by Taylor Follett
Fall semester is always a time of fresh beginnings — new classes, new faces, and most excitingly for those of us at the library, access to new resources. We hope that the following new databases, books, journals, and much more will be of value to those studying literature. Here are some highlights for undergraduates, graduate students, and professors alike.
New Literature Resources
The steady digitization of rare books brings archival material home to you through Early English Books Online (EEBO), Early European Books Online (EEB), and Early Arabic Printed Books from the British Library. Inclined toward the 18th and 19th centuries? Other new materials include everything from the Electronic Enlightenment database, which has digitized Enlightenment thinkers’ correspondence, to the well-known journal, Essays in Romanticism. While you’re popping the popcorn for the largest movie marathon of all time, stream 37 BBC performances of Shakespeare plays at BBC Shakespeare. (This also comes in handy when you need to brush up on your knowledge of The Tempest for your Shakespeare final.) And, as always, visit our ongoing list of new books the library has acquired.
New Databases and Digital Collections
Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature (ACLL)
Digitized texts of Celtic-Latin literature from the early Middle Ages period 400-1200 A.D. Part of the Royal Irish Academy’s Dictionary of Medieval Latin from Celtic Sources project. -
BBC Shakespeare
Streaming performances of 37 Shakespeare plays originally adapted for broadcast between 1978 and 1985 in the United Kingdom. Searchable transcripts appear alongside the videos. -
Collection of Spanish and Catalan e-books published in Latin America and Spain. (Digitalia Hispanica) -
Early Arabic Printed Books from the British Library
A full-text searchable database of early printed books in Arabic script. Covering religious literature, law, sciences, medicine, geography, travel, history, and literature. It includes books of European/Arabic translations. [1475-1900] -
Early English Books Online (EEBO)
We have long subscribed to EEBO, and this year we added a second set of full-text transcriptions (TCP II) to make more of the collection machine-readable. -
Early European Books Online (EEB)
Full-color, high-resolution facsimile scans of rare texts in European languages from the early modern period (1450s-1701), with strong representation in Danish, Dutch, French, Italian, and Latin texts. -
Electronic Enlightenment
Correspondence between 18th century thinkers, writers and their friends and families. -
Oxford Scholarly Editions Online: Classics
Includes Latin, Drama, Latin, History, Latin Poetry, Latin Prose, Greek Comedy, Greek Tragedy
New Journal Subscriptions
- Essays in Romanticism
A peer-reviewed journal edited by Alan Vardy (Hunter College, CUNY), EiR is the official journal of the International Conference on Romanticism. - Lacanian Review The Anglophone Journal of the World Association of Psychoanalysis and continues on from Hurly-Burly.
- Irish University Review
The Irish University Review is a peer-reviewed journal founded in 1970 at University College Dublin as a journal of Irish literary criticism. It is affiliated with the International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures (IASIL). - The Yearbook of Langland Studies – Digital Back Files
Journal devoted to Piers Plowman and associated works. Includes eessays, debate, reviews, and an annual annotated bibliography.
New Reference and Encyclopedias
- Encyclopedia of Medieval Literature in Britain
600 entries on key figures, texts, critical debates, methodologies, cultural and historical contexts, and related terminology in the literatures of the British Isles from the fifth to the sixteenth centuries. - The Spenser Encyclopedia
Edited by A.C. Hamilton. Background information on everything Spenser. Good starting point for research. Printed version: Main PR2362 .S64 1990 - Clavis litterarum Hibernensium : Medieval Irish books & texts (c. 400 – c. 1600)
This work describes the literary and scholarly output of the Irish middle ages (4th-17th centuries), in Latin and in the vernaculars.
New Interdisciplinary Resources
Are you interested in information regarding artists’ work, biographies, art auctions and pieces for sale? The askArt database can help. For film scholars, we now have access to both the Classic Mexican Cinema Online database, which features periodicals from the Golden Age of Mexican cinema, and the Independent World Cinema: Classic and Contemporary Film database, where you can watch over 400 movies online.
- askArt
askART provides access to artists’ profiles, images, literature references, biographies, auction records, art for sale and art wanted, essays on important art movements, and statistics on the markets. Millions of auction records and results (from 1987+). 300,000+ worldwide artists. - Classic Mexican Cinema Online
The Golden Age of Mexican cinema is illuminated in this collection of popular movie periodicals. It includes magazines such as Cinema Reporter (1943-1965), Cine Mundial (1951-1955), and El Cine Gráfico. From the Archives of the Filmoteca of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) - Independent World Cinema: Classic and Contemporary Film
Includes over 400 documentary and feature films from select American distributors of independent and international film, including Milestone Films, Zeitgeist Films, Pragda, and Oscilloscope.
This is only a small sampling of our new acquisitions. Check out the full list of new scholarly resources here and enjoy!