Author: Lara Michels
In Memoriam: Kenna Fisher

The staff of the Bancroft Library was shocked and saddened to learn of the passing of Kenna Fisher on October 27, 2024. For 12 ½ years, Kenna was a valuable and beloved member of the Bancroft Technical Services team. Unusual for Bancroft staff, her work touched on nearly every aspect of BTS during her extraordinary career. Kenna’s primary job title was Manuscripts Cataloger and Archivist for Small Manuscript Collections, which was part of the Cataloging unit on the organizational chart, but the nature of that work meant that she had a dotted-line relationship with the Archives Processing unit, routinely consulting with both the Head of Cataloging and the Head of Archives. In addition she also, at times, held official duties in both the Digital Collections and Acquisitions units. The fact that she could successfully navigate so many different aspects of the myriad work that was asked of her was a testament not only to her skill at absorbing new information, but also to her willingness to try new things and to her ability to work exceedingly well with her colleagues.
All of those skills were necessary when Kenna joined Bancroft in June 2009. Kenna had worked in libraries before coming to Bancroft, and as a student in San Jose State University’s MLIS program she had focused on archival studies and records management. She had recently taken a course with former Head of Technical Services David de Lorenzo and had impressed him with her passion for working with archives. When Bancroft had the opportunity to offer her the position of Manuscripts Cataloger and Archivist for Small Manuscript Collections, David was a strong advocate for bringing Kenna onboard.
Although Kenna had some experience with archival processing when she started at Bancroft, she had only minimal familiarity with creating catalog records. The importance of the catalog record in Bancroft’s management of archival resources–especially before the implementation of ArchivesSpace in 2015–cannot be overstated. Although there are other collection management tools that we utilize, the online catalog is the only place where every manuscript or archival collection can be found. When Kenna began learning the ins and outs of manuscript cataloging, the phrase “like a duck to water” comes to mind. Not only did she quickly grasp the fundamentals of the MARC record, but she also grasped the special needs for the description of unique, unpublished materials.
Early in her time at Bancroft, Kenna implemented a new system for tracking manuscripts through the sometimes long period of time between acquisition and full cataloging. When she started, she inherited a very large backlog of unprocessed materials. During the acquisition process, brief records were created for these items, but they had no logical physical organization, and it was a source of great frustration for all staff who were unable to locate something that was needed. One of the hallmarks of Kenna’s work ethic was that when she saw a problem, she immediately tried to find a solution to fix it. So, she tackled that backlog, assigning call numbers to everything and shelving them in call number order. They still weren’t cataloged, but they were findable! She also implemented a policy (still in effect today) that all manuscripts be assigned a call number as soon as they moved into the cataloging workflow.
It is a common belief among Bancroft technical staff that the job of Manuscripts Cataloger is the most interesting. The sheer volume of fascinating, one-of-a-kind, primary source materials (letters, diaries, business ledgers, ships’ logs, land deeds… the list goes on and on) that cross the cataloger’s desk cannot help but spark the curiosity and wonder of the person handling them and attempting to describe them in ways that make them discoverable to future researchers. Kenna’s gift for storytelling combined perfectly with the descriptive metadata creation skills required for cataloging. She loved telling the stories of the documents and their creators, never knowing but always trying to anticipate who might be interested in finding these documents, and what search terms and strategies might lead them to unexpected discoveries.
Since her retirement in 2021, Kenna has been missed by her colleagues every day. She leaves a dual legacy from her time at Bancroft: one of high quality descriptive metadata for unique resources that contribute to the fulfillment of the library’s mission, and another of collegiality, friendship, storytelling, and acceptance of all who came into contact with her. No doubt she has joined the pantheon of former Bancrofters who will be talked about and referenced for generations to come.
–Randal Brandt and Lara Michels
SAA Annual Meeting Centers Archival Accessioning (and the work of Bancroft’s Accessioning Archivist Jaime Henderson!)

The Society of American Archivists Annual General Meeting took place in Chicago between August 14th and August 17th. For many of the archivists at The Bancroft Library, this was the first in-person SAA meeting we have attended in years and we had lots to do, talk about, and even celebrate.
