Learn How To…Use The Library From Home

Tired of paying for articles online? Use the library’s online journal subscriptions instead!

You can save, email, and print articles from your home computer using the proxy server. This two-minute Flash tutorial on connecting from off campus will show you how to set it up. Do research in the comfort of your own home!

For more Library tutorials, visit the Library tutorials home page.

» You may need the free Flash Player to view this tutorial. If it doesn’t play automatically when you click the link above, go to the Adobe Flash Player Download Center to download it.

NIST Materials Properties Database

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recently published the NIST Standard Reference Database #152, the Cryogenic Materials Properties Dabase online as a freely available resource. NIST has published over 80 of its databases freely available online, including the Ceramics WebBook, the Chemistry WebBook and the Kinetetics and Solubility databases.  A complete list is available at the NIST Data Gateway.

NIST Materials Properties Database

Not all NIST database are free though.  The Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Library is considering purchasing online access for the NIST TRC Thermdynamic Tables for Hydrocarbons and Non-Hydrocarbons.  If you have comments on this database, please send them to mmahoney@library.berkeley.edu. 

BBC News story on future directions in computing

This week, BBC News published a batch of articles on Future directions in computing. These articles provide short and non-technical introductions to quantum, light, spin, chemicals, DNA, and plastics. They are part of the BBC News special report on The Computing Age, which highlights news in computer science research and technology.

If you want to find research into these future directions, try keyword or author searches in INSPEC – the most comprehensive article database in computer science, electrical engineering & physics. Learn more about searching INSPEC with our Quick Guide to INSPEC (pdf).