Hopefully, all of you saw Michael Marks’ May 30th email. It has a number of important dates in it. Please return all books by Monday, June 11th. In preparation for the cessation of the Public Health Library contract, Document Delivery requests will not be accepted after Wednesday, June 27th. Web portal access will shut down Friday, July 6th so be sure to retrieve all your PDF articles by then. A number of print journals that CDPH will not have electronic access to have been moved to the CDPH Richmond Building C Library. All topical training webpages (e.g., Literature Searching, Health Statistics/Data Resources, etc.) will be given to OQPA for CDPH access after July 1st. Don’t forget to register as a CDPH Library Services User with OQPA.
The Public Health Library is now closed to the public in preparation for our merger with the Bioscience and Natural Resources library over the summer; however, contract services continue until June 30th. If you need to visit us or have any questions, please call us at 510-642-2510 or email me.
To express our appreciation and bid farewell, we are having a Contract Farewell Event on June 20, 2018 from 4-6:30 pm. We would love to you to attend if you are available. Retirees are invited as well. Please RSVP at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/62018Farewell
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Debbie Jan