BIOBASE Proteome and HGMD training workshops


Alexander Kaplun from BIOBASE will be presenting hands-on training workshops on Proteome and HGMD:

Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Time: 1:00 – 2:45  pm (Proteome); 3:00 – 4:00 pm (HGMD)
Location: Bioscience Library Training Room, 2189 VLSB

The workshops are open to all interested researchers, and no pre-registration is necessary.

BIOBASE Proteome includes tools for gene set analysis and pathway visualization, allowing scientists to quickly find answers to questions relevant to their research and to analyze high throughput data. Workshop participants will learn to:

  • search for individual gene, disease, and drug reports by name
  • browse for sets of genes, diseases, and drugs which share a desired set of characteristics
  • upload a list of genes and identify those characteristics which are statistically over-represented
  • export annotated characteristics for a gene list
  • build and visualize protein-protein networks, overlaid with disease and drug assignments
  • annotate custom sequences

BIOBASE HGMD provides data on human inherited disease mutations, enabling quick access to both single mutation queries and advanced search applications.

Questions? Please contact