Recently the California Digital Library (CDL) and its partners released DataUp, a free tool to help researchers (especially in the earth, ecological, and environmental sciences) to manage and archive their tabular data. It was developed to integrate with Microsoft Excel, though researchers can use the Web application and/or Microsoft Excel add-in. Both versions allow users to:
- Perform a “best practices check” to ensure data are well-formatted and organized
- Create standardized metadata, or a description of the data, using a wizard-style template
- Retrieve a unique identifier for their dataset from the data repository
- Post their datasets and associated metadata to the ONEShare repository.
More information about DataUp can be found in the press release and the DataPub blog. DataUp joins other data management tools developed by CDL and its partners including:
- DMP Tool: to help prepare and save data management plans for your grant applications
- EZID: to create and manage unique, persistent, and citable identifiers for your data
- Merritt: to manage, preserve, and/or share your data
Please see our Scientific Data Services for more information on these tools and other data management services.