Tag: “study space”
Library updates on Moffitt, NRLF and more

Moffitt Study Space update
The Library has received campus approval to expand the Moffitt study space service begun two weeks ago to include ten rooms reservable for graduate students. It is now implementing the setup and plan to launch the new offering on Monday, April 26. The Library currently offers limited study space on Moffitt Library’s fourth and fifth floors for UC Berkeley undergraduate and graduate students. At the moment, reservations for seats are offered 9 a.m. through 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and can be made one week in advance.
Norther Regional Library Facility (NRLF)
Starting this week, UC Berkeley Library cardholders may use OskiCat to request unrestricted materials from NRLF for pickup at Moffitt Library via Oski Xpress. Eligible items will be available for pickup approximately four business days after the time of request. Additionally, NRLF’s electronic article delivery service will expand to all UC Berkeley Library cardholders. Patrons can submit an online request for that service via the “Request an electronic copy from NRLF” link that appears in eligible titles in OskiCat. NRLF remains closed for on-site visits until further notice. The Library’s COVID-19 portal will soon be updated with this information.
OskiCat and Melvyl are retiring on July 27th
In case you haven’t heard, both of these catalogs will be replaced by a new a unified discovery and borrowing system called UC Library Search. You’ll be able to search, borrow, and easily renew print materials from any of the ten campuses in the system.
DH Fair 2021 is coming up!
The DH Fair, to be held on Wednesday April 21st, is an annual event that offers the UC Berkeley community the opportunity to share projects at various stages of development, receive invaluable feedback from peers, and reflect on the field more broadly. This year’s events include a keynote speech from Roopika Risam on Digital Humanities for Social Justice, a panel discussion with Tim Tangherlini and Lisa Wymore on computation for analyzing and choreographing dance in the K-pop and folk music genres, and lightning talks.
Expanded eBook collections from Belgium, France, and Italy
The Library continues to acquire print material but processing has been slow for books that don’t ship with MARC records. Notable ebook acquisitions this spring include Cairn (181 new titles), OpenEdition (1608 new titles), and Torrossa (299 new titles). It takes time to format and load metadata but the new ebooks are generally available right away if you go directly through the vendor platforms.