Most notably, Bancroft Accessioning Archivist Jaime Henderson helped put on a day-long symposium introducing a new archival standard: the Archival Accessioning Best Practices. The product of a few years of hard remote and in-person work by the Archival Accessioning Best Practices Working Group (of which Jaime is a member), these best practices are the first of their kind. The efforts of the Working Group were made possible by generous funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Archivists all over the country are excited to see dedicated best practices that center archival accessioning as a key component in ethical archival practice and management.
The Archival Accessioning Best Practices were recently submitted to the Society of American Archivists’ Standards Committee (currently chaired by yours truly) for approval as an official SAA standard and will be published as a GitBook document soon.
The Archival Accessioning Best Practices Working Group was also honored with an SAA Council Exemplary Service Award at the annual business meeting this past Saturday. We all congratulate Jaime and her colleagues for this well-deserved honor.

Bancroft Library Processing News
The archivists of the Bancroft Library are pleased to announce that in the last quarter (April-June 2024) we opened the following Bancroft archival collections to researchers:
Oliver Williamson papers (Michele Morgan and Marjorie Bryer)
Howard Luck Gossage papers, approximately 1960-1973 (Jaime Henderson and Lara Michels)
Barbara Oliver collection of theatre materials, 1945-2012 (Jaime Henderson and Lara Michels)
Mary Moore papers, 1975-2002 (Presley Hubschmitt)
Arif Press records, approximately 1970-1991 (Dean Smith)
Letters from Victor Palfi to Dody Weston Thompson, 1961-1964 (Jaime Henderson)
Tulare County Sheriff’s Office scrapbook of wanted flyers, cards, bulletins, and posters (Lara Michels)
Robert Jackson archive of Zen Buddhism in Berkeley, California (Marjorie Bryer)
Gladys L. Collier papers (Marjorie Bryer)
[Stuart H. Ingram photograph album of the class of 1908] (Jessica Tai)
Brett Weston and Dody W. Thompson correspondence and journals, 1949-1989 (Jaime Henderson)
Rosario Curletti papers (Marjorie Bryer)
Gay Olympics (Gay Games) scrapbook, 1982 (Marjorie Bryer)
Art Varian collection of scrapbooks and photographs, 1911-1945 (Marjorie Bryer)
Granary Books collection of publishing ephemera, 1986-2021 (Marjorie Bryer)
African American choir ephemera collection, approximately 1931-1946 (Marjorie Bryer)
Hadassah San Francisco, Lakeside Chapter records, cookbooks, and photographs, 1980-2005 (Lara Michels)
Charles W. Hope papers (Lara Michels)
Prisoner rights ephemera (Marjorie Bryer)
Sandra Ramois collection on Eldridge Cleaver, 1984-1998 (Marjorie Bryer)
Diana Russell collection on Lakireddy Bali Reddy sex trafficking case, 1999-2018 (Jaime Henderson and Marjorie Bryer)
Emma Fong Kuno papers, 1907-1942 (Marjorie Bryer)
Tobyanne Berenberg collection of Ethel Duffy Turner papers, 1860-1984 (bulk 1955-1969) (Marjorie Bryer)
Paul Steiner family papers (Presley Hubschmitt)
Arthur St. John Oliver journal, 1899 (Michele Morgan)
Mare Island Naval Shipyard Structural Shops Training Program Course Packet, 1958 (Michele Morgan)
Elisabeth C. Caldwell Niles letters, 1858-1866 (Marjorie Bryer)
Mariana Ruybalid papers (Jaime Henderson and Marjorie Bryer)
The Pictorial Processing Unit opened:
70 small collections and single items (approximately 7,160 items, total)
A 2,450 item collection of Frashers Fotos real photograph postcards of California views, published approximately 1925-1955.
Over 1250 snapshots in a Photograph album documenting California travels, Christian Endeavor events, approximately 1925-1945.
A collection of William Alsup’s well-documented and beautifully printed photographs of the Sierra Nevada, with recent additions.
