Some of you know that I (Bee, the Lit Librarian) read heavily in speculative fiction. For our mutual enjoyed, I’ve compiled a list of some of my colleagues and my favorite 2024 reads in the genre. Please note that most of these books are from 2024, but a few were published earlier. Please note that this list is far from comprehensive.
Ulit︠s︡kai︠a︡, Li︠u︡dmila. The Kukotsky Enigma : A Novel by Ludmila Ulitskaya ; Translated from the Russian by Diane Nemec Ignashev, UC Berkeley Library Search
清明上河圖密碼 : 隱藏在千古名畫中的陰謀與殺局 =The secret code of “Along the River During the Qingming Festival”: Conspiracy and murder hidden in famous paintings through the ages by Wenbiao Ye, UC Berkeley Library Search
Celebrate Disability Awareness Month by exploring powerful stories and insights from disabled authors. Discover more diverse perspectives that inspire and educate on UCB Overdrive!