UC-eLinks is a technology that helps you get the full text of an article – whether online, in print, or by request from another library. And thanks to the efforts of the California Digital Library (CDL), it is now easier than ever to link directly to an article using UC-eLinks!

In most cases where full-text can be identified, UC-eLinks will now load the full text of the article automatically, framed by the new UC-eLinks banner.

This banner serves two purposes:
- Displays citation information to help you navigate to the article on the journal website if it does not load automatically.
- Provides a link back to the full UC-eLinks menu in case you want to use other UC-eLinks services.
When full-text cannot be identified, it will present you with the full UC-eLinks menu to find a print copy, request it from another library, add the citation to a bibliography (via RefWorks), or get help.
For more information, please see the guide on Getting Started with UC-eLinks.