Contemporary Mathematics ebooks available

The American Mathematical Society is moving into ebook territory with the launch of its Contemporary Mathematics ebooks series. The library recently purchased this online version, providing campus with access to the complete backfile of this series of high-quality, refereed proceedings. New volumes will become available online as they are published.

Links to individual volumes will eventually be loaded into our catalog so you can find them in OskiCat and Melvyl. They should also appear in UC-eLinks so you can link to them directly from MathSciNet.

Proxy server changes affect some users

On Tuesday April 24, the library made major changes to its proxy server, used for off-campus access to journals, ebooks, article databases, and other licensed electronic resources. These changes improve efficiency and security, and also simplify setup requirements in most cases.

Most users will see no changes, and your existing set-up should continue to work. However, the new proxy server does have new requirements related to cookies and changes to the Patron/PIN login method. Please see the What’s New in the Library article about this change for more information.