Tag: book sale
Event: $1 BOOK SALE
Homecoming at UC Berkeley
Saturday, October 19
9am – 3pm
180 Doe Library
The 4,000+ books in 180 Doe will be offered for $1 each. Most books are fresh – that is, they have not been offered for sale before. You will find some surprisingly attractive books in the room. I hope that many move from the Library’s shelves to yours.
The Doe Library building will open at 9am on the day of the sale. The best place to wait, if you plan to arrive in advance, is at the south entrance to Doe. Right at 9am I’ll walk over to room 180 with those who have been waiting in line. I’ll ask that everyone maintains his or her place in the line.
Scanners are permitted for those who require an electronic second opinion. Hoarding books for subsequent leisurely review, however, is not.
Thank you for your interest, and we hope to see you there,
Dirk Kennedy
The Library
University of California, Berkeley
$1 Book Sale — April 13 — NEW LOCATION
Saturday, April 13
9am – 3pm
180 Doe Library NEW LOCATION
The 4,000+ books in 180 Doe will be offered for $1 each. Most books are fresh – that is, they have not been offered for sale before. You will find some surprisingly attractive books in the room. I hope that many move from the Library’s shelves to yours.
Scanners are permitted for those who require an electronic second opinion. Hoarding books for subsequent leisurely review, however, is not.
Thank you for your interest, and we hope to see you there,
Dirk Kennedy
$1 Book Sale — Homecoming, October 13
Saturday, October 13
9am – 3pm
303 Doe Library
The 4,500+ books on the shelves of 303 Doe will be offered for $1 each. Most books are fresh – that is, they have not been offered for sale before. You will find some surprisingly attractive books in the room. I hope that many move from the Library’s shelves to yours.
Scanners are permitted for those who require an electronic second opinion. Hoarding books for subsequent leisurely review, however, is not.
Thank you for your interest, and we hope to see you there,
Dirk Kennedy
Event: $1 BOOK SALE
Saturday, April 21
9am – 3pm
303 Doe LibraryThe 4,500+ books on the shelves of 303 Doe will be offered for $1 each. Most books are fresh – that is, they have not been offered for sale before. You will find some surprisingly attractive books in the room. I hope that many move from the Library’s shelves to yours.
The Doe Library building will open at 9am on the day of the sale. The best place to wait, if you plan to arrive in advance, is at the main (North) entrance to Doe. Right at 9am I’ll walk up to room 303 with those who have been waiting in line. I’ll ask that everyone maintains his or her place in the line.Scanners are permitted for those who require an electronic second opinion. Hoarding books for subsequent leisurely review, however, is not.
Thank you for your interest, and we hope to see you there,
Dirk Kennedy
Event: $1 Library book sale

Saturday, April 22nd
9am – 3pm
303 Doe Library
The 4,500+ books on the shelves of 303 Doe will be offered for $1 each. Most books are fresh – that is, they have not been offered for sale before. You will find some surprisingly attractive books in the room. I hope that many move from the Library’s shelves to yours.
Scanners are permitted for those who require an electronic second opinion. Hoarding books for subsequent leisurely review, however, is not.
Event: $1 Book Sale — Homecoming, October 1st
Homecoming at UC Berkeley
Saturday, October 1st
9am – 3pm
303 Doe Library
The 4,500+ books on the shelves of 303 Doe will be offered for $1 each. Most books are fresh – that is, they have not been offered for sale before.
The Doe Library building will open at 9am on the day of the sale. The best place to wait, if you plan to arrive in advance, is at the main (North) entrance to Doe.
Event: Library Book Sale
The 4,500+ books on the shelves of Doe 303 will be offered for sale for $1 each. Most books are fresh; that is, they have not been offered for sale in room 303 before. You will find some surprisingly attractive books in the room. I hope that many move from the Library’s shelves to yours.
Scanners are permitted for those who require an electronic second opinion. Hoarding books for subsequent leisurely review, however, is not.
Thank you for your interest, and I hope to see you there,
Dirk Kennedy
Event: Library Book sale on Saturday, October 3
I am sharing this announcement from Dirk Kennedy, the Library’s gifts coordinator, about the next Library Booksale:
Homecoming at UC Berkeley
Saturday, October 3
9am – 3pm
303 Doe Library
The 4,500+ books on the shelves of Doe 303 will be offered for sale for $1 each. Most books are fresh; that is, they have not been offered for sale in room 303 before. You will find some surprisingly attractive books in the room. I hope that many move from the Library’s shelves to yours.
Scanners are permitted for those who require an electronic second opinion. Hoarding books for subsequent leisurely review, however, is not.
Event: Library $1 Book sale
Cal Day at UC Berkeley
Saturday, April 18
9am – 3pm
303 Doe Library
The 4,500+ books on the shelves of Doe 303 will be offered for sale for $1 each. Most books are fresh; that is, they have not been offered for sale in room 303 before. You will find some surprisingly attractive books in the room. I hope that many move from the Library’s shelves to yours.
The Doe Library building will open at 9am on the 18th. The best place to wait, if you plan to arrive in advance, is at the main (North) entrance to Doe. Right at 9am I’ll walk up to 303 with those who have been waiting in line. I’ll ask that everyone maintains his or her place in the line.
Scanners are permitted for those who require an electronic second opinion. Hoarding books for subsequent leisurely review, however, is not.
Thank you for your interest, and I hope to see you there,
Dirk Kennedy
Event: Book sale in the Library
On Cal Day, Saturday, April 12th, there will be a $1 book sale from 9am – 3pm in 303 Doe Library. (To find that room go up the marble stairs to the right and then take the next staircase you see up to the 3rd floor. )
If you would like to be notified of the occasional library book sale, please send an email to librarybooksale-join@lists.berkeley.edu. You will receive a confirmation e-mail to which you must reply in order to join the mailing list.