LJ Periodicals Price Survey 2011

Elizabeth Byrne points out (thanks, Elizabeth!) that Library Journal has published their annual Periodicals Price Survey, this year entitled, “Under Pressure, Times Are Changing”. 

Here’s an excerpt

As expected, nearly 50 percent of the content of the merged ISI indexes consists of titles from five major publishers: Elsevier, Wiley, Springer, Taylor & Francis, and SAGE. All five offer large online “Big Deal” journal packages; price increases for those packages are dictated by the terms of individual contracts and may not mirror standard published rates. Published print prices for the merged ISI indexes increased 5.2 percent for 2011. Prices for the broader set of titles in Academic Search Premier, which includes some titles in the merged ISI indexes, increased 7.7 percent. Print prices for the public library titles in MasterFILE Premier mirror that of the merged ISI indexes at 5.2 percent. In general, 2010 price increases were lower across the board than previous years, reflecting restraint on the part of publishers. Prices for 2011 are trending up again and this will result in higher price projections for 2012.