And also made available:
A newly published finding aid to the Robert Altman photograph archive of rock-and-roll and counter-culture images, chiefly of the 1960s and 1970s.
Additions to the Art Hazelwood Collection of San Francisco Poster Syndicate Political Posters
Bancroft Library Processing News
The archivists of the Bancroft Library are pleased to announce that in the past quarter (January-March 2024) we opened the following Bancroft archival collections to researchers.
Manuscript and University Archives/Faculty Papers Collections:
Data Center records (processed by Lara Michels with the help of Christina Velazquez Fidler)
Isabel Wiel papers (processed by Presley Hubschmitt)
David E. Good and Forrest M. Craig collection of family papers (processed by Lara Michels)
Nathan and Julia Hare papers (processed by Marjorie Bryer)
Delmer Myers Brown papers (processed by Lara Michels and student assistant David Eick)
Martinez, Dean, and DuCasse family papers and photographs (processed by Lara Michels and student assistant Malayna Chang)
Joan Bekins collection of Terwilliger Nature Education Center records (processed by Jaime Henderson and Lara Michels)
Bissinger and Company records (processed by Presley Hubschmitt)
Howard Besser papers and audiovisual materials (processed by Lara Michels and student assistant David Eick)
Sherman Lewis research collection relating to the Hayward Area Planning Association (HAPA) (processed by Jaime Henderson and Lara Michels)
Barbara Oliver collection of theatre materials (processed by Jaime Henderson and Lara Michels)
Michael and Cynthia Horowitz collection on psychedelics, 1954-2006 (processed by Lara Michels and student assistant David Eick)
Rosborough family papers (processed by Lara Michels and student assistant Malayna Chang)
Pictorial Collections and Items:
127 small collections and single items (approximately 4,911 items, total)
Additions to Cathy Cade’s autobiographical photograph albums, documenting lesbian life and community activism in the Bay Area, 2008-2015. (over 1,900 items)
San Joaquin County mug shot books, wanted notices, and law enforcement ephemera of Sheriff Thomas Cunningham. (over 2,300 items)
The Robert Altman photograph archive, which is particularly strong in counter culture and rock ‘n’ roll images of the late 1960s and 1970s, including work from his time as a photographer for Rolling Stone magazine (approximately 35,000 items) (online finding aid pending)
Bancroft Quarterly Processing News
The archivists of the Bancroft Library are pleased to announce that in the past quarter (October-December 2023) we opened the following Bancroft archival collections to researchers.
Manuscript and University Archives Collections:
Morris Goldstein papers (processed by Presley Hubschmitt)
ruth weiss papers (processed by Simi Best)
Robert A. Scalapino papers (processed by Lara Michels)
Elizabeth Rauscher papers (processed by Jessica Tai)
Walter S. Hertzmann collection on the Hertzmann and Koshland families (processed by Presley Hubschmitt)
Bush Street Synagogue Cultural Center records (processed by Presley Hubschmitt)
Erle Stanley Gardner papers (processed by Randy Brandt)
Charles W. Leach correspondence (processed by Lara Michels)
Lynn Manning papers, additions (processed by Lara Michels)
Pictorial Collections/Items:
65 small collections and single items (approximately 6,119 items, total)
Lonnie H. Wilson Photograph Archive: over 1000 negatives documenting the William F. Knowland gubernatorial campaign of 1958 and the Republican and Democratic Party conventions of 1960 were processed and added to the existing finding aid.
Pictorial collections staff: James Eason, Chris McDonald, Lori Hines, Sara Ferguson, and Isabel Breskin.
Collections Currently in Process:
- Data Center records
- Associated Students of the University of California, Berkeley records
- Patricia Buffler papers
- Nathan and Julia Hare papers
- Daisy Zamora papers
- Harriet Smith papers
- Barbara Oliver collection of theater materials
- Howard Besser papers
- Delmer Myers Brown papers
- Benjamin Swig papers and photographs
- Isabel Wiel family papers and photographs
Bancroft Quarterly Processing News
The archivists of The Bancroft Library are pleased to announce that in the past quarter (July-September 2023) we opened the following Bancroft archival collections to researchers.
