New Books in Graduate Servcies. Like usual every month. Just sitting here on the shelves. Ready to be read. By you. There’s poetry: Ashbery turning a phrase of Rimbaud into Ashbery. Photography?: Derrida letting the spiel loose on the subject. Plays: Albee, Fry, Kureishi, and Williams have some words you can act out to. Playwright who hates himself: David Mamet’s has some secret knowledge you might not want to act on. UC Berkeley faculty publication: Beshara Doumani letting you know about academic freedom after September 11th now that it started fifth grade this fall. Another UC Berkeley faculty publication featuring philosophy: Suzanne Guerlac introducing you to Henri Bergson. More philosophy: Heidegger is going to do some introducing of his own–the world to thinking and poetizing. Still more philosophy: All eight volumes of the History of Continental Philosophy; and Lyotard is going to figure into all this discourse somehow. Modern Authors who are not playwrights or poets already mentioned above: Alasdair Gray, James Kelman, and Margret Drabble I present to you. Beckett: There’s always room for Beckett. Enjoy.

Me, Myself and I by Eward Albee

Illuminations by Arthur Rimbaud translated by John Ashbery

Texts for Nothing and Other Shorter Prose, 1950-1976 by Samuel Beckett

The Problem of the Color[blind]: Racial Transgression and the Politics of Black Performance by Brandi Wilkins Catanese

Copy, Archive, Signature: A Conversation on Photography by Jacques Derrida

Academic Freedom After September 11 edited by Beshara Doumani

A Day in the Life of a Smiling Woman: Complete Short Stories by Margaret Drabble

A Writer’s Britain by Margaret Drabble

Binding Words: Conscience and Rhetoric in Hobbes, Hegel, and Heidegger by Karen S. Feldman

Plays 2: Venus Observed, The Dark is Light Enough, Curtmantle by Christopher Fry

The Mella of Marrakesh: Jewish and Muslim Space in Morocco’s Red City by Emily Gottreich

Collected Verses by Alasdair Gray

A Gray Play Book: Of Long and Short Plays for Stage, Puppet-Theatre, Radio & Television, Acted Between 1956 adn 2009, With An Unused Opera Libretto, A Film Script of the Novel Poor Things and Excerpts From the Pictorial Storyboard of the Novel Lanark by Alasdair Gray

Poor Things: Episodes From the Early Life of Archibald McCandless M.D. Scottish Public Health Officer by Alasdair Gray

Thinking in Time: An Introduction to Henri Bergson by Suzanne Guerlac

Introduction to Philosophy–Thinking and Poetizing by Martin Heidegger

Properties of Modernity: Romantic Spain, Modern Europe, and the Legacies of Empire by Michael Iarocci

“And the Judges Said…”: Essays by James Kelman

Collected Stories by Hanif Kureishi

The Mother by Hanif Kureishi

Discourse, Figure by Jean-Francois Lyotard

The Secret Knowledge: On the Dismantling of American Culture by David Mamet

A Life In Letters by George Orwell edited by Peter Davison

Suicide As A Cultural Institution In Dostoevsky’s Russia by Irina Paperno

The History of Continental Philosophy volumes 1-8 edited by Alan D. Schrift

Religion, Literature, and Scholarship: The Sumerian Composition Nanse and the Birds with a Catalogue of Sumerian Bird Names by Niek Veldhuis

The First Modern Economy: Success, Failure, and Perseverance of the Dutch Economy, 1500-1815 by Jan de Vries and Ad van der Woude

Virginia Woolf’s Jacob’s Room: The Holograph Draft edited by Edward L. Bishop

The Magic Tower and Other One-Act Plays by Tennessee Williams

The Resurrection: Manuscript Materials by W.B. Yeats edited by Jared Curtis and Selina Guinness