Are you an Endnote or RefWorks user?

EndNote X5 / RefWorks Drop-In Class: Oct. 16, 130-3 PM

The Library is offering a workshop on the basics of using both EndNote and RefWorks:

  • How to add citations to your database,
  • How to organize your citations,
  • How to format your bibliography,
  • How to use EndNote and RefWorks with Microsoft Word to create reference lists and bibliographies.

This class will be useful for EndNote/RefWorks novices, for those who want a little tune-up, and for those of you struggling a bit with the software. It will also be useful for those of you trying to decide which one to use (if either!)

Tuesday, Oct. 16 2012; 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM

Location: Training Room, Bioscience and Natural Resources Library, VLSB

No sign-up is needed

EndNote automates the creation of bibliographies. Save hours of typing by simply selecting the publication or style by name and generating a perfectly formatted document. EndNote currently offers thousands of output styles. EndNote allows you to store PDFs and other files in your database.

RefWorks is a web-based tool that allows users to create a citation database by importing references from text files or online databases. Use these references in writing papers and automatically format the paper and the bibliography in seconds. Web-based means you can access RefWorks from any computer with Internet access. Access to RefWorks is provided by the UCB Library to UCB students, staff, and faculty.

The Bioscience Library Training Room is equipped with Windows PCs. If you already have EndNote installed on your laptop, you can work on your own computer. You can also download a 30-day free EndNote trial from