Tag: digital collections
SCP monthly update – August 2012
Highlights from the SCP August Update: EBSCO Academic Search Complete (328 titles), Open Access (106 titles), and Royal Society of Chemistry (59 titles). Monograph records distributed include Gale Selections from Sabin Americana (1296 titles), Springer (926 titles), Royal Society of Chemistry (515 titles), World Bank (471 titles), American Geophysical Union (314 titles), SuperStar (201 titles), Apabi (157 titles), IEEE (116 titles), CRC Press (85 titles), Safari (74 titles), Wiley (59 titles), Cal Docs (54 titles), and Knovel (51 titles).
The Economist
The CDL reports that on June 30, 2012, EIU discontinued full text distribution of The Economist on EBSCO (Academic Search and Business Source Premier) and ProQuest (Factiva). We have not had fulltext access since then, although EBSCO continued with a&I coverage. Sources of The Economist available at Berkeley include LegalTrac (courtesy of Berkeley Law) and CPI-Q (Canadian Periodicals).
SCP monthly update – June/July 2012
Read Adolfo Tarango’s latest SCP Update to find out what’s going on with the Shared Cataloging Program. Lots going on with EEBO (the Systems office is, reportedly, “aware of and will be coordinating EEBO record maintenance”). Other record sets of note: Springer and Wiley ebooks as well as IEEE and Knovel ebooks; as for serial records, highlights include American Periodical Series and JSTOR.
ERF Update – August 2012
Current number of records in the ERF: 1093
ADDED since last update
- 19th Century British Pamphlets: from colonial affairs to social reform in the 19th century
- AGU Digital Library Books: ebooks on earth and space sciences (one-time purchase courtesy of CDL)
- Cleantech i3: Data and profiles on the cleantech industry (userid/password required)
- Confidential Print: Africa, 1834-1966: British government documents on Africa
- Digital Atlas of Economic Plants in Archaeology: part 3 of Digital Plant Atlas from Groningen Institute of Archaeology
- Dustbook eDirectories: directories of small presses and publishers
- Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Primary sources galore: Asia and the West. British Politics. High Culture. Popular Culture. (one-time purchase courtesy of CDL)
- PILOTS: index to literature on post traumatic stress from the VA
- PsycTESTS: psychological tests, measures, surveys, etc.
- Sunday Times Digital Archive, 1822-2006: 180 years of the British Sunday broadsheet
DELETED since last update
CHANGES since last upate
Times Digital Archive: coverage now up to 2006 (upgrade courtesy of CDL)
Update on the Library’s Procedures to Handle Collections Materials Acquired in Digital Formats
The first step in implementing the recommendations of the working group for Materials Acquired Digitally (MAD) has been to update the e-order form to accommodate orders for digital format materials. To see the new form, go to the regular e-order form (http://ucblibrary3.berkeley.edu:8080/eorder/eorder.process.logic) and click “Materials Acquired Digitally – Order Form” in the upper right.
The next step will be to create a streamlined process to move digital materials from the vendor to us, while automatically creating minimal MARC records that can be quickly added to OskiCat. The Catalog Department will then review and if needed, enhance the catalog records, which will be exported to OCLC.
Our Systems Office group, Library Applications & Publishing, is also managing a series of pilots recommended by the Materials Acquired Digitally working group. As we learn more through these pilots and the use of the new form about how digital materials are ordered, delivered and added to our collections, we will continue to find ways to automate this process.
I would like to take this opportunity to officially thank the members of the Materials Acquired Digitally working group for their outstanding work on a complex topic, but one that is critical to our future. My thanks to: Cheryl Cook, Harrison Dekker, Mary Elings, Lynne Grigsby (Chair), Gary Handman, Jean McKenzie, Trina Pundurs. The MAD final report can be found at:
If you have any questions, please send them to Lynne (lgrigsby@library).
Best, Bernie
Hathi Trust Update
Hathi Trust’s June newsletter has some items you might find interesting:
- You can now imbed a Hathi volume in a webpage: http://www.hathitrust.org/embed
- There’s a new page of resources available to help you learn and teach Hathi features and functions: http://www.hathitrust.org/resources
- Hathi now also has a Pinterest account…if you haven’t seen this, it’s pretty fun (and perhaps useful): http://pinterest.com/hathitrust/
- Michigan staff have been improving indexing and searching of CJK languages. A discussion of the issues is available on the large-scale search blog.
Lynne Grigsby reports that Systems has successfully loaded ~1.5 million bib records to OskiCat for titles in Hathi that are in the public domain.
Upcoming vendor visits: ProQuest and Taylor & Francis
More vendor visits:
- ProQuest: meet our new rep, Karen Bosserman on Thursday, July 19 from 10:30-11:30. We’ll be meeting in the conference area of 212/218 Doe offices. (This room is key-code access only so if you come, just knock on the door and someone will let you in.)
- Taylor and Francis: Find out about ebooks and digital content, specifically CRCnetBASE on Monday, July 30 from 10:00-11:00 in 250 Doe Library (Librarian’s Office conference room).
No need to RSVP. Just show up if you’d like to talk with these vendors about existing subscriptions or future offerings.
From CDL – Guidelines about Acquisitions, 2012
Earlier this year, CDL made the following announcement:
“CDL will be negotiating with a number of important publishers in 2012 on behalf of UC campuses … CDL requests that campuses consider holding off on local acquisitions until a final agreement is reached.”
For more information, including a list of publishers with whom we are actively negotiating, see Guidelines for Campus Acquisitions, 2012 (password protected).
Selectors should go ahead and place an order (via the e-order form) for resources from any of these publishers; before moving forward, however, licensing or acquisitions staff will ask CDL to consider incorporating that resource of into their consortial discussions.
Wiley ebook titles lists (redux)
Don’t forget that titles available as part of the CDL-licensed Wiley ebook package are listed in a regularly-updated spreadsheet on the CDL Resource Information page. Since there may be a lag time between when we get access and when the title is added to the spreadsheet, a good rule of thumb to avoid duplicate orders is to sit on any Wiley titles you wish to order for a couple of months.
As a reminder, here is how to see the Wiley ebook package title list:
Go to: CDL Resource Information and look under eBook Packages for a link to Wiley ebook package title list 2011-2012 (xls). (Let me know if you need the password.)
See other posts: Wiley ebook title list (9/16/11), More Wiley ebooks (10/13/11), Wiley ebooks – title list 2012 (2/27/12)
SCP monthly update – May 2012
Read Adolfo Tarango’s May SCP update to find out about the many record sets from Alexander Street music collections they’ve distributed. They’ve also been busy with NBER working papers, Springer, Wiley and many open access titles.