Acquisitions Documentation: 1) Millennium Fund Reports, and 2) Ordering replacements

Thanks to Jim Gordon, we now have documents that answer oft-asked selectors’ questions:

Where are the fund reports? How do I view, print and copy data? Answers are here:

“What process is triggered when I order a  replacement?” The answer is here

Both of these links are “filed” on the Collections Services staff-side website, under “Budget/Metrics” and “Print Management”, respectively.


Serial Expenditure Reports

As selectors know, there is a new expectation that they more closely manage their serial budgets.  See Managing selector funds to Zero. We’ve had a number of discussions with selectors about what information would be helpful  as they undertake this new task.

Thanks to Jim Gordon (Acquisitions) and Kurt True (Systems), it is now possible to generate Serial Expenditures Reports for selectors to use in managing their serials budgets.

Instructions for how to access these reports are posted on the Collections Services staff-side website, at

These reports are most useful after a critical mass of serial subscriptions is paid, so we plan to roll these reports out every January.  Jim Gordon will be watching subsequent payment activity and will issue updated reports throughout the remainder of the fiscal year – every 4 to 6 weeks.

This is the first year that we’re concentrating on selector management of serial budgets, and hopefully this tool will be useful in everyone closing the year with their serials budgets close to being in balance.  We understand that managing exactly to zero is impossible, so small surpluses or deficits are expected.

Best, Bernie


If you go to this OskiCat record, , you’ll find it’s for a UC Berkeley doctoral dissertation dated Spring 2011. Imbedded in this record is a link, UCB Dissertations. Freely available . This link launches a full text PDF of the dissertation that is served from a UC Berkeley Library server.

This record is the culmination of The Library’s collaboration with the Graduate Council to move Berkeley from print to electronic dissertations (and soon to include Plan 1 theses), and to make these freely available on a timetable set by the author. Systems reports that as of this writing, 948 dissertations are freely available, and 161 dissertations (15% of the total) are being held by author request in embargo (more on embargo below.)

Recently, the Graduate Council has approved a similar proposal to move Plan 1 masters theses to e-only. We expect the first e-theses to arrive next Spring.

Getting here

The process began in August 2009 when the Graduate Council passed a proposal requiring that dissertations be e-only beginning Spring 2010.

Library Systems and the Catalog Department developed a fully automated workflow that culminated in the appearance of e-dissertation records, including open access links, in OskiCat, Next Gen Melvyl, and OCLC. (Note: Three UC campuses are participating in a pilot to load e-Dissertations to eScholarship. Berkeley will begin this process when the pilot moves into formal implementation.)

The workflow devised includes ProQuest creating the metadata which Systems then programmatically uses to establish an OskiCat record. This has and will continue to save Cataloging a great deal of time and effort. (Kudos to Systems and Cataloging for this elegant solution.)

The original Grad Council proposal set a default author selection to a 2-year embargo before the full text would become available. UC Berkeley Library staff immediately expressed concerns seeing the embargo as an unnecessary in most cases barrier to open access. Between September 2010 and May 2011, Collections Council asked for feedback from subject councils and named a small group (Bette Anton, Jim Ronningen, and Charlotte Rubens) to draft a document setting forth The Library’s viewpoint. UL Tom Leonard took this document to the Academic Senate Committee on Libraries who in turn co-authored a letter to the Chair of the Grad Council asking them to reconsider the issue. In June 2011 we were informed that the Grad Council had decided to change their author form to remove any default, and to list open access as the first option on the form. (See the release forms now posted at

Plan 1 Master Theses

As mentioned above, the Grad Division announced in September 2011 electronic submission of Plan 1 masters theses will be optional for the Fall 2011 semester, and will become mandatory in Spring 2012. (Note: depending on the academic program, masters candidates are identified as Plan 1 for those who are required to write and file a thesis, and Plan 2 who may qualify via exam or special project.) We’re happy to report that the first option offered to theses authors is also open access .

Thanks to all for a very successful team effort.


WEST has an expanded website

CDL has just announced that the WEST Regional Storage Trust website has been expanded to pull together much of the descriptive materials that previously were spread over several documents.