General and UARC Collections:
Michael Paul Rogin papers (processed by Marjorie Bryer)
Acción Latina records and El Tecolote newspaper archive (processed by Marjorie Bryer)
Pam Levinson papers (processed by Presley Hubschmitt)
William Moore journals and other papers (processed by Lara Michels)
Renee Gregorio papers (processed by Simi Best)
Howard A. Brett collection of Panama Canal materials (processed by Lara Michels)
C. (Walter Clay) Lowdermilk papers (processed by Presley Hubschmitt)
Mosaic Law Congregation records (processed by Presley Hubschmitt)
Daniel Holmes collection of Sierra Club burro trips and Yosemite National Park backcountry research (processed by Jaime Henderson)
Triangle Gallery records (processed by Dean Smith)
Western Jewish History Center records (processed by Presley Hubschmitt)
Bransten and Rothmann family papers (processed by Presley Hubschmitt)
Friends of the River collection (transfer from UC Riverside; additional processing work by Lara Michels and Jaime Henderson)
George W. Barlow papers (processed by Jessica Tai)
Streetfare Journal records (processed by Lara Michels and student processing assistant Malayna Chang)
Roger Parodi collection of art museum and gallery announcements (processed by Lara Michels and student processing assistant David Eick)
Israel Louis Greenblat papers (processed by Presley Hubschmitt)
American Cultures Center records (processed by Jessica Tai)
Larry Orman archive of The Friends of the Stanislaus River materials (processed by Jaime Henderson)
Hamilton Boswell papers (digital materials processed by Christina Velazquez Fidler)
Pictorial Collections:
130 small collections and single items (approximately 6,650 items, total)
William F. Knowland’s gubernatorial campaign of 1958 photographs (and miscellaneous subjects added in Series 4 of the Lonnie Wilson archive)
3,155 new scans from Thérèse Bonney’s WWII era photographs from Finland, 1939, and France, Portugal, Belgium 1940
Collections Currently in Process:
Elizabeth A. Rauscher papers (Jessica Tai)
Associated Students of the University of California, Berkeley, records (Jessica Tai)
California Faience archive (Jaime Henderson)
Jan Kerouac papers (Marjorie Bryer)
Sister Makinya Sibeko-Kouate papers (Marjorie Bryer)
Nathan and Julia Hare papers (Marjorie Bryer)
Morris M. Goldstein papers (Presley Hubschmitt)
Hertzmann and Koshland family papers (Presley Hubschmitt)
Bush Street Synagogue Cultural Center records (Presley Hubschmitt and student processing assistant Malayna Chang)
Charles Muscatine papers–digital component (Christina Velazquez Fidler)
ruth weiss papers (Simi Best)
Bancroft Quarterly Processing News
The archivists of The Bancroft Library are pleased to announce that in the past quarter (April-June 2023) we have opened the following Bancroft archival collections to researchers.
