Tag: homepage-news
Library tours, August 21 – 28
Join other students and get your bearings with a 3-in-one tour of the Doe Memorial Library, Moffitt Undergraduate Library, and the Main Stacks. See these central libraries and learn about the student services they provide. Tour starts at the north entrance of Doe Library.
Tour dates and times:
Tuesday 8/21: 2-3 pm
Wednesday 8/22: 10-11am and 2-3pm
Thursday 8/23: 10-11am and 2-3pm
Friday 8/24: 10-11am and 2-3pm
Monday 8/27: 10-11am and 2-3pm
Tuesday 8/28: 10-11am and 2-3pm
Graphic Novels from Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal and Spain

Here’s a fairly complete list of most of the graphic novels acquired by the Library in the romance languages from southern Europe over the past two years. Some are critical or reference works, and a few English translations have been included as well.
Alexandre Jacob : journal d’un anarchiste cambrioleur / Vincent Henry, Gaël Henry. Paris : Sarbacane, 2016.
Alfa, Beta, Bronson / Ramón Rodríguez, José Ramón Grela. Barcelona : Ediciones La Cúpula, 2016.
Algériennes : 1954-1962 / Swann Meralli & Deloupy. Paris : Marabout, 2018.
America / Nine Antico. Grenoble : Glénat, 2017.
Asylum / Javier de Isusi. Bilbao : Astiberri : CEAR-Euskadi, 2017.
Avery’s blues / guión, Angux ; dibujo, Núria Tamarit. Madrid – España : Dibbuks, 2016.
Blackbird days / Manuele Fior ; translated by Jamie Richards. Seattle, WA : Fantagraphics Books, 2018.
- Cette machine tue les fascistes / Jean-Pierre Pécau, Senad Mavric. Paris : Futuropolis, 2016.
- Chateaubriand / Nena, Witko. Nantes : Vide Cocagne, 2016.
- Che cos’è il graphic novel / Stefano Calabrese, Elena Zagaglia. Roma : Carocci editore, maggio 2017.
- Como viaja el agua / Juan Díaz Canales. Bilbao : Astiberri, 2016.
- Corta e cola : discos e histórias do punk em Portugal (1978-1998) / Afonso Cortez. Lisbon : Chili com Carne : Thisco, 2017.
Corto Maltese e la poetica dello straniero : l’atelier carismatico di Hugo Pratt / Stefano Cristante. Milano : Mimesis, 2016.
Cómic, arquitectura narrativa / Enrique Bordes. Madrid : Cátedra, 2017.
Demasiado guapo / Sebas Martín. Barcelona : La Cúpula, 2016.
Dr. Uriel / Sento. Bilbao : Astiberri, 2017.
Elle(s) / scénario et dessin Bastien Vivès. Bruxelles : Casterman, 2017.
El solar / Alfonso López. Barcelona : La Cúpula, 2016.
El viaxe a la lluz / Ruma Barbero. Xixón, Asturies : Suburbia Ediciones : Gobiernu del Principau d’Asturies, mayu 2016.
Espacios en blanco / Miguel Francisco. Bilbao : Astiberri, 2017.
The expanding art of comics : ten modern masterpieces / Thierry Groensteen ; translated by Ann Miller. Jackson : University Press of Mississippi, 2017.
- Fissa, papa… : de la cité au bled, du bled à la cité / Amazing Améziane. Vanves : Marabout, 2017.
- Frapper le sol : Tatsumi Hijikata sur la voie du butô / Céline Wagner. Arles : Actes sud, 2016.
- Freezer / Veronica “Veci” Carratello. Milano : Bao publishing, 2016.
- Fuga de la muerte / Fidel Martínez. Castalla (Alicante) : Edicions de Ponent, 2016.
- Fun / written and illustrated by Paolo Bacilieri ; translated from Italian by Jamie Richards. London : SelfMadeHero, 2017.
List continues on the library research guide for European Comics & Graphic Novels—>

Select new books from Colombia and Cuba-Summer 2018
I wanted to present our readers with some selected images of the new books that came in today from Colombia and Cuba. I will leave up to the readers to browse through the albums and enjoy what we are collecting for our general collections in these two countries. Both countries and their publishing represent distinct trajectories and historical circumstances and it can be seen in the images of the books that we purchase. While the editorial and censorial works that happen in some countries cannot be represented in their full capacities, as an academic librarian, I usually collect the books that would be of interest to our students, faculty and visiting scholars. The library and its collections cannot be an archive of sorts. However, the contemporary library collections can purvey the anticipated needs of its users.
