Cataloging Prio. #2a (of 3): Maximize Patron Access to Newly Received Monographs

Priority 2a: Maximize patron access to newly received monographs by cataloging as much of this material as possible


A Catalog Department priority will be to move the same number of materials out of the final phase of our new cataloging workflow, as enter the first phase. In this process, we will try to minimize the number of items that receive Level 3 cataloging (i.e., In process call#s)


There also have been cases where new materials have not been cataloged because old Gladis procedures were not updated for Millennium (e.g., analytics, accompanying materials, dissertation photocopies, etc).  We have identified all categories of materials with this problem and have made great progress in drafting, vetting and approving new procedures.   


Priority 2b: Fix high-priority record problems reported to the Catalog Department

The Catalog Department has categorized and made an attempt to quantify the different types of record maintenance requests we receive.  For example, book and record do not match, mistake in a record that compromises retrieval (e.g., in an authors name), incorrect treatment (book cataloged as a monograph that should have been part of a MVM set), reclassification needed.  We are in the process of developing a plan to distribute this work throughout the Department.  This will require the development of a new “ticket” tracking system (e.g. based on Footprints).  A Task Force has been charged to design and implement this new system.  Its members include people who submit tickets to ensure that we develop features such as a user-friendly form to report errors and the ability to allow library staff to see the tickets they have submitted.  


Phase 2 PromptCat File Loading Complete

Good News – All the Phase 2 PromptCat files have been (re)loaded into Millennium.  


Phase 2 files were regenerated by OCLC to correct problems created by previous PromptCat loads with bad and missing records. For more details, see


Your unit should now be able to process any books that are being held due to PromptCat load problems.  If you have books that are still missing bibliographic records, or have other unusual problems, please contact Lupe Ochoa at


Current PromptCat files are now loaded through the end of January.  We should be completely caught up and back to a normal file loading schedule within a week.


A special thanks to Jim Gordon, Rico Estrada and Dave Zuckerman who bore the brunt of the file loading, clean-up and coordination with OCLC.  We greatly appreciate your patience, as we recovered from this problem.    

Training for Cataloging Analyzed Monographic Series

For all those who are eagerly anticipating cataloging analyzed sets in Millennium, the procedures for doing so will soon be in your hands, and we have scheduled two training/demonstration sessions for Thursday March 4.  These will be held in 251 Moffitt, one in the morning beginning at 10am and one in the afternoon beginning at 2:30pm.   Each session will last 90 minutes.

Please note that these sessions are intended only for individuals who will be cataloging analytics. The scope of this training is limited to analyzed monographic series–the additional nuances of analyzed multi-volume monographs and multi-volume analytics (“sets within sets”) will be covered on another occasion yet to be scheduled.


If cataloging analytics is part of your work and you wish to attend this training, please RSVP to Kai Stoeckenius,

Priority 3: Manage the backlog and find creative means to reduce its size

There are two categories of backlogs. The first is of made up of print materials. As of February 2010, there are over 60,000 books in the Catalog Department. The second category is a substantial backlog of batch MARC catalog records to load into OskiCat.

The monographic backlog is challenging because its sheer size creates its own set of problems. For example, tracing materials is extremely difficult given the number of items that may have to be searched. We will investigate and implement creative means such as OCLC batch searching and use of the OCLC Bib-notification service to automatically upgrade records.

The MARC record batch load backlog exists because the Department can not allocate enough time to analysis and spec-writing that is required for each load. Our plan forward is to leverage the synergies between the Catalog Department and System Office. We will train selected LSO programmers to do the analysis, spec-writing and programming for less complicated loads. Complex load analysis, such as SCP monographs and serials, will remain with the Catalog Department.

Thesis and Dissertation Backlogs

Over the past several weeks, I have been blogging about the Catalog Department’s new priorities. We started work on our third priority, “Find Creative Methods to Address our Large Backlog,” by categorizing and counting the backlog.

