Webinar: Explore primary sources related to commerce and capitalism

The Library subscribes to many digital primary source databases provided by Adam Matthew Digital. The company is offering a free webinar on Wednesday, May 13, that will “provide researchers of consumer culture, trade and commerce, business, advertising, marketing and human geography with a detailed overview of “:

 Empire Online
 China, America and the Pacific
 American Consumer Culture
 Global Commodities

 The webinar will be offered at two times: 7am and 12pm.


Primary Sources: Records Relating to the Slave Trade at the Liverpool Record Office

This British Online Archives collection includes private merchants’ papers preserved at the Liverpool Record Office relating to the transatlantic slave trade. During the eighteenth century when these documents were compiled, Liverpool was the leading slave trade port in the world. “The material includes correspondence with ship captains and Caribbean agents about the acquisition of Africans and their sales; statistics on the Liverpool slave trade; sales accounts of the lots of Africans disembarked in the Americas, often with the names of purchasers and prices; information on dealings with diverse African groups along the coast of West Africa; and details of payments for slave sales. The account books of ships’ voyages includ material on the outfitting of vessels and the cargoes of goods exported to Africa.”

 The vast majority of these documents are handwritten and have not been transcribed. The metadata describing the documents can be searched, but not the documents themselves. Only individual pages can be downloaded and/or printed.

Advanced Oral History Summer Institute

Photo Source: Scott Schiller, http://bit.ly/1Hu9Z6E

The Regional Oral History Office (ROHO) at the Bancroft Library is now accepting applications for a week long advanced institute on the methods, theory, and practice of oral history this August.

The Institute is designed for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, university faculty, independent scholars, and museum and community-based historians.

Each day-long session will focus on interviewing techniques and foundational aspects of oral history projects. Participants will also have the opportunity to workshop current projects.

Amy Evans, the former Oral History Lead of the Southern Foodways Alliance, will be the keynote speaker. Institute faculty will include historians and directors from ROHO.

Space is limited to 40 participants so we urge you to apply as soon as possible.

Date: August 10-15, 2015

Location: UC Berkeley Campus – Sutardja Dai Hall

Cost: $950

New Books in Graduate Services April 2015

Inner experience

Inner Experience by Georges Bataille translated with an introduction by Stuart Kendall

Novels 1984-2000

Novels 1984-2000: What Kind Of Day Did You Have?, More Die Of Hearbreak, A Theft, The Bellarosa Connection, The Actual, and Ravelstein by Saul Bellow edited by James Woods

The Nietzsche Dictionary

The Nietzsche Dictionary by Douglas Burnham

Poiesis and modernity in the old and new worlds

Poiesis And Modernity In The Old And New Worlds edited by Anthony J. Cascardi and Leah Middlebrook

A companion to Derrida

A Companion To Derrida edited by Zeynep Direk and Leonard Lawlor

How to write a thesis

How To Write A Thesis by Umberto Eco

Hegel's introduction to the system : encyclopaedia phenomenology and psychology

Hegel’s Introduction To The System: Encyclopaedia Phenomenology And Psychology by G.W.F Hegel introduction, translation, and commentary by Robert E. Wood with a foreward by William Desmond

A history of Islamic societies

A History Of Islamic Societies (3rd Edition) by Ira M. Lapidus

The days trilogy

The Days Trilogy (Expanded Edition): Happy Days, Newspaper Days, Heathen Days, Days Revisited: Unpublished Commentary by H.L. Mencken edited by Marion Elizabeth Rodgers

Going too far : essays about America's nervous breakdown

Going Too Far: Essays About America’s Nervous Breakdown by Ishmael Reed

A superpower transformed : the remaking of American foreign relations in the 1970s

A SuperPower Transformed: The Remaking Of American Foreign Relations In the 1970s by Daniel J. Sargent

Becoming Richard Pryor

Becoming Richard Pryor by Scott Saul

Nobody home : writing, Buddhism, and living in places

Nobody Home: Writing, Buddhism, And Living In Places by Gary Snyder In Conversation With Julia Martin

The hard problem

The Hard Problem by Tom Stoppard

A manual for writers of research papers, theses, and dissertations : Chicago Style for students and researchers

A Manual For Writers Of Research Papers, Theses, And Dissertations (8th edition) by Kate L. Turabian and revised by Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, and the University of Chicago Press editorial staff

Mrs. Dalloway

The Cambridge Edition Of The Works Of Virginia Woolf: Mrs. Dalloway edited by Anne E. Fernald

Absolute recoil : towards a new foundation of dialectical materialism

Absolute Recoil: Towards A New Foundation Of Dialectical Materialism by Slavoj Zizek