Tag: electronic resources
New Library Subject Pages
Some of you may have already noticed that the three subject home pages for the Romance Language Collections have gradually taken on a new look and feel this fall. This is part of an effort in the Doe/Moffitt Libraries to transform the functionality of the former static html pages. While the content may appear the same, open-source Library à la Carte software, developed at Oregon State University enables us to quickly update the content and repurpose some of the content modules to create dynamic library course guides such as French 142AC: the Cultures of Franco-America, French 102: Writing in French, Italian 5B, and Spanish 107: Survey of Spanish Literature .
Oxford Language Dictionaries Online (OLDO)
The innovative Oxford Language Dictionaries Online site offers essential language resources never before available online: fully searchable, completely comprehensive bilingual dictionaries, and unique study materials that provide extra help with learning and using an expanding range of languages.
Le Grand Robert electronique
is now available through the Library’s e-resources.
Factiva adds ReadSpeaker
Listen while you read French news on Factiva with ReadSpeaker.
ARTstor adds Magnum photos
ARTstor Digital Library has recently added more than 73,000 images from Magnum Photos International – a renowned group of documentary photographers.
"This collection relates to courses of study across the arts, humanities, social sciences, and beyond. The ARTstor community will now be able to access high-quality photographs from around the world, covering industry, society and people, places of interest, politics, news events, disasters and conflict, from the late 1930s to the present day. From the Spanish Civil War to the Gulf War, from Marilyn Monroe to Paul Newman, from John Updike to Toni Morrison, from Christian Dior to Oscar de la Renta, from the fall of the Berlin Wall to the crisis in Chechnya, these images capture wars, celebrities, authors, fashion designers, and defining moments in our shared history.
Magnum Photos International, Inc., is a cooperative founded just after World War II and owned today by its 80 prominent photographers, including Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa, Eve Arnold, Elliott Erwitt, Josef Koudelka, Rene Burri, Hiroji Kubota, Susan Meiselas, Martin Parr, Alex Webb and dozens of others. Magnum was created from the belief that photographers must have a point of view in their imagery that transcends any formulaic recording of contemporary events. "Magnum is a community of thought, a shared human quality, a curiosity about what is going on in the world, a respect for what is going on, and a desire to transcribe it visually," said Henri Cartier-Bresson." Read more on ARTstor’s Magnum Photos page.
This newly acquired e-resource is a full text searching, retrieving and analysis tool developed by the CNRS’ Laboratoire ATILF (Analyse et Traitement Informatique de la Langue Française). Frantext helps to locate specific words, lemmas and regular expressions in an individual work or corpus. It does not allow for downloading, printing or reading of the full text.
The database comprises approximately 4000 French texts, ranging from classic works of literature to various kinds of non-fiction prose and technical writing. The 18th, 19th and 20th centuries are about equally represented, with a smaller selection of 17th century texts as well as some medieval and Renaissance texts. Genres include novels, poetry, theater, journalism, essays, correspondence, treatises, travel narratives, and more. Subjects include literary criticism, biology, history, economics, and philosophy. Another implementation of Frantext is available through the Library’s subscription to ARTFL.
OskiCat is here!
By now, most of you have discovered that links to Pathfinder and GLADIS are nowhere to be found on the Library’s web site. In their place you will notice the bizarre neologism OskiCat – (Berkeley mascot) + cat(alog). What this means is that the massive migration of millions of records from the former online catalogs to a new and improved integrated library system is now complete. From this point forward, OskiCat is what you will need to use for most of your UC Berkeley library needs.
A few of the improvements that OskiCat brings are highlighted on the Library’s web site along with a growing list of FAQs and a quick tour of the new catalog:
• You can track items you have requested from storage.
• You can quickly check what items you have checked out.
• It’s easier to renew items online.
• You can find course reserves quickly and easily.
• You can limit your search results to your preferred libraries.
• It reminds you ahead of time when your items are due.
• It includes more campus libraries.
• You can limit your search results to online items.
• You can request materials check out to another borrower.
Relevant to research in the Romance languages, you will notice that OskiCat fully supports Unicode so that you can now search and retrieve results with diacritics. Neither GLADIS nor Pathfinder ever supported this global standard.
OskiCat also displays permalinks (permanent URLs) in each record so that you can link to the most recently updated record from your bibliographies, blogs, course guides, and web sites like bSpace.
