Summer reading: The Sympathizer

Book cover for The SympathizerThe Sympathizer
Viet Thanh Nguyen

The Sympathizer is a fast-paced, action-packed novel that follows the path of “The Captain,” an undercover agent for the Viet Cong, who has spent years as a General’s assistant in the South Vietnamese army. His journey takes him from a life fighting on both sides of the Vietnamese conflict to a life as refugee in the United States, then back to Vietnam once again. Nguyen explores the difficult subject of the Vietnam War with masterful storytelling that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Nguyen strikes a delicate balance of telling the story of “The American War,” as the Vietnamese refer to it, from both sides of the conflict.

College Writing Programs

This book is part of the 2019 Berkeley Summer Reading List. Stay tuned for more weekly posts!