New Books in Literature

Take a much needed study break, and peruse the library’s new acquisitions in Literature! The books we recently received have something for everyone—whether you’re looking for poetry, prose, or criticism.

Check out the rest of the new acquisitions!

Want a book that we don’t have in the library? Request it here.

New Display Case in Environmental Design Library

Environmental Design Library Exhibit Case

With the help of Semar Prom and the College of Environmental Design Fabrication Shop staff, the Environmental Design Library has installed a new display case.  The new case will allow for informal display of artists’ books, the library’s rare books, and timely topical information relevant to the college.  Currently on display are items from the upcoming 10/25/19 Hands On Artists’ Book event featuring newly acquired artists’ books.

Recent Acquisition: An Analysis of the Saltillo Style in Mexican Sarapes, Edited by Librarian Emerita, Kathryn M. Wayne

Now available: An Analysis of the Saltillo Style in Mexican Sarapes, by Katharine Drew Jenkins 

Includes a reproduction of Katharine Drew Jenkins’ thesis (M.A. in Decorative Art–University of California, Berkeley, Jan. 1951).

Edited by Librarian Emerita, Kathryn M. Wayne,

and including an essay by Berkeley Research Anthropologist, Ira Jacknis.


ISBN: 9780967101392



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New Books for August in Art History / Classics Library

You can find these and other new art history acquisitions on the New Books shelf in the Art History / Classics Library.

American Art Pottery                                    Sri Lanka: Connected Art Histories                        Anatomie: Skoku do Prazdna

Past Time                                                           Nature’s Nation                                           Antipodean Perspective

Unruly Visions                                              The Art of Feminism                                                 South Side Venus

August New Books in Art History

You can find these and other new art history acquisitions on the New Books shelf in the Art History / Classics Library.

Waswo X. Waswo: Photowallah                         Zadkine By the Sea                                                Giacometti

Arte e Magia                                                           Fuseli: Drama and Theatre                                   Traverser la peinture

Medieval Monsters                                                    I am Ashurbanipal                                                Stripped Bare

July’s New Books in Art History

You can find these and other new art history acquisitions on the New Books shelf in the Art History / Classics Library.

Promote, Tolerate, Ban                                         I Too Sing America                                             Enduring Ideals

The Art of Solidarity                                             Public, Private, Secret                                           Le Jardin Du Paradoxe

Pre-Raphaelite Girl Gang                                                Peindre la nuit                                                         Charles White

New Public Health Books

Here is a sample of new Public Health books — many more may be found on our New Public Health Books web guide. Click the links for location: most are at the Bioscience, Natural Resources & Public Health Library; some are at other UCB libraries, or online.

LGBT Health: Meeting the Needs of Gender and Sexual Minorities
How Qualitative Data Analysis Happens: Moving Beyond “Themes Emerged”
Reproductive Geographies: bodies, places and politics

Evaluation for a Caring Society
Teaching Health Humanities
Emerging Micro-Pollutants in the Environment: occurrence, fate, and distribution

The Global Gag Rule and Women’s Reproductive Health: Rhetoric versus reality
Health Services Evaluation
Understanding Trans Health: Discourse, power and possibility

June’s New Books in Art History

You can find these and other new art history acquisitions on the New Books shelf in the Art History / Classics Library.

Ida O’Keeffe                                                        Beyond the Pink Tide                                                   Geometries Sud


At the Edge of America                                      Fired Up! Ready to Go!                                           All things being Equal

Ver Sacrum                                                         Color Lehmitz                                                        Fotografie der Performance

Professor Emeritus T.J. Clark’s “Heaven on Earth: Painting and the Life to Come”

Heaven on earth

The latest publication from Modern Art Professor Emeritus T.J. Clark is now available to check out from the Main Stacks in Doe Memorial Library.

From the Thames & Hudson website:

“The idea of heaven on earth haunts the human imagination. The day will come, say believers, when the pain and confusion of mortal life will give way to a transfigured community. Such a vision of the world seems indelible. Even politics, some reckon, has not escaped from the realm of the sacred: its dreams of the future still borrow their imagery from the prophets. In Heaven on Earth, T. J. Clark sets out to investigate the very different ways painting has given form to the dream of God’s kingdom come. He goes back to the late Middle Ages and Renaissance – to Giotto in Padua, Bruegel facing the horrors of religious war, Poussin painting the Sacraments, Veronese unfolding the human comedy. Was it to painting’s advantage, is Clark’s question, that in an age of enforced orthodoxy (threats of hellfire, burnings at the stake) artists could reflect on the powers and limitations of religion without putting their thoughts into words?

At the heart of the book stands Bruegel’s ironic but tender picture of The Land of Cockaigne, but also Veronese’s inscrutable Allegory of Love. The story ends with Picasso’s Fall of Icarus, made for UNESCO in 1958, which already seems to signal – perhaps to prescribe – an age when all futures are dead.”

More French ebooks through OpenEdition

The Library has recently added 731 titles mostly in French but also Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and English to its ebook holdings through OpenEdition — an interdisciplinary open access initiative in France. Now, more than 4,700 academic ebooks in the humanities and social sciences are discoverable through the portal or through the Library’s catalogs permitting researchers to benefit from a range of DRM-free formats, some optimized specifically for e-readers, tablets, and smart phones (ePub, PDF, etc.). OpenEdition’s Freemium program makes it possible for UC Berkeley to participate in an acquisitions policy that supports openness and sustainable development of scholarly resources such as these.

Visit OpenEdition to read even more open access ebooks.