Author: Claude Potts
Bibliographie de la littérature française (BLF)
The UC Berkeley Library has initiated a database trial to the Bibliographie de la littérature française (BLF). The trial ends on March 31, 2025.
Originally part (from 1894) of the quarterly issues of the Revue d’Histoire littéraire de la France (RHLF), and since 2002, it has been an annual volume published in special editions. It gathers together references of French and Francophone literatures from the 16th century to the present day. The BLF was first published by Armand Colin until 1997; then by the Presses Universitaires de France; and since 2017 by Classiques Garnier.
Since 1996, the BLF has been the result of the joint work of a team at the Bibliothèque nationale de France, who is in charge of the indexing, and the Société d’histoire littéraire de France. The digital publisher of the BLF, Classiques Garnier Numérique, ensures the technical management and updates of the database.
The BLF is updated daily, as soon as new publications are indexed. Thanks to this, it constitutes a unique tool for researchers, teachers, students, and all those who are seeking to inform themselves about French literature, writers, subjects or periods. More than 200,000 detailed records from 1998 to the present day are currently online, including 105,000+ book chapters; 75,000+ journal articles; and 28,000+ reviews.
If you are accessing the resource from an off-campus location, please log in using proxy or VPN. Feedback is welcome and can be sent to at any time.

New Library Guide for Iberian Literatures
Today, we are launching a new library research guide for Iberian Literatures & Criticism. The new guide will improve navigation and discovery in UC Berkeley’s vast literature collection in Romance languages, mostly found in a classification commonly known as the PQs. Over the course of the past year, we have critically reviewed the former guides, weeded outdated resources, and replaced them with more current content with links to digital resources when available.
This literary research guide, like the others for Italian and French & Francophone literatures launched last year, is now benefiting from the LibGuides platform, which makes it much easier to revise than the former PDFs. The guide is structured by sections for article databases, general guides and literary histories, reference tools, poetry, theater & performance, and literary periods. In addition to literature in Spanish and Portuguese, it also includes less commonly taught literatures and languages such as Catalan, Galician, Basque, Arabic, Ladino, and more. There is also a new section for Luso-African and Hispano-African literature.
The online guide also interfaces seamlessly with related guides published by the UC Berkeley Library. For example, on the home page, there is a prominent link to the online list of recently acquired publications on the general Spanish & Portuguese guide, making it even easier to stay current on new books in all of the call number ranges.
Because the guides are much easier to update, they encourage user interaction and invite community suggestions for inclusion (or deletion).
When you have time, please take a look at this new resource and let us know what you think.
Claude Potts, Romance Languages Librarian
Cameron Flynn, RLL Doctoral Candidate
Library event: Que vlo-ve? and Le Mot

In these austere times where both financial resources and shelving space are limited, it has become a rare occasion when we are able to pursue full-runs of older periodicals. However, the recent acquisition of these two—one from France and the other from Belgium—in more or less the same time period has sparked the idea of hosting a hands-on journal presentation for those interested in interacting with the journals before the issues are processed, cataloged, bound, and stored in their distinct library locations.
Que vlo-ve?: bulletin de l’Association internationale des amis de Guillaume Apollinaire was published from January 1973 to 2004. Centered on the work of the celebrated 20th century French poet, playwright, short story writer, novelist and art critic of Polish descent, its intention was not to duplicate articles published in the annual Guillaume Apollinaire series by Lettres Modernes. Instead, it was meant to welcome articles that could not easily find a place, news of the association and of the museum as well as news that members of the scholarly society wished to disseminate internationally.

Sardonic and visually rich, this wartime French literary and artistic journal published by Jean Cocteau and Paul Iribe, was characterized by a restrained modernism and a fiercely nationalistic, anti-German perspective. Le Mot (The Word) was a wartime sequel to François Bernouard’s Schéhérazade: Album Mensuel d’Oeuvres Inédites d’Art et de Littérature (1909-11). Its primary purpose was to establish an entirely French artistic style and taste—anti-bourgeois and uninfluenced by German modernism.
Reports of the brutal treatment of noncombatants (such as mass executions that included women, small children, and the elderly) and damage to towns and cultural centers shocked the public, leading to a characterization, particularly within France, of the German soldiers as destructive and uncivilized “huns” particularly within wartime propaganda. The bi-monthly periodical included cover designs by not only Iribe and Cocteau but also Sem, Raoul Dufy, Léon Bakst, André Lhote, Albert Gleizes, and Pierre-Emile Legrain. Cocteau signed his drawings as Jim, the name of his dog. In August 1914, when war was declared with Germany, he was twenty-five years old. Like many patriotic young Frenchmen, Cocteau tried to enlist but was turned down because of his health. Looking for other ways to serve his country and the war effort, he collaborated with Iribe to launch Le Mot. As a teenager, Iribe drew illustrations for the popular caricature journal L’Assiette au Beurre (The Butter Plate), which ran from 1902 to 1912. He also freelanced for Le Témoin, Rire, Sourire and other periodicals and was enthusiastic about starting a satirical journal of his own.
