder safety
Specific populations (children)
Health resources for the public
Multi-language resources
Animals and extreme heat
ERF Update – February 2011
Current number of records in the ERF: 1027
ADDED since last update
- American West: primary sources, from the Gold Rush to westward expansion to Chief Joseph
- AnthroHub: digital archvie of UC anthropology publications
- ASTM Digital Library: handbooks from the American Society for Testing and Materials
- ASTM Standards: standards covering metals, petroleum, construction and more.
- Electronic Englightenment: primary sources on the Age of Reason
- Endangered Languages Database: online portal from the World Oral Literature Project
- International Bibliography of Art: successor to the Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA)
- Kurschners deutscher Gelehrten-Kalendar: directory of scholars in German-speaking countries
- NetAdvantage: company profiles
- PRS Group Country Data: political risk data including bureaucracy, corruption, poverty and inflation
- Routledge Politics and International Relations Online: encyclopedias and manuals, from the African Union to the World Trade Organization
- TRACES: bibliography of Catalan language and literature
DELETED since last update
- none
CHANGES since last update
- Bibliography of History of Art (BHA) has a new description
ERF Update – April 2010
Every month, the manager of the Electronic Resources Finder (ERF) sends out an update of new and deleted ERF resources. From now on, we’ll also be making a post in the Collections blog so that the information is archived. (No more searching though your email files to try and figure out whatever happened to, say, Books in Print or Encyclopedia Britannica.)
Current number of records in the ERF: 964
ADDED since last update:
- California Digital Newspaper Collection (free resource, covers 1849-1911)
- Database of Latin Dictionaries (courtesy of the Robbins Collection)
- Emerald Library and Information Studies Collection (Good bye Emerald Xtra 175, Hello 17 library and information studies journals)
- Encyclopedia of American Religions (one of several GRLV-Gale Virtual Reference Library titles that have been added to the ERF.)
- Encyclopedia of Epidemiology (a GRLV title)
- Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered History in America (a GRLV title)
- IBIS World Industry Market Research (industry data)
- International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers (a GRLV title)
- Latin America Advisor (online news service)
- New Catholic Encyclopedia (a GRLV title)
- Papal Letters (full text collections, courtesy of the Robbins Collection)
DELETED since last update
- Royal Historical Society Bibliography of British and Irish History (no longer free)
CHANGES since last update
- Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA): new URL, new platform
ERF Update – June 2010
If you ever want to know what’s been added to the Electronic Resources Finder recently, you can always click on the What’s New link in the sidebar.
– Margaret
Current number of resources in the ERF: 971
ADDED since last update:
- African Development Indicators (ADI): data from the World Bank
- Complete Database for Japanese Magazine and Periodicals from the Meiji Era to the Present
- Education Research Abstracts: no article left behind
- Foreign Office Files for China, 1949-1980: primary source material from UK national archives
- Global Development Finance (GDF): data from the World Bank (developing nations)
- Global Economic Monitor (GEM): data from the World Bank (industrialized nations)
- Local Market Audience Analyst: do college-educated men between the ages of 25-34 are in the greater Bay Area play tennis, use Macs, and drink premium liquor?
- Slavery and Anti-Slavery: primary sources
- Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center (TBRC) Digital Library: digitized images of canonical collections and other Tibetan literature
- World Development Indicators (WDI): data, data and more data from the World Bank
DELETED since last update
- InfoTech Trends (ceased publication)
CHANGES since last update
- Annual Egyptological Bibliography is now Online Egyptological Bibliography
ERF Update – August 2010
Current number of records in the ERF: 985
ADDED since the last update:
- 19th Century British Newspapers: Charles Dicken’s England (plus Scotland, Ireland and Wales)
- APA e-book collection: 84 books from the American Psychological Association
- Climatewire: “The politics and business of climate change”
- Cold Spring Harbor Monograph Collection: ebooks in the life sciences
- Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography: from Albert of Saxony to Karl Ziegler
- Conditions and Politics in Occupied Western Europe, 1940-1945: British government files from the war years
- Ethnographic Video Online: films and footage on human culture
- Financial Times Online Archive: that familiar salmon-colored business daily going back to 1888
- Otzar HaHochma: Hebrew language texts
- Oxford Handbooks Online: Business and Management: how to get ahead in business
- Pravda Digital Archive: all the (Soviet and Post-Soviet) news that’s fit to print
- PsycCritiques: book reviews from the American Psychological Association
- Uniworld Online: directory of American Firms Operating in Foreign Countries and Foreign Firms Operating in the United States
- VentureXpert: looking for an investment opportunity?
- YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe: free encyclopedia from the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
DELETED since last update
- Landolt-Bornstein: Numerical Data in Science and Technology (no longer subscribe)
CHANGES since last update
- Pennsylvania Gazette is now Accessible Archives
- IBZ Online: new URL
- RIPM: Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals and Online Archive: now in a new interface that includes full text
- Short Story Index + Short Story Index Retrospective: now going back to 1914