12 New Reference Books


Here’s a short list of new reference works that have arrived in the past few months. As you’ll note in the location field, not all are shelved in Doe Reference. You can click on the titles to check availability and view the full records in OskiCat.

Dictionnaire de mai 68 / sous la direction de Jacques Capdevielle et Henri Rey. Paris: Larousse, c2008.
Main (Gardner) Stack DC414 .D44 2008

Diccionario de periódicos diarios españoles del siglo XX /Antonio López de Zuazo Algar. Madrid: Editorial Fragua, 2008.
Doe Reference PN5314 .L66 2008

Le guide des prix et concours littéraires / Bertrand Labes.
Monaco: Rocher, 2008.
Main (Gardner) Stack PQ150.L5 L33 2008

Enciclopedia del español en los Estados Unidos: anuario del Instituto Cervantes / Humberto López Morales, coordinador. Madrid: Instituto Cervantes: Español Santillana, c2009.
Main (Gardner) Stack E184.S75 E556 2009
Doe Reference E184.S75 E556 2009

Diccionario panhispánico de citas (1900-2008) / Delfín Carbonell Basset. Barcelona: Ediciones del Serbal, 2008.
Main (Gardner) Stack PN6095.S5 C37 2008

Dizionario veneziano della lingua e della cultura popolare nel XVI secolo / Manlio Cortelazzo.
Limena: La linea, 2007.
Main (Gardner) Stack PC1847 .C677 2007

Dizionario dei comici e del cabaret / Giangilberto Monti.
Milano: Garzanti, 2008.
Main (Gardner) Stack PN2687 .M66 2008

Dizionario di italianismi in francese, inglese, tedesco / a cura di Harro Stammerjohann ; e Enrico Arcaini … [et al.]. Firenze: Accademia della Crusca, 2008.
Main (Gardner) Stack PC2582.I8 D53 2008

Dictionnaire elementaire fraņcais-creole / Pierre Pinalie. Nouv. ìed. aug. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2009.
Main (Gardner) Stack PM7852 .P56 2009

Dictionnaire amoureux des langues / Claude Hagège ; dessins d’Alain Bouldouyre. Paris: Plon/Odile Jacob, c2009.
Main (Gardner) Stack P29 .H333 2009 

Dictionnaire des chansons politiques et engagées / Christiane Passevant, Larry Portis ; préface, Alain Pozzuoli; postface, Serge Utgé-Royo. Paris: Scali; [S.l.] : Distribution Interforum Editis, c2008.
Music ML3918.P67 P37 2008 

Diccionari de la literatura catalana / director Alex Broch. 1. ed. Barcelona: EnciclopÌedia Catalana, 2008.
Doe Reference PC3901 .D52 2008

Album d’une vie

Album d'une vie (Paris: Chêne, 2008)

Victor Hugo Album d’une vie (Paris: Chêne, 2008)

La reconstitution de ce que pourrait être un album photo personnel de Victor Hugo nous fait découvrir l’évolution des êtres qui lui étaient chers et les événements qui ont jalonné sa vie: tragiques, comme la mort accidentelle de sa fille léopoldine et de son mari, ou joyeux comme les vacances passées avec ses petits-enfants. moments de gloire ou d’exil, batailles politiques et combats littéraires…c’est l’intimité d’un homme dont l’existence a traversé presque tout le xixe siècle (1802-1885, auteur, entre autres, des misérables, de notre-dame de paris, des contemplations, de la légende des siècles, de l’art d’être grand-père, mais aussi de pièces de théâtre qui ont déclenché de véritables batailles littéraires (hernani). le chef du mouvement romantique fut aussi un homme politique très influent : député en 1848, il s’oppose à napoléon iii, ce qui le conduit en exil à bruxelles, à jersey puis à guernesey pour de longues années. son retour (en 1870) annoncera sa gloire incontestée dans l’ère républicaine. et c’est la nation tout entière qui célébrera sa 80ème année.