Please join us for an interactive show and tell with special guest Willard Bohn, alumnus of the Department of French and Professor Emeritus of French and Comparative Literature at Illinois State University.
Thursday, February 6
4-5:30 pm
223 Doe Library (accessible through south end of the Heyns Reading Room)
No rsvp required.
Claude H. Potts (he/him)
Librarian for Romance Language Collections
Meeting of Library’s Global & Area Studies Interest Group

On Wednesday, January 15, members of the newly formed Global & Area Studies Interest Group (GASIG) convened via Zoom to discuss new directions and topics of interest for librarians and staff working on international issues and themes at UC Berkeley. The knowledge sharing group provides a forum for Library employees to address issues related to supporting teaching, learning and research about specific world regions and countries, as well as international and global studies broadly. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to: collection development, collection management, digitization, metadata and discovery issues, campus partnerships, and fundraising.
Since its founding in 1868, students and faculty at UC Berkeley have concerned themselves with a breathtaking range of languages. In support of teaching and research, the University Library, which collects and preserves materials in all languages, now boasts a collection of nearly fourteen million volumes. It is among the largest academic libraries in the U.S. with more than one third of its print resources in more than 400 non-English languages, and even more in digital formats. Over a dozen Berkeley departments offer instruction in more than sixty languages.
The group will meet once or twice per semester, communicate via a group email list, and endeavors to host a series of educational events such as a library resource showcase featuring both hidden and well-known collections. Membership is open to all interested UC Berkeley Library employees across units, functions, and classifications. José Adrián Barragán-Álvarez (Bancroft Library) and Claude Potts (Arts & Humanities Division) are co-facilitators for the first two years. For more information or to join the group, please either one of us directly.
New book by Jeroen Dewulf
Nova História do Cristianismo Negro na África Ocidental e nas Américas makes a historiographical intervention aimed at the history of black Catholicism and black religion in the Americas in a broader way. Dewulf’s central and well-documented assertion is that black Christianity, both Catholic and Protestant, has roots in pre-Tridentine Portuguese Catholicism. Even before the advent of the slave trade, Catholicism had become an indigenous African religion, at times assuming pre-Tridentine and syncretic forms that have become irreconcilable for the Europeans of the post-Tridentine period. This argument has significant historiographical consequences; the long-standing confusion about the religiosity of the enslaved people is, at least in part, the result of assumptions that Africans knew little about Christianity before their enslavement. On the contrary, Dewulf traces these religious forms to the slave ships that transported human “cargo” to the Americas. This book is a timely salute to the Catholic and Christian studies that has for a long time portrayed Christians of African descent as marginalized and atypical people, rather than important global actors. (Citation of the Committee of the Prize John Gilmary Shea of the year 2023)
[from publisher’s site]
Jeroen Dewulf is Queen Beatrix Professor in Dutch Studies at the UC Berkeley Department of German and a Professor at Berkeley’s Folklore Program and an affiliated member of the Center for African Studies and the Center for Latin American Studies. He recently completed his long-term role as director of UC Berkeley’s Institute of European Studies where he is chair of the Center for Portuguese Studies. His main area of research is Dutch and Portuguese colonial history, with a focus on the transatlantic slave trade and the culture and religion of African-descended people in the American diaspora. He also publishes in the field of Folklore Studies and about other aspects of Dutch, German, and Portuguese literature, culture, and history.
Nova História do Cristianismo Negro na África Ocidental e nas Américas. Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, 2024.
Intelligenza Artificiale in Italia
Judging by the explosion of new books on artificial intelligence, or AI, being published in Italy, you might think this Mediterranean country is the the editorial epicenter for one of the hottest interdisciplinary topics. Whether you are in the humanities, social sciences, human sciences, computer science, or STEM fields, “intelligenza artificiale” as it’s called in Italian will eventually find its way into your coursework or research. Here are just a few of the books on AI to recently reach bookstores in Italy and that have not automatically been sent to the UC Berkeley Library. However, if you are inclined just let your friendly Romance languages librarian know and he’ll be happy to push the first button to initiate this demand-driven order.*
Amore, Nicolò and Eleonora Rossero. Robotica e intelligenza artificiale nell’attività medica. Organizzazione, autonomia, responsabilità. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2024.
