Update on the Library’s Procedures to Handle Collections Materials Acquired in Digital Formats

The first step in implementing the recommendations of the working group for Materials Acquired Digitally (MAD) has been to update the e-order form to accommodate orders for digital format materials.  To see the new form, go to the regular e-order form (http://ucblibrary3.berkeley.edu:8080/eorder/eorder.process.logic) and click “Materials Acquired Digitally – Order Form” in the upper right.

The next step will be to create a streamlined process to move digital materials from the vendor to us, while automatically creating minimal MARC records that can be quickly added to OskiCat.  The Catalog Department will then review and if needed, enhance the catalog records, which will be exported to OCLC.

Our Systems Office group, Library Applications & Publishing, is also managing a series of pilots recommended by the Materials Acquired Digitally working group.  As we learn more through these pilots and the use of the new form about how digital materials are ordered, delivered and added to our collections, we will continue to find ways to automate this process.

I would like to take this opportunity to officially thank the members of the Materials Acquired Digitally working group for their outstanding work on a complex topic, but one that is critical to our future.  My thanks to: Cheryl Cook, Harrison Dekker, Mary Elings, Lynne Grigsby (Chair), Gary Handman, Jean McKenzie, Trina Pundurs.  The MAD final report can be found at:


If you have any questions, please send them to Lynne (lgrigsby@library).

Best, Bernie