After nearly two years without them due to the complex implementation of a new and improved integrated library system, new acquisitions lists are available once again.
Click on the links for French/Francophone , Iberian, and Italian Studies to view lists for each of these language and/or geographic designations. The news lists are updated daily and display all materials (except for journals) in UC Berkeley’s Doe, Moffitt, and Bancroft libraries cataloged (or re-cataloged) in the past 60 days, and are sorted by those most recently processed.
While the display is not conducive to browsing by subject, theme, or call number it does provide for a quick scan of some of the most recent titles and provides direct links to the live OskiCat records where availability can be checked.
Please keep in mind that this is the first iteration of these lists and they may be incomplete and could also be pulling in irrelevant titles while omitting relevant ones. Theses lists are still very much a work in progress. Should you lose track of the URLs, permanent links to the lists can be found on the Collection pages for each of these three academic departments – French, Italian, and Spanish & Portuguese.