BN’s Teatro del Siglo de Oro portal

Teatro del Siglo de Oro

The Biblioteca Nacional de España (BN) now hosts a web portal that aims to be become a fundamental reference source for the study of Teatro del Siglo de Oro with special attention on the authoritative control of textual sources. At the time of its launch last spring, there were 137 fully digitized manuscripts (autógrafos, copias manuscritas, partes, sueltas, relaciones, and desglosadas) by authors like Calderón de la Barca, Lope de Vega, Tirso de Moina, and Vélez de Guevara. The intent is to make accessible the more than 2,000 original manuscripts in the national library’s collection. The portal also includes a useful bibliography, list of recent studies, and a handy list of links to other e-resources such as TESO – the searchable database of more than 800 Siglo de Oro plays available through the UC Berkeley Library.

New Article Database


Through generous one-time support from the Institute for European Studies (IES), the UC Berkeley Library has gained access to Cairn.info – one of the most comprehensive collections of French and Belgian journals in the humanities and social sciences available online. The Library now subscribes to the “Bouquet Sciences sociales” which includes the full text of more than 167 peer-reviewed academic journals. Cairn also provides citations and archival access to more than 60 open-access scholarly journals. For many of the OA titles, current issues (generally the most recent 3 years) of the journals are not yet available.

Many of the journals such as  L’Année balzacienne, Dix-septième siècle, L’Homme: revue française d’antropologie, and Recherches sur Diderot et sur l”Encyclopédie, the Library already subscribes to in print format but online access through Cairn will increase the discoverability of content. Once titles are added to the Library’s E-journal title A-Z list, article-level linking will be possible from indexes like MLA, Historical Abstracts, Francis, and more. The complete list of journals currently available through Cairn is listed here: http://www.cairn.info/listerev.php (subscribed titles in red and OA titles in green)

Cairn is a hybrid project, launched in 2005 by private stakeholders – four French publishers (Belin, La Découverte, Erès, and De Boeck) and public ones – the Université de Liège in Belgium, Bibliothèque nationale de France, and the Centre national du livre. Its aim is to improve the online presence of humanities and social sciences journals published in French while at the same time that it provides an alternative means for scholarly publishers to disseminate their research. To read more about the Library’s commitment to open access and alternative publishing models, please visit the resource pages on scholarly communication.

California Italian Studies Journal

Created by a group of scholars from across the University of California, California Italian Studies (CIS) is a new digital, peer-reviewed journal, devoted to publishing innovative and influential research being done in Italian Studies across the world today. As spelled out in the journal’s Charter, CIS, which is assisted in its mission by a distinguished international advisory board, is especially committed to the principles of interdisciplinarity and comparativity. CIS wishes to promote outstanding critical work (on any period from the Middle Ages to today, and on any subject related to Italy) that engages in a theoretical reflection on its own approach, and on its implications within larger disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transnational contexts. The journal ultimately intends to foster new dialogues and stimulate intellectual exchanges among a broad spectrum of scholars and students within and outside of Italian Studies.

The digital medium, open access, full subject and name searchability, and cross-referencing of our journal are meant to facilitate and enhance this intellectual process. The creative use of the digital platform of CIS is also ideal for enhancing and sharing research in fields such as music, visual culture, and cinema and media studies, which may not be as well served by traditional print journals. CIS will be published annually online through the eScholarship, with a main section on a specific theme constituting the principal body of each annual issue, and a second, open-theme section devoted to a range of outstanding essays and articles on other topics. A small selection of texts, translations, documents, notes, survey articles, or work in progress deemed to be relevant and of exceptional interest (either for the thematic or for the open section) will also be included in each annual issue at the discretion of the editors.

“Open access is a key component of today’s efforts to integrate specialized-knowledge-production institutions with the wider network of information exchange generated by the digitalization of media culture,” said Editor Claudio Fogu. “We are proud and excited to connect Italian Studies with this global trend.” eScholarship (http://escholarship.org/) provides open access, scholarly digital publishing services to the University of California and delivers a dynamic research platform to scholars worldwide.

Portugal 1910-2010

Portugal 1910-2010 [library exhibit]

An Exhibit Commemorating the Centennial of the Portuguese Republic

Bancroft Library Corridor
The Library, University of California, Berkeley

March 5 to May 21, 2010
Monday to Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
[closed March 20-28]

This five-case exhibition commemorates the past one hundred years of Portugal’s most recent history. Drawn primarily from library materials in the Gardner (Main) Stacks’ extraordinary collection of books, journals and official publications, the exhibit also celebrates Portugal’s first centennial as a republic – Europe’s third oldest only to France and Switzerland. As is true of most national histories, much of the scholarship surrounding such an achievement remains accessible only through the vernacular languages of the respective countries, in this case Portuguese, the sixth most spoken language in the world.