Bezzecchi, Emanuele. Intelligenza artificiale. Farsi le domande giuste, capire gli scenari futuri e usare in modo smart l’IA generativa. Milano: Vallardi, 2024.
Biasi Marco, editor. Diritto del lavoro e intelligenza artificiale. Giuffrè, 2024.
Butera, Federico and Giorgio De Michelis. Intelligenza artificiale e lavoro, una rivoluzione governabile. Venezia: Marsilio, 2024.
Caligiore, Daniele. Curarsi con l’intelligenza artificiale. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2024.
Canali, Chiara and Rebecca Pedrazzi. L’Opera d’arte nell’epoca dell’intelligenza artificiale. Milano: Jaca Book, 2024.
Corrado, Vincenzo and Stefano Pasta. Intelligenza artificiale e sapienza del cuore. Commento al Messaggio di Papa Francesco per la 58ma Giornata mondiale delle Comunicazioni Sociali. Brescia: Morcelliana, 2024.
Cristiani, Nello. Machina sapiens. L’algoritmo che ci ha rubato il segreto della conoscenza. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2024.
Di Dio Roccazzella, Marco and Frank Pagano, editors. Intelligenza artificiale. Arte e scienza nel business. Il Sole 24 Ore, 2023.
D’Isa, Francesco. La Rivoluzione Algoritmica delle Immagini: Arte e Intelligenza Artificiale. Luca Sossella Editore, 2023.
Fanni, Rosanna et al. Guerre di macchine. Intelligenza artificiale tra etica ed efficacia. Guerini e Associati, 2024.
Formica, Piero. Intelligenza umana e intelligenza artificiale. Un’esposizione nella Galleria della Mente. Pendragon, 2024.
Gulisano, Paolo. Imperativo tecnologico: La sfida etica dell’intelligenza artificiale. Idrovolante Edizioni, 2024.
Iaselli, Michele. La protezione dei dati nell’era dell’intelligenza artificiale. 2024.
Legrenzi, Paolo. L’intelligenza del futuro. Perché gli algoritmi non ci sostituiranno. Milano: Mondadori, 2024.
Mari, Luca. L’Intelligenza artificiale in Dostoevskij. Riflessioni sul futuro, la conoscenza, la responsabilità umana. Il Sole 24 Ore, 2024.
Narmenni, Francesco. Conversazioni con l’intelligenza artificiale. Il Punto d’Incontro, 2023.
Pajno, Alessandro et al, editors. Intelligenza e diritto: una rivoluzione? Vol. 1. Diritti fondamentali, dati personali e regolazione. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2022.
Pasqualetti, Fabio, and Vittorio Sammarco, editors. Intelligenza artificiale: In cerca di umanità. LAS, Percorsi di Comunicazione, 2023.
Proto, Massimo. Intelligenza artificiale e rapporti bancari. Umano e non umano nelle relazioni tra intermediari e clienti. Pacini Giuridica, 2024.
Sini, Carlo. Intelligenza artificiale e altri scritti. Milano: Jaca Book, 2024.
*Demand-driven acquisition (DDA), is a model of library collection development in which a library only purchases materials when it is clear that a patron has demonstrated the need for a resource. If implemented correctly, DDA can make it possible to purchase only what is needed, allowing libraries to spend the same amount of money as they previously spent on monographs, but with a higher rate of use.
Bibliopolítica: A Digital History of the Chicano Studies Library
At the intersection of Chicana/o/x Studies, Digital Humanities and Library History, Bibliopolítica: A Digital History of the Chicano Studies Library chronicles the history of one of the first Chicana/o/x collections, the Chicano Studies Library at the University of California, Berkeley.
Bibliopolítica shares the stories of trailblazing library workers, students and community members who worked to preserve and make Chicana/o/x resources available. Featuring photographs, ephemera, archival documents, and oral histories, Bibliopolítica offers an original digital collection of primary sources and is the first audiovisual history of this special place that helped redefine what libraries could be.
Bibliopolítica takes its name from a book of the same title that Richard Chabrán and librarian colleague Francisco García-Ayvens published in 1984, BiblioPolítica: Chicano Perspectives on Library Service in the United States. In 2024, it remains one of the few titles dedicated to the discussion of Chicana/o/x librarianship. Bibliopolítica: a Digital History of the Chicano Studies Library adds to this important conversation, but it is only the beginning of a much needed longer and more detailed history of the Chicano Studies Library and the contributions of Chicana/o/x library workers.
