Resource: The History of Afghanistan Online

Cover image of print versionThe Library has recently required an online version of The History of Afghanistan (Sirāj al-tawārīkh) written by the scribe Fayz Muhammed Kahn (also known as Katib), who was commissioned by the Afghan prince, later amir, Habib Allah Khan. It covers the period between 1747 when the country emerged as an independent political entity until 1919. The work was translated and edited by R.D. McChesney and M.M. Khorrami.

Ursula K. Le Guin’s Legacy

:e Guin's Legacy At The Library

Magic, dragons, and wizarding schools—these words might conjure up images of Harry Potter, but before J. K. Rowling dominated the world of witchcraft and wizardry, Ursula K. Le Guin was investigating the power of language through a boy wizard in her novel series, The Wizard of Earthsea. Unlike Rowling, however, Le Guin’s early exploration of adolescent wizardry by no means defined her career as an author. For over five decades, she explored morality and humanity in a plethora of science fiction prose.

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Workshop: Digital Editions with TEI

Digital Publishing Workshop Series

Digital Scholarly Editions with TEI
Tuesday, February 13th, 4:10-5:30pm
D-Lab, 350 Barrows Hall

The Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) offers a standard way of describing texts to make them machine readable. A flavor of XML, TEI has been used in many humanities and social sciences disciplines, and it has a dedicated vocabulary for describing literary texts. TEI may be used to create digital editions, prepare texts for research, and preserve texts in a digital format. In this workshop, we’ll provide an overview of TEI, try some hands-on encoding, and prepare you for the next steps in learning TEI. Please bring a laptop if possible. Register.

Upcoming Workshops in this Series 2017-2018:

  • Digital Scholarly Editions with TEI
  • Scalar for Multimedia Digital Projects
  • Publish Digital Books & Open Educational Resources with Pressbooks
  • Copyright and Fair Use for Digital Projects
  • Omeka for Digital Collections and Exhibits
  • By Design: Graphics & Images Basics
  • The Long Haul: Best Practices for Making Your Digital Project Last

Please see for details.

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