New Art History eBooks for September

Here is a sampling of  new titles for Art History available as ebooks through the UC Berkeley Library.  Click the links to their Oskicat records and check them out.

Seeing God in Art                                       Human Figuration…                                        Women Made Visible

Inappropriate Bodies                                                 The Concrete Body                                               Think Tank Aesthetics

Social Practice Art in Turbulent Times                                Visionary Animal                                             Precarious Forms

Romance Language Collections Newsletter no.5 (Fall 2020)

This year’s welcome back newsletter for those working in the romance languages focuses mostly on digital resources. After abrupt closures in March due to the global pandemic, the UC Berkeley Library has recently resumed acquisitions of non-digital formats but the bulk of this material remains in transit or is still being processed. For the most up-to-date information about the evolving services in the Library, please consult the Library services and resources during COVID-19 page.

Dibs Earth
Dibs Earth by Philip Chapman-Bell on Flickr, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
Romance Language Collections Newsletter no.5 (Fall 2020)

  • Remote Reference & Instruction
  • New Databases
  • HathiTrust ETAS
  • New books and more
  • Library Research Guides
  • New Journals
  • Open Access
  • bCourses
  • Digital Collections
  • Library Workshops (Online)
  • Featured Digitized Work

See also:

Some new Italian ebooks

While our print material is still in quarantine, here’s a short list of recently acquired ebooks from Italy. All are available for reading and downloading through Torrossa — Casalini Libri’s full text digital platform.


See also:


New Art History E-Resources for July

Here is a sampling of  new titles for Art History available as ebooks through the UC Berkeley Library.  Click the links to their Oskicat records and check them out.

Autochthonomies                                          Intersections of Contemporary Art…                          Citizens of Beauty 

 The Nature of Revolution                                                 Crossroads                                                    Partisan Aesthetics

The Mental Life of Modernism                                Everything is Relevant                                           Tear Gas Epiphanies

New eBooks for June in Art History

Here is a sampling of  new titles for Art History available as ebooks through the UC Berkeley Library.  Click the links to their Oskicat records and check them out.

Acts of Transgression                                                         Africobra                                            Becoming Mary Sully


Shifting Grounds                                       Classicisms in the Black Atlantic        Street Art and Democracy in Latin America

You are an Artist                                        Art and Tradition in a Time of Uprisings                           Drone Art

May – Art History New eBook Shelf

Here is a sampling of  new titles for Art History available as ebooks through the UC Berkeley Library.  Click the links to their Oskicat records and check them out.

Transcending Patterns                  Routledge Companion to African American Art History                Immaterial Archives 

The Justice of Visual Art                                   Water Graves                                                       We Travel the Space Ways


Form & Meaning in Avant-Garde Collage & Montage            Stone Fidelity                         The Obama Portraits

New Books for March in Art History

You can find these and other new art history acquisitions on the New Books shelf in the Art History / Classics Library.

The Evolution of Mimi                                   Encyclopedia of the Black Arts Movement                      We the People

Fireflies                                                                      Dada Bodies                                                       Touched Bodies

La Lune                                                                   The Cubist Cosmos                                                    Cosmos

January New Books in Art History

You can find these and other new art history acquisitions on the New Books shelf in the Art History / Classics Library.

Don Proch                                                          Behind the Veil of a Myth                                   Deep S.E.A. 

American Boys                                                   Marcia Hafif                                                   Autumn Knight In Rehearsal

Cosmic Theater                                                   Mourning the Dream                                    Restricted Images

December New Books in Art History

You can find these and other new art history acquisitions on the New Books shelf in the Art History / Classics Library.

Nicolas Schöffer                                                            Alexis Rockman                                                 Whistler and Nature

Käthe Kollwitz                                                               Laurent Amiot                                                                         Anne Bean

Faith Wilding’s fearful symmetries                      Résonance                                Emotion and the seduction of the senses

November New Books in Art History / Classics Library

You can find these and other new art history acquisitions on the New Books shelf in the Art History / Classics Library.

Study in Black and White                                      Salvador Dali at Home                         Zilia Sanchez: Soy Isla

Paintings for the Future                                       Here Everything is Possible                                             Lust for Light


Danser Brut                                                  Aslaug M. Juliussen: Intersections                               Un Autre Oeil