Some of you know that I (Bee, the Lit Librarian) read heavily in speculative fiction. For our mutual enjoyed, I’ve compiled a list of some of my colleagues and my favorite 2024 reads in the genre. Please note that most of these books are from 2024, but a few were published earlier. Please note that this list is far from comprehensive.
Ulit︠s︡kai︠a︡, Li︠u︡dmila. The Kukotsky Enigma : A Novel by Ludmila Ulitskaya ; Translated from the Russian by Diane Nemec Ignashev
Lake of Souls by Ann Leckie
清明上河圖密碼 : 隱藏在千古名畫中的陰謀與殺局 =The secret code of “Along the River During the Qingming Festival”: Conspiracy and murder hidden in famous paintings through the ages by Wenbiao Ye
Thyme Travellers: An Anthology of Palestinian Speculative Fiction, edited by Sonia Sulaiman