Western Americana collections:
The role of women in the Black movement conference materials (processed by Marjorie Bryer)
Jonathan Winters collection on campus and East Bay LGBT activism (processed by Marjorie Bryer)
Edward Miyakawa papers (processed by Marjorie Bryer)
YMCA of San Francisco, Chinatown branch records, approximately 1915-2010 (processed by Marjorie Bryer)
Nan Tucker McEvoy collection (processed by Jaime Henderson and Marjorie Bryer)
Joni Jacobs collection of mayoral campaign materials (processed by Lara Michels)
Louise Taber family papers (processed by Lara Michels and student processing assistant Malayna Chang)
Central American Labor Defense Network records (processed by Marjorie Bryer)
Elaine Dorfman papers and oral histories (processed by Presley Hubschmitt)
Oakland-Piedmont Jewish Community Center records (processed by Presley Hubschmitt)
B’nai B’rith, San Francisco Lodge No. 21 records (processed by Presley Hubschmitt)
Rosene Family papers (processed by Lara Michels)
Women’s American ORT, San Francisco Chapter records (processed by Presley Hubschmitt)
Jerome H. Bayer papers (processed by Presley Hubschmitt)
Keesling family collection of John Henry Barbat correspondence, photographs, and realia (processed by Lara Michels)
Joel Bolster correspondence, 1851-1852 (processed by Lara Michels)
Harold Dobbs scrapbooks and photo albums (additional processing and finding aid written by Lara Michels)
Keesling family collection of Stebbins family papers (processed by Lara Michels)
William R. Sanford and Charles T. Forbes correspondence and sketches related to Native American archaeology, Owens Valley, California (processed by Lara Michels)
Presbyterian Church in Chinatown, San Francisco, additions (2019-08-16) (processed by Lara Michels)
Sierra Club mountain registers and records, 1860-2005, additions (processed by Lara Michels)
Robert (Bob) Edward Rooker rodeo archive (processed by Jaime Henderson)
Warren Hinkle papers (digital files) (processed by Christina V. Fidler)
Vivian Low collection of materials on the Military Intelligence Service Language School, Chinese Division, 1945-2017 (digital files) (processed by Christina V. Fidler)
Judith Heumann papers (digital files) (processed by Christina V. Fidler)
Literary and Arts collections:
Anne S. Perlman papers (processed by Marjorie Bryer)
Robert D. Brotherson collection of the Activist Group of Poets (processed by Marjorie Bryer)
Nancy Karp + Dancers records (processed by Jaime Henderson and Lara Michels)
Claire Van Vliet letters to Frederick W. Hegeman, 1977-1988 (processed by Lara Michels)
Kenneth Perkins papers (processed by Randal Brandt and Sterling Kinnell)
University Archives and Faculty Papers collections:
University of California, Berkeley, Department of Women’s Intercollegiate Athletics records (processed by Jessica Tai)
Harold Biswell papers (processed by Jessica Tai)
Joseph L. Sax papers (processed by Lara Michels)
Robert Tracy papers (processed by Michele Morgan and Lara Michels)
Jaroslav Joseph Polivka papers (processed by Lara Michels)
Lawrence Levine paper (digital files) (processed by Christina V. Fidler)
Jacqueline Ellen Violette de La Harpe papers (additions) (processed by Marjorie Bryer)
Pictorial collections:
Acción Latina and El Tecolote pictorial archive photographic print and poster collection (processed by Isabel Breskin with James Eason)
Fakir Musafar archive (processed by Lori Hines)
John S. Service photograph collection (processed by Isabel Breskin with James Eason)
Photographs from the Noël Sullivan papers (1 unprocessed box)
185 small pictorial collections and single items.
Collections currently in process include:
- The papers of George Barlow, UC Berkeley ichthyologist, ethologist and evolutionary biologist (processing work by Jessica Tai)
- The papers of Michael Paul Rogin, UC Berkeley political scientist notable for his critique of American imperialism (processing work by Marjorie Bryer)
- University of California, Berkeley, American Cultures Center records (processing work by Jessica Tai)
- Western Jewish History Center records (processing work by Presley Hubschmitt)
- Acción Latina records (processing work by Marjorie Bryer)
- Haas-Bransten-Rothman family papers (processing work by Presley Hubschmitt)
Bancroft Quarterly Processing News
The archivists of The Bancroft Library are pleased to announce that in past quarter we have opened the following collections to researchers:
Swett-Tracy family papers and photographs (processed by Lara Michels and student processing assistants Malayna Chang and David Eick)
Shelley Hoyt papers (processed by Lara Michels and student processing assistants Malayna Chang and David Eick)
Lawrence W. Levine papers (processed by Marjorie Bryer)