At present, OskiCat does not allow those eligible for the RLCP to make direct borrowing requests from Stanford and UT Austin. However, you can continue to use the borrowing request form to initiate such requests.
While the first step in records migration was completed on June 24, it is important to keep in mind that much records clean-up work and refinement of the public interface remains to be done. With your constructive criticism, it is our hope that OskiCat will continue to evolve into a more perfect catalog. You may submit comments on the OskiCat’s questions & comments form designed for that very purpose.
Electronic Enlightenment Trial
The Library has set up a trial to Oxford University Press’ Electronic Enlightenment through October 23, 2010. Please send your comments and suggestions to Claude Potts at cpotts[at]library.berkeley.edu. Here’s the publisher’s description of this scholarly research project of the Bodleian Library at Oxford:
With 58,058 letters and documents and 6,929 correspondents as of September 2010, EE is the most wide-ranging online collection of edited correspondence of the early modern period, linking people across Europe, the Americas and Asia from the early 17th to the mid-19th century. Through EE you can see the ideas and concerns not only of thinkers and scholars, politicians and diplomats, but also butchers and housewives, servants and shopkeepers. With a wealth of personal detail revealed in these personal documents, you can explore as never before the relationships, correspondence networks and movement of ideas, the letters and lives of the early modern world.
Scholarship with added value
Drawn from the best available critical editions, EE is not simply an “electronic bookshelf” of isolated texts but a network of interconnected documents, allowing you to see the complex web of personal relationships in the early modern period and the making of the modern world.
But that’s not all. The EE team has created an ongoing program of expanding, linking and original scholarly research to give you thousands of newly-composed biographical notes and hundreds of thousands internal links and cross-references.
Current facts about Electronic Enlightenment
· 6,929 correspondents
· 44 nationalities from Europe, Asia & the Americas
· 671 occupations
· 58,058 letters and documents
· Information on 54,664 manuscript and 36,206 early edition sources
· 251,515 scholarly annotations
· 11 languages, including English, French, German & Italian
· 1,386 links to and from the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
· External links to over 50 other online resources
· Search correspondents by name or title, occupation, birth or death date & place
· Search documents by writer or recipient, date or place
· Search sources by country or archive
· Full text search of all documents, sources and notes
· Browse correspondents by surname, occupation or nationality
· Browse documents by decade
· Browse source editions by major author surname or publisher
· Citation formats and citation searching for letters and people
· Citation export to EndNote and RefManager bibliographic software
· Printer-friendly layout — for letters, people and annotations
· User-friendly help pages — context specific
Coming soon!
· Searching for documents by gender of author or recipient
· Social networking links for EE
· Browsing by location of publisher of EE source editions
Electronic Enlightenment
Through a consortial license negotiated by the Center for Research Libraries and CIFNAL (the Collaborative Initiative for French Language Collections), the Library now has access to the Electronic Enlightenment published by Oxford University Press.
Electronic Enlightenment (or EE) now in its second iteration is a searchable and browseable database offering extensive access to the web of correspondence between the greatest thinkers and writers of the long eighteenth century and their families and friends, bankers and booksellers, patrons and publishers. Coverage includes letters and documents, document sources such as manuscripts and early printed editions, scholarly annotations, and links to biographies, dictionaries, encyclopedias, newspapers, and other online resources.
AIDA Online
The Library now subscribes to the online bibliography Articoli italiani di periodici accademici (AIDA) which provides citations to more than 219,800 articles from 1,388 Italian periodicals since 1997. Publications from the entire spectrum of the humanities and the social sciences, including peripheral disciplines, are covered. The collaboration of Italian librarians ensures that the journals evaluated provide a representative selection of the current scholarly literature in the humanities and all related fields. AIDA Online is not simply an extract from the IBZ but an ideal supplement to it. Each entry includes information on author, title, subject (in German, English, Italian), journal title, subtitle (year of publication, volume, issue, page number), ISSN, publisher, box number of union catalogue and the Italian catalogue of journals, ZDB-ID, holdings of Italian libraries. Click here for the complete list of titles indexed in AIDA.
We are grateful to UC Berkeley’s Institute of European Studies for providing first-year support for the acquisition of this electronic resource that provides a useful point of access to Italian periodicals in both print and digital formats.