Tag: databases
Corpus Montaigne
Through May 16, the Library will have trial access to the Corpus Montaigne – a new digital corpus brought online by Classiques Garnier Numérique. Available on the same platform as the Godefroy, dictionnaire de l’ancienne langue francaise (IXe-XVe siecle) and the Grand Corpus des grammaires francaises, des remarques et des traites sur la langue XIVe-XVIIe siecle, the Corpus Montaigne is the result of twenty years of dedicated research. It contains all the different editions of the works of Montaigne in the 16th and 17th centuries, published from the manuscripts and the printed originals. It also includes all of the works published in Montaigne?s lifetime and after his death by his “daughter-in-law” Marie de Gournay, all the editions published from the 16th to the 20th century, their annotation and critical apparatus, and also the best editions of the complete works in Italian, English, German and Spanish.
For a full description, see the presentation on Classique Garnier Numérique’s website. To access the corpus, click here.
database trial to L’Harmatheque
Through its membership in the Center for Research Libraries and more specifically CIFNAL, the Library has trial access to L’Harmathèque – a large collection of French language ebooks, articles, films and audio files – through Wednesday, May 1.
Collection Content
L’Harmathèque’s multimedia platform offers ebooks, articles, videos, and audio recordings on many subjects in the humanities and social sciences. The content of the ebooks comes from a variety of French publishing imprints, including L’Harmattan, Pagala, Odin, IXE, etc. A full list of included titles can be downloaded in excel.
Currently the platform contains more than 26,000 ebooks, 17,000 articles, 400 films, and 600 audio files available. At least 2,300 new titles are added to the collection annually (the publishers estimate that around 230 ebook titles are added monthly). This impressive number of ebooks covers a wide range of subject areas in the humanities and social sciences, novels, and children’s books.
According to the description provided on the web site, article content is from journals and book chapters, although no further selection criteria are given. The videos are primarily documentaries and theatrical productions. The audio collection includes many audiobooks, in a variety of languages.
The interface is in French. In the portals, ebooks are divided by subject into browsable bouquets. An advanced search option allows the user to narrow down the large amount of content.
Ebooks can be read either on the platform’s online reader (which requires Flash), or downloaded and read using the free Adobe Digital Editions reader. Viewing the videos requires the use of DivX and the audio content is also available through Flash.
Primary Sources: NCCO – Asia & West Diplomacy & Cultural Exchange
Asia and the West: Diplomacy and Cultural Exchange is one archive of the newly acquired digital resource, Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO). It is primarily made up of documents generated by diplomatic missions of the United States and Britain to Korea, Japan, China, and other East Asian nations. Some missionary records and publications and a collection of periodicals related to Asian culture and society are also included. Each of the collections in the archive is browseable. Basic and advanced searching of the collections is also possible, although the results will vary from collection to collection depending on how much machine-readable content is included. The full text of handwritten documents is not searchable.
Researchers of U.S. and British foreign policy and diplomacy; Asian political, economic, and social affairs; missionary activities; the Opium Wars; the Boxer Rebellion; and the Philippine Insurrection will all find a rich body of sources to explore. There are probably few topics related to East Asia and its early interactions with the West that would not be informed by resources in this collection.
Search tip: In advanced search, you have the option to “Allow variations.” This is a good option to choose, since it will look for British and American spelling variations (harbor/harbour) and also may compensate for some Optical Character Recognition (OCR) errors that inevitably occur during the scanning process.
Let me know in the comments or by email if you make any interesting discoveries in the collections or have any particular search tips you want to share.
Resource Trial: Izvestiia Digital Archive
We currently have a trial running through November 5 for the Izvestiia Digital Archive (1917-2011).
About Izvetsiaa: “Among the longest-running Russian newspapers, Izvestiia was founded in March 1917 and during the Soviet period was the official organ of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Remarkable for its serious and balanced treatment of subject matter, Izvestiia has traditionally been a popular news source within intellectual and academic circles.”
Your comments on the resource are always welcome. You can leave them here or send them to Liladhar Pendse.
Resource Trial: Black Studies in Video
The Library has arranged a trial of Black Studies in Video, a collection featuring award-winning documentaries, newsreels, interviews and archival footage surveying the evolution of black culture in the United States. In partnership with California Newsreel, the database provides unique access to their African American Perspectives collection, and includes films covering history, politics, art and culture, family structure, social and economic pressures, and gender relations. The trial runs through November 19, 2012.
The Alexander Street Press web site includes more information about the contents of the resource, as well as instructions for how to navigate and search.
Your comments on the resource are always welcome. You can leave them here or send them to me at jdorner@library.berkeley.edu.>
Resource Trial: ProQuest Black Newspapers
The Political Science librarian organized a trial of the Proquest resource, Historical Black Newspapers. The trial runs through October 10, 2012. You’ll notice that the trial gives you access to a “Graphical Edition” and an “Extra Edition.” The graphical edition includes one more title than the extra edition, but I’m not sure what other differences there are between versions.
The library already has access to the Chicago Defender 1910-1975 through Proquest Historical Newspapers and within our newspapers collection we have coverage of many of the other titles. A comprehensive listing is available on Jason Schultz’s African American Studies subject guide. I mention this because I think it is unlikely the online resource will be a priority purchase for us, since we already own much of the content. Your comments on the resource are always welcome, however. You can leave them here or send them to me at jdorner@library.berkeley.edu.