The UC Berkeley Library takes pride in having acquired publications from Portugal since the 19th century and today possesses one of the largest research collections of its kind in the United States. This is due in part to fortuitous acquisitions like the Joaquim Menezes gift of 1950 and the Camara da Souza collection acquired in 1966, but also to the efforts of generations of faculty and librarians who built up these rich printed treasures to meet current research and instructional needs.

After showcasing in the Bancroft Library Corridor, most of the exhibit will travel to the Portuguese Historical Museum in San José. By exhibiting in two different locations, it is our hope that the exhibition will reach those of Portuguese heritage living in California and promote the Library’s unique resources to the broader community of scholars and curious independent learners.

An interactive online version, or reflection rather, of the exhibit is also available on the Townsend Humanities Lab web site very soon.

Curated by Deolinda Adão and Claude Potts with indispensable help from Steve Mendoza and Eric Kotila.

Special thanks to Charles Faulhaber, Alison Wannamaker, Gordon Chun (and team).

Sponsored by the UC Berkeley Library, Portuguese Studies Program, Institute of European Studies, Fundação Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento, Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Instituto Camões, Consulate General of Portugal, San Francisco, Comissão Nacional para as Comemorações do Centenário da República

Nace Hispana

Hispana is the newest online portal for digital collections across Spain. To date, it brings together in one place more than 1,367,187 digital objects from more than 127 of Spain’s archives, museums, and libraries, both private and public. The Ministerio de Cultura de España explains that “Hispana, que ya es el cuarto agregador mundial de recursos digitales, abre las puertas a un cambio en la cultura de nuestro país.” Much of the content in Hispana feeds directly into Europeana – the digital library for all of Europe launched last year.

Dictionnaire Octave Mirbeau

Octave Mirbeau

Hosted by the Société Octave Mirbeau and maintained by an international group of Mirbeau experts including Yannick Lemarié  et Pierre Michel,  the online Dictionnaire Octave Mirbeau contains more than one thousand entries. Some are brief, from one to fifteen lines, but most are quite substantial. The entries are grouped into five sections: amis et connaissances de Mirbeau (famille, écrivains, peintres, sculpteurs, compositeurs, gens de théâtre, etc.) ; les lieux (villes où Mirbeau a vécu ou voyagé et pays dont il a parlé ou bien où son oeuvre a été reçue et traduite) ; oeuvres (publiées de son vivant et depuis sa mort) ; thèmes et interprétations ; et personnel des oeuvres de fiction (êtres humains et animaux).

The UC Berkeley Library has more than 117 works by or about Octave Mirbeau, iconoclastic French journalist, art critic, pamphleteer, novelist, and playwright in its printed collection, including Cahiers Octave Mirbeau.


OA Journals in eScholarship

The California Digital Library’s eScholarship provides an open-access digital publishing platform for the University of California. To date, there are 35 journals in the repository including many of interest to those who work with romance languages: California Italian Studies Journal (UCOP), Carte Italiane (UCLA), Comitatus: A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies (UCLA) , Litterae Caelestes (UCLA), Mester (UCLA), and Paroles gelées (UCLA).

Open access (OA) is a growing  international movement that provides a means for authors to retain copyright and disseminate their research without restriction. The Library has made available a basic definition with a list of resources to consult. Much has been written about open access. In April, an informative report titled “Open Access in France” was published. In May, a similar report titled “Open Access to Scholarly Outputs in Spain” was presented at a seminar in Granada. Also last month, the director of Collections here at Berkeley and the head of the Biosciences Library co-published an article titled “Institutional Open Access Funds: Now Is the Time” that discusses the success of initiatives like the Berkeley Research Impact Initiative which directly funds Berkeley researchers who publish in OA or hybrid OA journals that require publishing fees.

If you are considering launching a new scholarly journal or moving an existing journal to a more green open-access platform, you may want to read more about the benefits of open-access publishing , including greater discoverability,  increased citations, author retention of copyright, perpetual access, and more. To find out how to receive funding for publishing an individual article in an OA or hybrid OA journal, please visit the Berkeley Research Impact Initiative (BRII) web site.