The Bancroft Library University of California Berkeley



Who is Eligible to Apply

Graduate students currently attending an ALA accredited library and information science program who have taken coursework in archival administration and/or digital libraries.

Born-Digital Processing Internship Duties

The Born-Digital Processing Intern will be involved with all aspects of digital collections work, including inventory control of digital accessions, collection appraisal, processing, description, preservation, and provisioning for access. Under the supervision of the Digital Archivist, the intern will analyze the status of a born-digital manuscript or photograph collection and propose and carry out a processing plan to arrange and provide access to the collection. The intern will gain experience in appraisal, arrangement, and description of born-digital materials. She/he will use digital forensics software and hardware to work with disk images and execute processes to identify duplicate files and sensitive/confidential material. The intern will create an access copy of the collection and, if necessary, normalize access files to a standard format. The intern will generate an EAD-encoded finding aid in The Bancroft Library’s instance of ArchivesSpace for presentation on the Online Archive of California (OAC). Lastly, the intern will complete a full collection-level MARC catalog record for the collection using the University Library’s Millennium cataloging system. All work will occur in the Bancroft Technical Services Department, and interns will attend relevant staff meetings.


6 weeks (minimum 120 hours), June 29 – August 7, 2015 (dates are somewhat flexible)

NOTE: The internship is not funded, however, it may be possible to arrange for course credit for the internship. Interns will be responsible for living expenses related to the internship (housing, transportation, food, etc.).

Application Procedure:

The competitive selection process is based on an evaluation of the following application materials:

Cover letter & Resume
Current graduate school transcript (unofficial)
Photocopy of driver’s license (proof of residency if out-of-state school)
Letter of recommendation from a graduate school faculty member
Sample of the applicant’s academic writing or a completed finding aid

All application materials must be postmarked on or before Friday, April 17, 2015 and either mailed to:

Mary Elings
Head of Digital Collections
The Bancroft Library
University of California Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720.

or emailed to melings [at], with “Born Digital Processing Internship” in the subject line.

Selected candidates will be notified of decisions by May 1, 2015.

Now Available: GIDEON: the world’s premier Global Infectious Disease knowledge management tool.

We are happy to announce that GIDEON (Global Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology Online Network) has been licensed for UCB use!

Gideon banner

GIDEON’s Infectious diseases module facilitates diagnoses, and tracks information on Infectious Diseases from around the globe. Includes Diagnosis, Diseases, Travel, Drugs and Vaccines tabs. With the Microbiology module, you can identify a taxon based on its phenotypic characteristics and view a list of the typical positive and negative reactions for a specified organism and compare the reactions of two or more species.

Gideon infectious disease module

Check out the Video Tutorials, Tutorial, and GIDEON Cases, which provide examples of how you can use GIDEON.

Now Available: GIDEON: the world’s premier Global Infectious Disease knowledge management tool.

We are happy to announce that GIDEON (Global Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology Online Network) has been licensed for UCB use!

Gideon banner

GIDEON’s Infectious diseases module facilitates diagnoses, and tracks information on Infectious Diseases from around the globe. Includes Diagnosis, Diseases, Travel, Drugs and Vaccines tabs. With the Microbiology module, you can identify a taxon based on its phenotypic characteristics and view a list of the typical positive and negative reactions for a specified organism and compare the reactions of two or more species.

Gideon infectious disease module

Check out the Video Tutorials, Tutorial, and GIDEON Cases, which provide examples of how you can use GIDEON.