ARTstor Updates

ARTstor has recently made some updates to the Digital Library. New changes include:

  • Users will now be able to browse through image groups from the Image Group Panel. Once an image group has been opened, users will see a “Browse Groups” tab in the image group panel where they can navigate to another image group.
  • In response to your feedback, ARTstor has increased the maximum number of images that can be exported to PowerPoint in a 120-day period from 1,000 to 2,000. In addition, downloads to PowerPoint can now include up to 150 images per download. Computer monitors with higher resolutions will be able to display more images per row.

Running into issues? After updates to the Digital Library, it may be necessary for users to clear the browser cache. See the ARTstor help site for instructions. Please don’t hesitate to contact User Services for more help at

On Exhibit: Clipper Ship Sailing Cards in The Bancroft Library

Clipper Ship Sailing Cards in The Bancroft Library
August 1, 2013 – TBA
The Bancroft Library Corridor Cases
Open Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm

The clipper ship sailing cards first appeared during the 1850s, advertising the departure of a ship on an imminent but indeterminate date. The cards were produced to attract last-minute customers to a not-yet-full vessel that would sail shortly, generally from New York to San Francisco. Clipper ships brought thousands of hopeful individuals to California during the Gold Rush, when sailing around Cape Horn was the fastest way to the Pacific coast from the eastern United States. Numerous artists, engravers, and printers turned to this new advertising medium at a time when color printing processes were also improving. The cards, designed to stand out in an agent’s window display, were letterpress printed onto cardstock, and accented by colorful wood-engraved images or dramatic lettering. Today, less than 3,500 clipper cards are estimated to remain, and about 140 are housed in The Bancroft Library.