Trial access to Érudit
Érudit is the only North-American dissemination platform of scholarly and cultural journals in the French language. This publishing platform for scholarly and cultural journals, books, proceedings, theses, documents and data developed by a non-profit Canadian publishing consortium founded in 1998. Archival runs of journal publications published prior to a moving wall of current content are available through open access, while the remainder is available through subscription.
UC Berkeley will have trial access to Érudit through June 30, 2012. Please send comments to cpotts[at]library.berkeley.edu.
trial to Digitalia
The Library has enabled a 30-day trial to DIGITALIA – one of the most comprehensive collections of Spanish language e-book and e-journals on the market. Founded in 2007, DIGITALIA aims to “to be a global leader providing Spanish titles, bringing to libraries, academics, students and all readers in general qualitative content driven by information technology and the best practices in content management.” At present, there are more than five thousand e-books from Spanish publishers such as Anthropos, Biblioteca Nueva, Calambur, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, Ocho y Medio, Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, Trotta, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, and more. The e-journal list includes both academic and commercial titles as well as the Colección de revistas históricas españolas. In addition, libraries can subscribe to one or more of the thematic collections.
Before December 21, 2011, please take some time to check out DIGITALIA and send your comments and feedback to cpotts [AT] library.berkeley.edu.
6 more dBs from Classiques Garnier Numerique
We’ve set up a few other full-text database trials which will be available to the UC Berkeley community through October 15. Your comments are most welcome! Please email cpotts [AT] library.berkeley.edu
- Grand Corpus des dictionnaires [9e-20e s.]
- Grand Corpus des littératures [Moyen Âge-20e s.]
- Corpus de la littérature médiévale
- Corpus de la littérature narrative
- Littérature de l’Afrique noire
- Littérature de l’Océan Indien
The database trial mentioned in the previous post is to the Grand Corpus des grammaires françaises, des remarques et des traités sur la langue (XIVe-XVIIe s.) UCB has had a subscription to the Godefroy, Dictionnaire de l’ancienne langue française for several years.
Database Trial: Grand Corpus des dictionnaires [9e-20e s.]
The Grand Corpus des dictionniares gathers the 24 most important dictionaries on French language, in total about 200,000 pages (2,500 signs per page), 900,000 entries and definitions. It is the greatest collection today available on the subject.
This set of dictionaries concerns vocabulary of usage and specialized terms. It is very useful for students, faculty, and searchers from all fields of interests and studies (literature, history, medieval studies, and also geography, philosophy, sociology and law, sciences, for example).
The Grand Corpus has been realized and built according to several editorial principles that allow:
to search on a single dictionary, on several or on the whole set of dictionaries
to search from fields of search such as:entries, grammatical categories, etymologies to search through the signs of domain (literature, history, medicine, etc.)
to search through the signs of usage (elevated language, familiar language, ancient words, archaic words, words having dropped out of use, etc.)
to search on quotes and citations (the Grand Corpus contains about 1,000,000 citations)
access to many different indices, that can be crossed and cumulated to reach a real complexity of search: full text index, index on domain, theme, author, etymology, etc.
The history of search function gives users access to what has been done and allows reaching previous results at any time.
The Grand Corpus comprises:
- Frédéric Godefroy, Dictionnaire de l’ancienne langue française et de tous ses dialectes du 9e au 15e siècle
- La Curne de Sainte-Palaye
- Dictionnaire historique de l’ancien langage français depuis son origine jusqu’au siècle de Louis XIV
- Edmond Huguet, Dictionnaire de la langue française du 16e siècle
- Estienne (Robert), Dictionaire Francoislatin, 1549
- Nicot (Jean), Thrésor de la langue françoyse, tant ancienne que moderne, 1606
- Cotgrave (Randle), A Dictionarie of the french and english tongues, 1611
- Ménage (Gilles), Les Origines de la langue françoise, 1650
- Richelet (Pierre), Dictionnaire françois, 1680
- Le Dictionaire de l’Académie françoise, 1687 [Avant-Première 1]
- Le Dictionaire de l’Académie françoise, 1687 [Avant-Première 2]
- Le Dictionaire de l’Académie françoise, 1687 [Avant-Première 3]
- Furetière (Antoine), Essai d’un Dictionaire universel, 1687
- Furetière (Antoine), Dictionaire Universel, 1690
- Le Dictionnaire de l’Académie françoise dedié au Roy, 1694 [Première édition]
- Corneille (Thomas), Le Dictionnaire des Arts et des Sciences, 1694 Ménage (Gilles),
- Dictionnaire étymologique ou Origines de la langue françoise, 1694
- Nouveau Dictionnaire de l’Académie françoise, 1718 [Deuxième édition]
- Dictionnaire de l’Académie françoise, 1740 [Troisième édition]
- Dictionnaire de l’Académie françoise, 1762 [Quatrième édition]
- Dictionnaire de l’Académie françoise, 1798 [Cinquième édition]
- Dictionnaire de l’Académie française, 1835 [Sixième édition]
- Barré (Louis), Complément du Dictionnaire de l’Académie française, 1842
- Dictionnaire de l’Académie française, 1879 [Septième édition]
- Dictionnaire de l’Académie française, 1932-1935 [Huitième édition]
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Contact: C. Potts