Web of Science (WoS) is a great multi-disciplinary tool for finding citations on your topic, and for cited reference searching. But WoS has many other features you may not know about. Did you know you can find the top authors are who are publishing on a topic? Or, that you can find the journals with the most articles on your topic? Here’s how:
Start by searching on a topic of interest in Web of Science:
On the search results page, click the Analyze Results link:
To find the journals with the most articles on your topic, select Source Titles in the Rank the records by this field: box. You can show the top 10-500 results, and set the minimum number of records a selection must have to appear in your list. In the image below, we will see the top 25 journal titles, and each must have at least 10 articles from the search:
After clicking Analyze, here are the results:
In this example, there are an additional 27 Source Titles with at least 25 articles.
You now have the option to view the results of any journal titles you select, download the results, or go back and re-analyze. You can then do the same search, choosing Author instead of Source Title, to get a list of the top publishing authors in this topic.