Social Sciences’ Brian Light Elected to UC-wide Council

Just a year ago, we posted about the election of Brian Light, the Chief Operations Manager for the Library’s Social Science Division (AKA the guy who makes everything happen), to the Governing Council of the Berkeley Staff Assembly (BSA). The BSA “creates community, champions the interests of staff, and provides opportunities for networking and development”. It has been a great fit— Brian cares deeply both about the campus and making sure staff have a good experience here. In fact, he recently helped offer a “Staff Perspectives” event which included a presentation and discussion on the demographic makeup of Berkeley’s staff and related trends, changes, and challenges.
Well, now Brian’s work for Berkeley and with the BSA is being recognized on an even larger stage— we are thrilled to announce that he has just been elected to the University of California-wide Council of UC Staff Assemblies. CUCSA has representatives from all of the UC campuses, and works on system-wide initiatives to benefit all staff. These include making proposals to the Board of Regents and conducting biennial staff engagement surveys. In addition, “CUCSA has been instrumental in the success of several initiatives including the formation of the Staff Advisors to the Regents role, post-employment benefits, and domestic partnership benefits”. No one could deserve this honor more, and no one will work harder for the benefit of all UC staff than Brian!
Congratulations, Brian, and please keep us posted about your experiences with CUCSA!