Boy and Girls Aid Society records (processed by Lara Michels and student processing assistants Malayna Chang and David Eick)
Gobind Behari Lal papers (processed by Marjorie Bryer)
Charles Muscatine papers (processed by Marjorie Bryer)
American Association for the Advancement of Science, Pacific Division records (additions) (processed by Lara Michels and student processing assistants Malayna Chang and David Eick)
Women’s Athletic Association records (processed by Jessica Tai)
Berkeley Student Cooperative Records (addition) (processed by Jessica Tai)
University of California, Berkeley Black Alumni Association records (processed by Jessica Tai)
Warren Hinckle papers (processed by Marjorie Bryer)
Karl Kasten papers (processed by Dean Smith)
Velvet Rhodes archive (processed by Jaime Henderson)
Gateway Emergency Preparedness Exhibit Center and Firestorm Memorial Garden archive (processed by Jaime Henderson)
Elkan and Henrietta Moscowitz Voorsanger papers (processed by Presley Hubschmitt)
Ralph Segalman papers (processed by Presley Hubschmitt)
Nathan Henry Miller Lodge records (processed by Presley Hubschmitt)
Samuel Hamburg papers (processed by Presley Hubschmitt)
Pioneer Drug Store business records : Virginia City, Nevada , 1904-1922. (processed by Lara Michels and student processing assistants Malayna Chang and David Eick)
Aquarian Minyan records (processed by Presley Hubschmitt)
Samuel Fischer scrapbook (processed by Presley Hubschmitt)
Portland Hebrew School records (processed by Presley Hubschmitt)
Martin Goldschmidt papers (processed by Presley Hubschmitt)
Beth Jacob Congregation records (processed by Presley Hubschmitt)
Florence Friedman papers (processed by Presley Hubschmitt)
Vivian Low collection of materials on the Military Intelligence Service Language School, Chinese Division (processed by Lara Michels)
Rebecca Tracy papers (processed by Jaime Henderson)
Leslie Mandelson Freudenheim and Elizabeth Sussman collection of research material for “Building with Nature” books (processed by Jaime Henderson)
Iwamoto Family archive (processed by Jaime Henderson)
Alvin I. Fine papers (processed by Presley Hubschmitt)
R.W. and Clara McPherson Jones family papers (processed by Lara Michels and student processing assistants Malayna Chang and David Eick)
Dennis W. Sinclair collection of Peace and Freedom Party materials, 1967-1980 (bulk 1968) (processed by Marjorie Bryer)
Abraham and Sara Kofman papers (processed by Presley Hubschmitt)
Strawberry Creek Lodge Tenants’ Association records, 1960-2016 (processed by Jaime Henderson)
John Esparzo crime logbooks and mug shot book, Cowlitz County (Washington) Sheriff’s Department, 1951-1964 (processed by Jaime Henderson)
Standard School Broadcast archive, approximately 1940-1955 (processed by Jaime Henderson)
Fong Wan Herb Company customer journals and newspaper advertisement, 1916-1940 (processed by Lara Michels)
The Pictorial Processing Unit opened 30 small collections and single items for use.
Christina Fidler, Bancroft’s Digital Archivist, opened the born-digital components of the following collections:
The following collections are currently in process or in the processing queue:
Chinatown YMCA collection
Oakland-Piedmont Jewish Community Center records
Robert D. Brotherson collection of the Activist group of poets : and other material
Anne S. Perlman papers
Taber family papers
Harold Biswell papers
Acción Latina records
NHPRC Supports Processing Environmental Collections at The Bancroft Library
The Bancroft Library is currently engaged in a two-year project funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission to process a range of archival collections relating to environmental movements in the West. A leading repository in documenting U.S. environmental movements, The Bancroft Library is home to the records of many significant environmental organizations and the papers of a range of environmental activists.
Among the library’s environmental holdings are the records of the Sierra Club, including correspondence of naturalist and Club founder John Muir, the records of the Save-the-Redwoods League, and the records of Save the Bay. Among the collections already made available to researchers in this current NHPRC-funded project are the records of the Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides, the records of the Small Wilderness Area Preservation group, the papers of environmental lawyer Thomas J. Graff, and the records of California-based Trustees for Conservation. Collections scheduled to be processed in the next eighteen months include the records of such major environmental organizations as Friends of the River, Friends of the Earth, the Rainforest Action Network, and the Earth Island Institute.