Tag: workshop
Drop-in Library training sessions for bibliographic management software and more
Drop-in Library training sessions have been scheduled during fall term in three campus libraries. The training schedule includes some hour-long sessions on bibliographic management tools that are open to both undergraduates and graduate students. The half-hour sessions are geared towards grad students.
I will provide a workshop on Zotero, RefWorks, or both by request if a group of five or more can find a time that works for them and for me (see my calendar). Contact me if you have any questions.
Workshop: For grad students & faculty – Google Searching Made Easy
My colleague Jesse Silva and I are offering a workshop for the graduate students and faculty we work with.
Event: Oral History Workshop
The Oral History Center of the Bancroft Library (formerly the Regional Oral History Office) is proud to launch a new 2-day oral history workshop that is designed for the person who is interested in learning the practice from ground-up. This workshop is conceived of as a companion initiative to the more in-depth Advanced Oral History Summer Institute, which typically attracts scholars and professionals with specific research projects in mind. The new Spring Workshop will focus on the “nuts-and-bolts” of oral history interviewing, including project planning, interviewing techniques, transcription, recording equipment, and preservation. The workshop will include instruction from our seasoned oral historians but also plenty of hands-on practice exercises. Although space is strictly limited, everyone is welcome to attend the workshop, including community-based historians, teachers, genealogists, public historians, and students in college or grad school.
The two-day workshop will be held on Friday March 13th and Saturday March 14th, 2015 on the UC Berkeley campus. The cost is $225, which includes a take-home oral history manual. Registration now open.
Martin Meeker, Ph.D.
Associate Director
Upcoming RefWorks and EndNote Workshops
RefWorks Uncorked
Wednesday, Oct. 22; Room 350C Moffitt Library; 10:00 – 11:00 AM
Each of these trainings will include hands-on learning: use the PCs in the training rooms, or bring your own laptop. (If you bring your own laptop, you may wish to download a trial version of EndNote from endnote.com, unless you already have this program)
Features covered include:
- Adding references to EndNote or RefWorks from PubMed and other databases
- Organizing your references into groups or folders
- Using EndNote or RefWorks with Microsoft Word to instantly add references to your document in any of 1000s of citations styles
- …and more!
Event: Know Your Library Workshops
If you are looking for a basic introduction to the Library, help with navigating our online resources, and information about our services, you are welcome to drop in on one of the Know Your Library workshops being offered in early July.
The dates and times are:
July 1 1:00-2:00
July 2 1:00-2:00
July 10 1:00-2:00
All workshops will take place in 350C Moffitt. A UC ID or UCB library card must be presented to enter the Moffitt Undergraduate Library.
Free online course: InScribe: Palaeography learning materials
The Institute of Historical Research is offering a free online course on paleography, aimed at helping scholars interested in improving their ability to read and understand medieval documents and books. The topics covered include general palaeography, the history of medieval scripts, diplomatic, codicology and illumination.
Other free online courses from the Institute of Historical Research: http://www.history.ac.uk/research-training/browse/online
Open Access Week Workshops: Publish Smart, Maximize Impact
Do you have an article you want to publish? Are you trying to decide where to place it? This workshop will examine how journals are ranked for impact (including some of the controversies about ranking systems), and your rights as an author. Are you confused about copyright? Do you want to be able to post copies of your article on your own website? Do you know whether you’ll be able to? We will discuss Berkeley funding to support open access publishing, and the movement in academia to make information more accessible. Not only is open access a social good, it can also be good for you as an author!
Social Sciences
Wednesday, October 24
3:30 – 5:00pm
251 Doe Library
Thursday, October 25
11:00am – 12:30pm
Engineering Library
Arts, Humanities and Area Studies
Thursday, October 25
3:30 – 5:00pm
251 Doe Library
Students, researchers, faculty and the public are invited to attend.
Come early and get a free t-shirt! (a limited number of open access t-shirts will be distributed)
Presentation on Mendeley this Thursday
There will be a presentation on Mendeley this Thursday, October 18, 2012, 9-10:30am in the Training Room, Bioscience & Natural Resources Library, VLSB.
All are welcome.
Mendeley is a free, desktop & web-based program used for managing and sharing research papers, data and collaborating online.
Are you an Endnote or RefWorks user?
EndNote X5 / RefWorks Drop-In Class: Oct. 16, 130-3 PM
The Library is offering a workshop on the basics of using both EndNote and RefWorks:
- How to add citations to your database,
- How to organize your citations,
- How to format your bibliography,
- How to use EndNote and RefWorks with Microsoft Word to create reference lists and bibliographies.
This class will be useful for EndNote/RefWorks novices, for those who want a little tune-up, and for those of you struggling a bit with the software. It will also be useful for those of you trying to decide which one to use (if either!)
Tuesday, Oct. 16 2012; 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Location: Training Room, Bioscience and Natural Resources Library, VLSB
No sign-up is needed
EndNote automates the creation of bibliographies. Save hours of typing by simply selecting the publication or style by name and generating a perfectly formatted document. EndNote currently offers thousands of output styles. EndNote allows you to store PDFs and other files in your database.
RefWorks is a web-based tool that allows users to create a citation database by importing references from text files or online databases. Use these references in writing papers and automatically format the paper and the bibliography in seconds. Web-based means you can access RefWorks from any computer with Internet access. Access to RefWorks is provided by the UCB Library to UCB students, staff, and faculty.
The Bioscience Library Training Room is equipped with Windows PCs. If you already have EndNote installed on your laptop, you can work on your own computer. You can also download a 30-day free EndNote trial from http://endnote.com/downloads/30-day-trial.