I hope you have had a fruitful summer. I wanted to send you some updates about the Caribbean and Latin American Studies collection development and my activities for the past few months as your department’s liaison librarian.
I’m excited to share some recent library acquisitions that will enhance your research and teaching resources at UC Berkeley. Here are the highlights of our new collections. Besides electronic resources, I purchase print materials for current teaching and research. This year, I launched a permanent approval plan for contemporary Mexican books. I will continue to offer by appointment student research consultations regularly throughout this semester. Please have your students reach out to me through my email: Lpendse at Berkeley.edu
Digital Archives and Journals
Cine Cubano: Latin America’s Oldest Film Magazine
This invaluable resource offers over 200 issues spanning six decades of Cuban revolutionary and Latin American cinema. It provides unparalleled access to film theory, filmmaking approaches, and reviews from 1960 to 2019.
Cine Cubano, 1960-1962
Cuban Pre-Revolutionary Cinema
This collection documents the development of Cuban cinema from the Silent Era to 1959, including the complete run of Cinema magazine from 1935 to 1965
Feminism in Cuba: Nineteenth through Twentieth Century Archival Documents
Feminism in Cuba, 1898-1958
Compiled from Cuban sources, this collection illuminates Cuban feminism, women in politics, and literature by Cuban women from independence to the end of the Batista regime.
Prensa Libre Digital ArchiveAccess the digital archive of Prensa Libre, a leading Guatemalan newspaper published in Guatemala City since 1951.
Prensa Libre Digital Archive Access the digital archive of Prensa Libre, a leading Guatemalan newspaper published in Guatemala City since 1951.
E-book Collections Iberoamericana Vervuert Frontlists (2022-2024)
We’ve acquired the latest front lists from the Iberoamericana Vervuert publishing house through DeGruyter, covering publications from 2022 to 2024.
I also purchased the following rare periodicals for Berkeley.
Alfonsina Revista Mensual
Zulma Nuñez (Dir)
Published in Buenos Aires by Impresiones El Sol, 1953
In-8. #1 Oct 1953 – #3 Dic 1953 (Complete set). Wrappers in slipcase.
Collaborators: Fanny Navarro, Iris Marga, Duilio Marcio, Maciel Barbosa, Evelina Benasso, Gomez Cou, and others. Apart from literary and artistic criticism, this magazine dedicates many chapters to the life and work of Alfonsina Storni, with many illustrations of his house in Lugano, Switzerland, and stages of his life. Missing to all bibliographies
Alfonsina Revista Mensual Zulma Nuñez (Dir) Published in Buenos Aires by Impresiones El Sol, 1953
Revista Artes Graficas Organo Oficial
Publisher: Buenos Aires Graficos Platt
Publication Date: 1941
Edition: 1st Ed
In-8. #1 Sep 1941. #2 Oct 1941, #4 May 1942, #5 Jan Mar 1943. Collaborators: Pablo Paoppi, Jose Carbonell, Felix de Ugarteche, Among others. Rare graphic magazine that only cites incompletely Washington Pereyra, it came out with an irregular frequency for three years, from September 1941 until September 1943, probably 7 or 8 issues max. In all its issues, this magazine brings some extraordinary studies on the first printing presses of Argentina and Paraguay Jesuit missions. Washington Pereyra T4,p204.
Title: SOLCALMO. Revista de Dinamizacion Mental: …
Publisher: Buenos Aires S.A.G.A.
Publication Date: 1967
Binding: Sin Encuadernar
Edition: 1ª Edición.
In-8º. #1 Verano de 1967-1968 (Complete set). Collaborators : Miguel Grinberg, Manuel Ruano, Eduardo Barquin, Victor Garcia Robles, Oscar Barney Finn, Jorge Lavelli, Horacio Vaggione. This initial number of Solcalmo, publication of the orbit of Miguel Grinberg, also included the original prologue of Gombrowicz`s book Ferdydurke—Provenzano page 306.
Prada Fortul, Antonio. Benkos… Las Alas de un Cimarrón : Volumen 1. 1st ed. Bogotá: Programa Editorial Universidad Del Valle, 2024. Print.
Carabalí Díaz, Liliana. Memorias de un Orgullo de Ebano : Graciela Diaz, el trasegar de una mujer afrocolombiana / Liliana Carabali Diaz. Bogota, Colombia: Programa Editorial Universidad del Valle, 2022. Print.
These new resources significantly expand our holdings in Latin American studies, film, literature, and history. I encourage you to explore these materials for your research and teaching needs.
If you have any questions or need assistance accessing these resources, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Happy researching!
Library Liaison for the Caribbean and Latin American Studies
This year’s welcome back newsletter for those working in the Romance languages focuses on digital and print resources. For the most up-to-date information on the UC Berkeley Library’s services, please continue to check the Library’s Get Help page.
A substantial run of the Spanish weekly film magazine Cinegramas: Revista Semanal (1934-36) was acquired months before the Covid pandemic hit but can now be consulted in The Bancroft Library. It ceased publication with the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in July 1936.
It has been a challenging year and we look forward to most of you returning to campus where you can take advantage of all the resources the Library has to offer. By August 25, most of UC Berkeley’s libraries will have reopened. This year’s welcome back newsletter for those working in the Romance languages focuses on both digital and print resources. For the most up-to-date information on the UC Berkeley Library’s services, please continue to check the Library services and resources during COVID-19 page.
Photo: Centre Cultural La Nau – Universitat de València by Claude Potts, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
This year’s welcome back newsletter for those working in the romance languages focuses mostly on digital resources. After abrupt closures in March due to the global pandemic, the UC Berkeley Library has recently resumed acquisitions of non-digital formats but the bulk of this material remains in transit or is still being processed. For the most up-to-date information about the evolving services in the Library, please consult the Library services and resources during COVID-19 page.
Dibs Earth by Philip Chapman-Bell on Flickr, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0