Patricia Figueroa at Brown University has recently launched a bilingual blog titled Nuevas referencias: retratos de nuevos autores hispanohablantes. It’s dedicated to new published authors from Spain and Spanish-speaking Latin America. Each entry consists of an interview with a featured author. The questions (the same set throughout) are designed to get librarians (and anyone else interested in emerging writers in the Spanish language) acquainted with the authors’ publications, their upcoming projects, their views on new technologies and libraries, and their recommendations for web-based literary resources devoted to new talent.
Interviews available to date include Ezio Neyra Magagna (Lima, 1980-), Antonio Jiménez Morato (Madrid, 1976-), Joserra Ortiz (San Luis Potosí, 1981-), Mercedes Cebrián (Madrid, 1971-), Carlos Yushimito (Lima, 1977-), Carlos Labbé (Santiago de Chile, 1977-), and Federico Falco (General Cabrera, 1977-).