Primary Sources: NAACP Papers: The NAACP’s Major Campaigns

Thanks to the Law Library, we now have access to the ProQuest History Vault collection: NAACP Papers: The NAACP’s Major Campaigns–Scottsboro, Anti-Lynching, Criminal Justice, Peonage, Labor, and Segregation and Discrimination Complaints and Responses

The focus of this module is on the NAACP’s efforts to combat lynching, mob violence, discrimination in the criminal justice system, and white resistance to civil rights efforts. A particularly rich set of records in this module is the NAACP file on one of the most celebrated criminal trials of the 20th century—the case of the Scottsboro Boys. These files are supplemented by materials on segregation and discrimination complaints regarding public accommodations and recreational facilities sent to and investigated by the NAACP, and records on discrimination in employment.