As part of this process, we discovered that well over 2,000 dissertations & thesis were waiting for cataloging. LSO programmers volunteered to catalog a small number of these every day, starting with the dissertations. Catalog Dept. staff have now trained the Systems programmers on the finer points of dissertation cataloging and they have begun work on this backlog.

I haven’t tried to estimate when this project will be completed, but the end of the calendar year would be a safe bet. This collaboration between LSO & the Catalog Dept. not only has clear benefits to our library patrons, but will sharpen the bibliographic skills of a number of our programmers. It also will be a useful experience when we start receiving electronic dissertations, as we will investigate automating the cataloging process using metadata from Proquest.

A special thanks to all the people involved in this project.   …Bernie


Bibliographic Field Use Changes in Millennium (Tier 1-3; Locally Added Uniform Title Data)

Procedural changes will need to be implemented, to support e-resource tier tracking, the retention of locally added data, and ongoing SCP monograph and serial loading on an ongoing basis, as discussed in Technical Services Council on 2/16/10.

Acquisitions and cataloging units (including self-cataloging units and Affiliated Libraries) will need to update their procedures with the information found in the “Bibliographic Field Use Changes in Millennium”  document, which is now on AskTico.

Use of these fields defined in this document need to be in place in your unit on or before (but no later than) Monday, March 1, 2010. On this date, the System Office will begin loading the SCP Monograph Recon files into Millennium.

Not following these procedures may result in the loss of bibliographic data.

This document applies to you, if you:

  • Catalog and maintain tier 1-3 materials
  • Add locally devised uniform titles.
  • Edit bibliographic data.
  • Are acquisitions staff who review bibliographic data for tier 1-3 data.
  • Or, otherwise work with tier 1-3 materials.

Questions? Please contact Dana Jemison <>

Best, Bernie

Analytic Cataloging Procedures for Monographic Series

Revised procedures for cataloging analytics for monographic series are now available on AskTico under the “Cataloging” rubric.  An earlier version of these procedures were reviewed and approved by the Technical Services Council in October/November 2009. The current document has been reformatted and now stands alone as a single procedure (it has been separated from the procedures for analytics of multi-volume monographs).

Procedures for analytics of multi-volume monographs (MVMs) will be available within the next several weeks. Procedures for sets within sets and in-analytics are forthcoming, pending the work of an as yet un-convened Technical Services Council sub-committee.

Questions about using the monographic series analytics procedures may be directed to Kai Stoeckenius ( or Bob Talbott ( of the Catalog Department. 

Questions about specific problems with an analyzed title may be directed to the Catalog Department’s maintenance staff through the monograph and serial maintenance request form.

Communication Priorities

Priority 1: Facilitate ongoing and open communications with users of Catalog Department services to ensure we understand their high-priority needs

The Director of Cataloging and his management colleagues encourage questions and comments from library staff. We especially encourage library committees to discuss with us Catalog Dept. priorities and how they relate to the high priority needs of the library staff they represent.

Priority 2: Establish targeted communication methodologies to disseminate cataloging policy, priorities and procedural changes to library staff and administration

Announcing changes to Catalog Dept policies and procedures on our website is an important step in our communications strategy. We have also implemented a more proactive service that will “push” announcements to library staff through a Catalog Department blog. Our blog posting will be short and often include information such as the posting’s title, a short but descriptive summary of the change and the audience that will be most effected by the change. Library staff will be able to provide input on a post by using the comment feature. We strongly encourage management and technical service staff throughout the Library to subscribe to this blog. The Catalog Department will continue to send announcements that have broad and significant impact on library operations to appropriate email lists (e.g., allusers, selectors, Round Table, Technical Services Council, BTECH, etc.)

Copy Specific Notes

There is now a form for sending books to the Catalog Dept. that need Copy Specific notes (previously called PRV notes).

 In the past, books have been received in the Catalog Dept. with various different methods attached to notify of the need for copy specific notes. The form is available from the Technical Services wiki under “Copy Specific Local Note Form.”

 The form allows you to specify if your note is a “Provenance” or “Miscellaneous” note.  The definition and examples of these notes are provided on the form.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Tonette Mendoza,