Tag: Bibliographies
Funding for materials in less commonly taught European languages
The Institute of European Studies has created a special fund to support the UC Berkeley Library collection in the less commonly taught European languages (LCTLs). Students, both undergraduate and graduate, lecturers and faculty who wish to use library materials (books, ebooks, graphic novels, dissertations, DVDs, etc.), in a European LCTL and published in Europe that are currently not available on the Berkeley campus, can fill out the Library Recommendation Form and mention “IES LCTL Support” in the Comments section. IES will then provide funding to the UC Berkeley Library to finance the purchase of these materials. This support only applies to LCTLs that are still today spoken in Western, Northern, and Southern Europe (i.e. all European languages with the exception of German, French, Italian and Spanish); no support will be given for classical or extinct languages nor for Slavic and other Eastern European languages supported by the Institute of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies.
New Oxford Bibliographies Online
The Library has added three new Oxford Bibliographies to its online holdings: Military History, Education, and Chinese Studies.
You can access them using these direct URLS:
Oxford Bibliographies
Developed cooperatively with scholars and librarians worldwide, Oxford Bibliographies Online (OBO) provides authoritative research guides. Combining the best features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia, this cutting-edge resource guides researchers to scholarship across a wide variety of subjects. Updated regularly, with 50-75 articles added per year to each subject area, some of the areas available now include: Anthropology, Atlantic History, Classics, Communication, Criminology, International Relations, Islamic Studies, Medieval Studies, Music, Philosophy, Renaissance and Reformation, Social Work, Sociology, Victorian Literature, and more.
Portugal 1910-2010: Exhibit Bibliography
A complete list of sources both consulted and put on display for the exhibition Portugal 1910-2010 on view in the UC Berkeley’s Bancroft Library Corridor from March 5 – May 21, 2010 is now available to download. Check it out!
Dictionnaire Octave Mirbeau
Hosted by the Société Octave Mirbeau and maintained by an international group of Mirbeau experts including Yannick Lemarié et Pierre Michel, the online Dictionnaire Octave Mirbeau contains more than one thousand entries. Some are brief, from one to fifteen lines, but most are quite substantial. The entries are grouped into five sections: amis et connaissances de Mirbeau (famille, écrivains, peintres, sculpteurs, compositeurs, gens de théâtre, etc.) ; les lieux (villes où Mirbeau a vécu ou voyagé et pays dont il a parlé ou bien où son oeuvre a été reçue et traduite) ; oeuvres (publiées de son vivant et depuis sa mort) ; thèmes et interprétations ; et personnel des oeuvres de fiction (êtres humains et animaux).
The UC Berkeley Library has more than 117 works by or about Octave Mirbeau, iconoclastic French journalist, art critic, pamphleteer, novelist, and playwright in its printed collection, including Cahiers Octave Mirbeau.
Guide to French and Francophone Literature
This critically revised and updated library subject guide provides a starting point for research on French and Francophone literature in the UC Berkeley Library. For additional resources in all formats including e-books, please explore related LCSH subject headings in OskiCat or browse the shelves near the relevant call numbers supplies in this bibliography.
The guide is rather lengthy (21 pages) but is sub-divided as follows: General Guides and Literary Histories, French Language Dictionaries, Manuals and Guides to Literary Theory and Criticism, Poetry, Theater, Francophone Literature Resources, and Guides by Literary Period: Middle Ages, the Renaissance, 17th century, 18th Century, 19th century, 20th-21st century. Bookmarks on the left (viewable in most web browsers) allow one to skip through the PDF rather easily in locating a specific section.
While links to some electronic resources are provided, the French Studies subject grouping in the Library’s Electronic Resources Finder contains the most current digital resources available and should be consulted when using this guide to what are, for the most part, printed books.
Guide to Italian Literature
Modeled after the Guide for French and Francophone Literature, this new Research Guide for Italian Literature is a starting point for research on Italian literature in the UC Berkeley Library. For additional resources in all formats including e-books, please explore related LCSH subject headings in OskiCat or browse the shelves near the relevant call numbers supplied in this bibliography.
The guide is lengthy (19 pages) but is sub-divided as follows: General Guides and Literary Histories, Italian Language Dictionaries, Manuals and Guides to Literary Theory and Criticism, Poetry, Theater, Guides by Literary Period: Middle Ages, Dante Studies, The Renaissance, 17th century, 18th-19th centuries, and 20th-21st centuries. Bookmarks on the left (viewable in most web browsers) allow one to skip through the PDF file rather easily in locating a specific section.
While links to some electronic resources are provided, the Italian Studies subject grouping in the Library’s Electronic Resources Finder contains the most current digital resources available and should be consulted when using this guide to what are, for the most part, printed books.
The subject guide includes works by many Italian Studies faculty as well as noteworthy tools such as:
- Encyclopedia of Italian Literary Studies / [compiled by] Gaetana Marrone. New York: Routledge, c2007.
- Futurismo: bibliografia di 500 scrittori italiani / Cammarota, M. D, and Centro internazionale studi futurismo (Museo d’arte moderna e contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto). Milano: Skira, 2006.
- Letteratura italiana del XXI secolo: primo dizionario orientativo degli scrittori / a cura di Francesco De Napoli, Rodolfo Tommasi. Arezzo: Helicon, 2010.
- Manuale critico-bibliografico per lo studio della letteratura Italiana / Giorgio Baroni and Mario Puppo. 5th ed. Torino: SEI, 2002.
- Manuale di letteratura italiana medievale e moderna / Alberto Casadei and Marco Santagata. Roma: GLF editori Laterza, 2007.
- Narrativa e romanzo nel Novecento italiano: studi critici, ritratti e ricerche / Marco Forti. Milano: Il Saggiatore: Fondazione Arnoldo e Alberto Mondadori, c2009.
- Storia della letteratura italiana / diretta da Enrico Malato. Roma: Salerno, c1995.
Main Stacks PQ4037.S867 1995 v.1-14 (c1995-c2005)