You can explore the digital exhibit, listen to recorded oral histories, browse digitized archival items, or explore on your own path.
Co-curated by Amanda Belantara – Assistant Curator at New York University Libraries, Lillian Castillo-Speed – former Chicano Studies Library Coordinator, now Head Librarian of the Ethnic Studies Library at UC Berkeley, and Richard Chabrán – former Chicano Studies Library Coordinator, Team Leader Latino Digital Archive Group.
Fum d’Estampa Press

“Our objective is to bring what we think are great stories and literature to the English-speaking world and let the readers decide for themselves.” – Douglas Suttle
Fum d’Estampa Press was founded in 2020 by translator Douglas Suttle to bring exciting, different Catalan language literature to an English speaking audience. Though small, the press quickly established itself as an ambitious publisher of high quality titles. Since then, they have been long- and short-listed for some of the most important literary prizes in the UK and abroad, and have recently started to publish fantastic literature in translation from languages other than Catalan.
Catalan authors include Montserrat Roig, Joan Fuster, Guillem Viladot, Jordi Cussà, Bel Olid, Joaquim Ruyra, Jacint Verdaguer, Laura Alcoba, Maica Rafecas, Jordi Larios, Almudena Sánchez, Adrià Pujol, Oriol Ponsatí-Murlà, Raül Garrigasait, Oriol Quintana, Joan Maragall, Jordi Llavina, Marina Porras, Jordi Graupera, Llorenç Villalonga, Jaume Subirana, Ferran Soldevila, Narcís Oller, and Rosa Maria Arquimbau.
Among the translators are Alan Yates, Ronald Puppo, Louise Johnson and Peter Bush, Tiago Miller, and Mara Faye Lethem.
While its editorial offices are based in Vilafranca del Penedès, south of Barcelona, it prints its books in the south of England, and stores its physical books in Scotland. Ebooks are also available.
Here are a few of their books held by the UC Berkeley Library:
Correspondance complète de Rousseau ONLINE

In partnership with the Voltaire Foundation, the Correspondance complète de Rousseau ONLINE makes Ralph Leigh’s critical edition in 52 volumes in the original French-language available as an ebook collection for the first time. The digital corpus gathers together all 8,000 letters written to and by one of the most important figures of eighteenth-century intellectual history, as well as the correspondence between third parties relating to the writer and his time. Drafts and copies have been collated against the original manuscripts and all variants reproduced. The extensive annotations identify individuals, events and places, explain the linguistic usages of the eighteenth century, give bibliographical information and clarify obscure allusions.
This library purchase was made possible with the generous support from the Archie & Harriett Maclean Endowed Fund for French Culture.
Col·lecció Breus from the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB)
The Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB) makes available the transcripts of debates, lectures, seminars, and symposia given by luminaries from both sides of the Atlantic over the years. Here are a few of these printed lectures, now published as bilingual pamphlets by Editorial Breus, now in the UC Berkeley Library collection:
98. La literatura y la música son parte de mí / Literature and music are part of me – Julieta Venegas
96. El món que necessitem / The World we need – Donna Haraway – Marta Segarra
92. Arrautza, ou, huevo, oeuf, egg / Arrautza, ou, huevo, oeuf, egg – Bernardo Atxaga
91. La revolució avui / Revolution today – Angela Davis
81. El viejo futuro de la democracia / Democracy´s old future – Pedro Olalla
67. L’habitació, la casa, el carrer / Room, House, Street – Marta Segarra
63. La ciutat del dissens. Espai comú i pluralitat / The City of Dissent: Shared Space and Plurality – Xavier Antich
58. L’È́tica de láutoestima i el nou esperit del capitalisme / The Ethics of Self-esteem and the New Spirit of Capitalism – Josep Maria Ruiz Simón
49. De Cartago a Chiapas: crónica intempestiva / From Carthage to Chiapas: An Untimely Chronicle – Juan Villoro
46. Com si Déu no existís / Come se Dio non ci fosse – Paolo Flores d’Arcais
44. Estado de excepción y genealogía del poder / The State of Exception and the Genealogy of Power – Giorgio Agamben
40. Violència d’Estat, guerra, resitència / State Violence, War, Resistance – Judith Butler
35. Artesanos de la belleza de la propia vida / Crafters of the Beauty of Life Itself – Ángel Gabilondo
32. L’ambigüitat de la puresa / The Ambiguity of Purity – Lluís Duch
30. L’amistat / On Friendship – Jordi Llovet
18. Las lógicas del delirio / Logics of Delusion – Remo Bodei
View all publications in the CCC series on the publisher’s website.