The UC Berkeley libraries continue to expand their collection of online books. We recently purchased electronic versions of the following books in chemistry, engineering, physics, and statistics:
Congdon. Bayesian models for categorical data. 2005.
Roat-Malone. Bioinorganic chemistry: a short course. 2002.
Koch & Holthausen. A chemist's guide to density functional theory, 2nd ed. 2001.
Ersoy. Diffraction, fourier optics, and imaging. 2007.
Dowrick. Earthquake risk reduction. 2003.
Barnett. Environmental statistics: methods and applications. 2004.
Billo. Excel for chemists: a comprehensive guide, 2nd ed. 2001.
May & Spanos. Fundamentals of semiconductor manufacturing and process control. 2006.
Schuster (ed.). Handbook of chaos control. 1999.
Hedeker & Gibbons. Longitudinal data analysis. 2006.
Loveland, Morrissey & Seaborg. Modern nuclear chemistry. 2006.
Li (ed.). Name reactions in heterocyclic chemistry. 2005.
Theodore. Nanotechnology: basic calculations for engineers and scientists. 2006.
Trebin (ed.). Quasicrystals: structure and physical properties. 2003.
McCutcheon & Schnoor (eds.). Phytoremediation: transformation and control of contaminants. 2003.
Krainov, Reiss & Smirnov. Radiative processes in atomic physics. 1997.
Chatterjee & Hadi. Regression analysis by example, 4th ed. 2006.
Rebeiz. RF MEMS: theory, design, and technology. 2003.
Fayngold. Special relativity and motions faster than light. 2002.
D'Orazio, Di Zio & Scanu. Statistical matching: theory and practice. 2006.
All of these electronic books and more can be found along side our print books in Melvyl and Pathfinder.