This week’s edition of C&E News lists the ACS national award winners for 2009. UCB has a number of names on the list including:
Graham R. Fleming, University of California, Berkeley — Joel Henry Hildebrand Award in the Theoretical & Experimental Chemistry of Liquids sponsored by ExxonMobil Research & Engineering.
Richard J. Saykally, University of California, Berkeley — Peter Debye Award in Physical Chemistry sponsored by E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.
Mary F. Singleton, University of California, Berkeley, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (retired) — ACS Award for Encouraging Women into Careers in the Chemical Sciences sponsored by the Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation.
Andrew Streitwieser, University of California, Berkeley — Roger Adams Award in Organic Chemistry sponsored by Organic Reactions and Organic Syntheses.
Recipients will be honored at the Awards Ceremony on Tuesday, March 24, 2009, in conjunction with the 237th ACS national meeting in Salt Lake City. Congratulations to all!