Please click on the title of each country or on the icons after the name of the countries.
Summer reading: Barkskins
Annie Proulx
Though it’s very long, I count it as inspirational in many ways. She inspires the reader to think about the research (the love of historical archival work and stories of the past, the enjoyment of discovery, a fascination with the lives of other people) involved in writing this kind of historical novel. She also leaves us with something like an obsession with trees, branches and leaves, and massive tree trunks and a longing for woods and forests. Though it’s partly a story of the ecological devastation of the forests of North America, it’s also a story of hope that we today will do some healing. It is also an honest and delicate exploration of relations between European settlers and Native American groups.
This book is part of the 2017 Berkeley Summer Reading List. Stay tuned for more weekly posts!
Summer reading: Climate Changed
Climate Changed: A Personal Journey through the Science
Philippe Squarzoni
Squarzoni’s graphic memoir recounts his experience in coming to understand the immensity of our changing climate. While he was finishing a previous book about politics, he realized he didn’t know much about climate change, and thus he started to investigate. That investigation led him to a whole new book, one he felt he had to write. Not only does the book inform readers of these enormous changes, it also illustrates how it is we come to understand new and life-altering ideas. One of my students said after reading Squarzoni’s memoir that she felt “changed.” Squarzoni provides no easy answers, but he does open our eyes to some of the most pressing concerns of our day.
This book is part of the 2017 Berkeley Summer Reading List. Stay tuned for more weekly posts!
Summer reading: Euphoria
Lily King
This 2014 novel is based in part on the life of the famed/notorious anthropologist Margaret Mead. Set in New Guinea in the 1930s, this narrative full of danger and desire is propelled forward by the thrill — and the risks — of seeking out new knowledge. A reviewer wrote in the New York Times, “King’s signal achievement may be to have created satisfying drama out of a quest for interpretive insight.”
This book is part of the 2017 Berkeley Summer Reading List. Stay tuned for more weekly posts!
Summer reading: Killers of the Flower Moon
Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the F.B.I.
David Grann
Woody Guthrie sang that in his native Oklahoma, “Some will rob you with a six-gun, And some with a fountain pen.” This Western history reveals the full truth of this for the first time, and adds the point that for Native Americans fraud was sealed with multiple murders of the young and the old. Grann, a magazine journalist, has had an epic year with human catastrophes of a century ago. His book on explorers in the Amazon became the film, The Lost City of Z, and his visit to Antarctica, “The White Darkness,” was featured in The New Yorker in early 2018. The dusty oil patch in Oklahoma, it turns out, had healthier weather but many more tragedies. They will make you gasp as you become the explorer.
This book is part of the 2017 Berkeley Summer Reading List. Stay tuned for more weekly posts!
Summer reading: Brain on Fire
Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness
Susannah Cahalan
At the age of 24, Susannah Cahalan was coming into her own: living in New York City, in a serious relationship, and beginning her career as a journalist for a major newspaper. Just as things felt like they were coming together, everything fell apart when she woke up in the hospital, confused and unsure of who she was. There is a level of vulnerability in this book that is unwavering and brave as Cahalan recalls the month that she fought to convince doctors, loved ones, and herself that she was not lost.
This book is part of the 2017 Berkeley Summer Reading List. Stay tuned for more weekly posts!
Summer reading: All the Light We Cannot See
All the Light We Cannot See
Anthony Doerr
In his novel, Doerr artfully weaves together the stories of blind French girl and a precocious Nazi boy who meet in St. Malo, France as the town is being bombed by the Allies shortly after D-Day. The book reminds us how courage, imagination, and resourcefulness can enable us to transcend our limitations.
This book is part of the 2017 Berkeley Summer Reading List. Stay tuned for more weekly posts!
Summer reading: Born a Crime
Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood
Trevor Noah
In the age of South African apartheid, Trevor Noah’s mom is the heroine who is able to raise a smart, funny, and thoughtful human being who, as an adult, has gone on to fight racism with dignity and humor. Noah’s mother, through all of their many trying times, was the light and inspiration who allowed Trevor the ability to learn from their hardships. Through the confines of racism and violence, this is a tale of how survival can happen with love, humor, and dignity. At the end of it all, there continues to be light, inspiration, discovery and hope in our humanity!
This book is part of the 2017 Berkeley Summer Reading List. Stay tuned for more weekly posts!