Powerpoint slides (much like those Emily Stambaugh shared at our Feburary Early Bird) are also available. Go to the About page and select West Orientation (PDF) from the right-hand sidebar.

Of particular interest to us, is this teaser “We are also developing a wiki which will contain working documents and project information for WEST members. We will send a separate message with information about accessing the wiki once it is available.”


Publishers offering price reductions or caps

For a second year, MLA’s Ad Hoc Committee for Advocating Scholarly ommunications has compiled a listing of publishers who have set 2011 prices with library’s fiscal constraints in mind.

If you know of publishers who should be added to this list, Karen Albert (Library Director, Paul J. Gutman Library, Philadelphia University) has said “send them to me,” albertk @

P.S. We’ve saved a link to this page on the staff-side collection development site

Interlibrary Borrowing Requests 2009-2010

UC Berkeley users ask to borrow items from other institutions in a variety of ways. Thanks to the great team in Interlibrary Services (ILS), most of these requests are fulfilled.

The UCs use VDX to help track a lot of this activity. In 2009-2010, VDX reports that ILS staff worked with over 1000 institutions and over 27,000 borrowing requests. 81% of the traffic was in monograph-related items and 15% in journal-related items:

CDs & Computer files 14
Film & DVDs 75
Journals 4128
Manuscripts 43
Monographs 22142
Music 104
Official Publications 116
Other 486
Theses 117
Total 27389

This is not all the borrowing requests made by/for UC Berkeley patrons. For example, statistics come in separately for the Berkeley-Stanford RLCP program, and are not yet available for 2009-2010.

You can now see counts and bibliographic information for the borrowing requests tracked by VDX during 2009-2010:

If you have any questions, please ask me rather than Charlotte – I’ve already asked her lots, and might be able to help.


P.S. This data is accessible via the new Collections Services staff-side home page then following this trail, Selection / Budgeting –> Budget & Metrics –> Borrowing and Lending.

Download PDFs and Build Collections in Hathi Trust

UC Berkeley campus IT and Hathi Trust have successfully enabled CalNet ID-authorization for the UC Berkeley community. This opens options at Hathi Trust available only to member institutions:

  • you can now print and download pdfs of materials in the public domain, and
  • you can build, save and share personal collections.

For more information, see Hathi Help.



LJ Periodicals Price Survey 2011

Elizabeth Byrne points out (thanks, Elizabeth!) that Library Journal has published their annual Periodicals Price Survey, this year entitled, “Under Pressure, Times Are Changing”. 

Here’s an excerpt

As expected, nearly 50 percent of the content of the merged ISI indexes consists of titles from five major publishers: Elsevier, Wiley, Springer, Taylor & Francis, and SAGE. All five offer large online “Big Deal” journal packages; price increases for those packages are dictated by the terms of individual contracts and may not mirror standard published rates. Published print prices for the merged ISI indexes increased 5.2 percent for 2011. Prices for the broader set of titles in Academic Search Premier, which includes some titles in the merged ISI indexes, increased 7.7 percent. Print prices for the public library titles in MasterFILE Premier mirror that of the merged ISI indexes at 5.2 percent. In general, 2010 price increases were lower across the board than previous years, reflecting restraint on the part of publishers. Prices for 2011 are trending up again and this will result in higher price projections for 2012.




What does Berkeley lend to other UC’s?

Data from the VDX system used for interlibrary traffic among UC’s became available for the first time late last year.

At the Collections Assessment Tools workshop for selectors in February, we announced that this information, beginning with 2008-09 Borrowing information, was slated for the Collection Development staff web, here. 

You can now see both 2008-09 Borrowing and Lending information.

A few highlights regarding Lending…78% of requests we receive from other UCs are for books; looks like the top 20 contenders are in the sciences. We filled 70% of the requests we received. If you’re curious about the reasons we didn’t fill the other 30%, see tab 2 on the excel worksheet linked via Oveview. There are also detailed lists of all requests received by material type.

If you have any brainstorms (yes!) or questions looking at the data, let me know (gford at

P.S. These reports do not include interlibrary traffic for the RLCP program, nor does it include items lent to libraries outside UC. These have different data sources. Stanford stats are coming next.